Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2745: 3 happy door

"What? Astral! Where is he? Bring him here at once."

Wang Changsheng's voice became heavy, and he ordered.

After so many years, the family finally has a spirit body.

"Yes, ancestors."

Wang Moshan said respectfully, and brought Wang Yidao and the four to Qinglian Peak.

"I have seen my ancestors."

The four Wang Moshan saluted one after another, and their expressions were excited.

Today's double happiness is coming, Wang Ruyan has advanced and merged, and there is one more spiritual person in the family.

Wang Yidao held the wooden sword and stood quietly by the side.

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Yidao carefully, and drew a circle toward the void with both hands. A circular blue light circle appeared out of nowhere, covering Wang Yidao's whole body.

He could clearly see that there were seven light spots on Wang Yidao's body.

"It is indeed a seven-star blade body! Haha."

Wang Changsheng was very excited. Not all spirit bodies were powerful. Some spirit bodies were weak, such as the jade-piercing spirit body. This kind of spirit body had a strong sense of metal ore veins and was a natural vein seeker. , its own supernatural power is not strong.

Some spiritual bodies are very abnormal, such as the body of Nirvana, which has a strong recovery ability. As long as there is still a breath, give the body of Nirvana a certain amount of time to recover. It is similar to the self-healing body of monsters, but the self-healing body The body is more abnormal, even if it is smashed into pieces, it can recover.

The Qixing Blade Body is a natural sword cultivator, and it is as famous as the Nine Heavens Blade Body. It is a relatively good spirit body. There are many spirit bodies that are better than the Seven Star Blade Body in the Xiuxian world, but these spirit bodies have not appeared for many years. See related records in the books.

No matter how good the spirit body is, without the matching exercises and treasures, the strength of the spirit body person is not much stronger, but the cultivation speed of the spirit body person is still very fast. You can only test it out after you have cultivated to a certain level.

"Yidao temporarily stay at Qinglian Peak! Let's take care of him. The existence of Yidao is not allowed to be rumored. This is one of our family's top secrets."

Wang Ruyan instructed, tracing back to the source, Wang Yidao is a descendant of Wang Qingfeng, but it has been many generations.

"Yes, ancestors."

The four of Wang Moshan agreed with their mouths, and they naturally wouldn't spread the word.

Considering that Wang Yidao was still young, Wang Changsheng asked Wang Xianxin and Chen Ruyi to live on Qinglian Island.

Wang Moshan took out a message board from his arms, punched in a magic formula, made a gesture, and showed a happy face: "Old ancestor, three joys are coming, we have another family member Wang Yuling, who is the queen of Zong Lang. people."

After Wang Zonglang ascended to Xuanyang Realm, under the arrangement of his family, he married a goddess cultivator, and there are many descendants.

After his death in battle, the family distributed a large pension, including a Nine Dragon Pill.

Wang Zonglang died in battle for his family. If his descendants cultivated to the Great Perfection of Spiritual Transformation, they could use the Heavenly Thunder Spiritual Talisman first. It was limited to five people, on a first-come, first-served basis. The family pension was not a small amount. Too wasteful, at least one person can enter the Void Refinement Stage.

The same is true for other clansmen. If they die in battle for the family, their descendants can get some privileges. For example, they will give priority to using the big formation to hit the big realm. The family will provide panacea for free to help the big realm. The better, the cultivation of immortals is similar,

It is precisely because of these regulations that the clansmen will be brave enough to dedicate themselves at critical moments.

After Wang Zonglang died in battle, the spiritual tablet was enshrined in Qinglian Tower for later generations to worship. In addition, his deeds were compiled into a book. After the new generation of clansmen began to practice, the clan elders would tell them the story of Wang Zonglang to educate them. younger generation.

"Feng Linggen! Take her to Qinglian Peak! We will take care of her and teach her to practice."

Wang Changsheng instructed that Wang Zonglang was the first cultivator who died in battle since the family was founded, and Wang Changsheng would naturally take good care of Wang Zonglang's descendants.

There are many descendants of Wang Zonglang, Wang Yuling is considered to be very qualified, and Wang Changsheng is also willing to take Wang Yuling to Qinglian Peak and teach him personally.

It is a good thing that the family is born in large numbers.

There are more than 100,000 people in the clan, and only a small number of outstanding juniors have this treatment. Most of the clan members have never seen Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with their own eyes, only their portraits.

Wang Moshan agreed and left with Wang Mousen.

"You guys stay in the small courtyard next door! Take care of a knife."

Wang Changsheng ordered Wang Xianxin and Chen Ruyi to leave with Wang Yidao and stay in the next courtyard.

"Husband, I have entered the integration period, can I consider taking my in-laws to Qinglian Island? Enjoy the joy of family?"

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Duan Tongtian is a sword cultivator and is obsessed with the art of swordsmanship. It is better for him to teach Wang Yidao to practice. In addition, with his cultivation in the later stage of tiger refining, it is also suitable for him to protect Wang Yidao. Wang Yidao is Wang Qingshao. and the descendants of Dong Xueli.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "I think so too, I'll let Qingfeng and Xueli go and invite him! It's not easy for him to be alone, our family is now strong, and it's time for him to enjoy the family happiness. ."

Even if the Song family knew that Master Crazy Blade was Wang Changsheng's in-law, they probably wouldn't deal with the Wang family for an old past event. The Song family wanted to borrow it like this, and the Tehai Palace did not allow the family to kill each other.

As long as the Wang family always has fit monks, it is fine for other forces to know that the Wang family has the Tianxu Jade Book. Of course, it still depends on the content of the Tianxu Jade Book.

"Wan Hai Xian Jing" leaked out, will definitely cause trouble.

Wang Ruyan took out the communication disk and entered a magic formula, and Wang Qingfeng's voice sounded: "Mother, you are out of the gate!

"Well, I've already entered the integration period. You and Xue Li go to the inland, take your in-laws over, and tell him that there is a spirit person in our family, trace the origin, he is your descendant, I want to invite He taught him to practice."

Wang Ruyan briefly said what happened,

"What? Spirits! What spirits."

Wang Qingfeng's tone was excited.

"Seven-star sword body, a spirit body with the same name as the nine-day sword body, a natural sword cultivator, go and return quickly, this matter is one of our family's top secrets, don't tell outsiders casually."

Wang Ruyan warned.

"Seven-star knife body, great, I know, mother, we will leave for the inland immediately."

Wang Qingfeng said excitedly.

Putting away the communication tray, Wang Ruyan revealed a happy face, and said, "Three joys are coming, within ten thousand years, our family will have at least one more fit cultivator."

"You first retreat to consolidate your cultivation base! I will do the rest."

Wang Changsheng exhorted that the Wang family has two integrated monks, and they have become a major force in the human race of the Xuanling Continent.

Wang Ruyan nodded and walked towards Qinglian Pavilion not far away.

"Haitang! Where have you been?"

Wang Changsheng sighed lightly and said to himself, his face full of confusion.

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