Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2746: 9 Fairy Leaf Begonia

Over the years, some clansmen have used the Flying Spirit Formation to ascend to Xuanyang Realm one after another, and they all said that Ye Haitang's natal soul lamp has not been extinguished.

Generally speaking, when the immortal cultivator falls, the natal soul lamp must go out, but if the natal soul lamp goes out, the immortal cultivator does not necessarily fall.

The Xuanyang Realm is mainly divided into seven areas, and there are some remote corners. It is possible that Ye Haitang smuggled into remote corners or other places. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are not well-known, and it is normal for Ye Haitang to not know.

Despite the fact that there are more than 100,000 clansmen in the Wang family, there are not many clansmen who are close to Wang Changsheng, and Ye Haitang is one of them;

Ye Haitang was grown up by Wang Changsheng. He promised Wang Changyue that he would take good care of Ye Haitang. Ye Haitang's whereabouts were unknown, and Wang Changsheng was very worried.

He had bought news from Qiyuelou, but Qiyuelou was unable to provide information on Ye Haitang.

Ye Haitang should be in the virtual stage at the moment. It is really difficult for a virtual cultivator to make a name for himself in the Xuanyang realm.

As long as Ye Haitang was alive, Wang Changsheng believed that they would meet sooner or later, no matter how far away or how long they were apart, the blood-green relationship would never be broken.


In the southeastern part of the Xuanling Continent, the Grey Toad Mountains stretch for hundreds of millions of miles. This is the old nest of the Grey Toad Clan, but it has been captured by the Green Ape Clan.

The Grey Toad Clan is a subordinate race of the Lizard Clan. They are hard-core vassals. There are as many as eight cultivators. The Green Ape Clan, Thunder Bull Clan, Snow Clan and many other small clans have joined forces to deal with the Grey Toad Clan. It took hundreds of years. , and only then captured the Grey Toad Mountains.

In the depths of the mountains, you can see a large number of buildings and a large number of corpses, most of which are members of the Grey Toad tribe, and a small number of human monks can also be seen.

In a collapsed palace, a burly old man in golden robe was talking to Qin Sen.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, we have already captured the old nest of the Grey Toads, we can repair it for a while!"

The golden-robed old man said solemnly, Ape Xin, the patriarch of the Blue Ape Clan, was in the middle of the fusion.

"Of course you can. In the next battle, you don't need to take action, but you have to send some clansmen to participate in the battle. I will report to the head and ask for credit for you. Uncle Lin must be very happy to know."

Qin Sen said with a smile:

The human race only sent some monks to participate in the war, mainly the small clans such as the green ape clan to take the lead to deal with the subordinate races of the lizard clan, and they have already won some territories. An affiliated race of the Lizard.

The younger brother starts the fight first, and the big brother is watching the play behind, waving the flag and shouting to support the resources of cultivating immortals,

How can the years be quiet, but the subordinate races carry forward their burdens

Yuan Xin agreed that in this war, the Qing Yuan family has gained a lot, and the losses are not small, and they can accept it.


Demon Realm, Demon Flame Continent

The Qing Falcon Mountains are located in the middle of the Demon Flame Continent and stretch for hundreds of millions of miles. There are many powerful magical beasts living here, as well as many cultivation resources, attracting many practitioners to hunt and kill monsters here.

The Demon World is an interface dominated by the Demon Race. In addition to the Demon Race, there are many races.

There was a deafening roar from the depths of the mountain range, the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and you could see a variety of rays of light interspersed, and the air waves were billowing.

A cyan escaping light flew out from the depths of the mountain, and the speed was very fast.

A shrill cry of Devil May Cry sounded, spreading all over the world

The speed of the blue light was slowed down, and a fat old man in blue robe appeared. The old man in blue robe had a round face and small eyes, his left arm was missing, his face was pale, and there was a terrifying blood hole on his left shoulder.

There was a ripple in the void above the head of the old man in green robe, a vortex with a size of several hundred meters appeared out of nowhere, a mass of incomparably rich yin gushed out, and a pitch-black ghost claw suddenly protruded from it, ten fingers sharp and slender, Grab the old man in green robe.

The blue-robed old man turned pale with fright, opened his mouth and spewed out a flying knife that flickered with blue light, slashing at the black ghost claw.

With a muffled sound, the cyan flying knife smashed the black ghost claws into pieces,

The void in front of the old man in green robe swayed with ripples, and a pitch-black giant palm appeared out of nowhere. The entire body of the giant palm was enveloped in black light, which was quite extraordinary

As soon as the black giant palm appeared, the blue-robed old man felt his body tighten, and it became difficult to breathe, as if the void was frozen.

The environment in front of him changed, and the old man in green robe suddenly appeared on a large bluestone square. Hundreds of women dressed in tulle and as tall as Na danced for him and made various movements.

"No, Illusionist."

The old man in green robe thought of something and exclaimed.

He felt an unbearable pain, the scene in front of him changed, the black giant palm defeated his body protection aura, and slapped on him,

After a scream, the body of the old man in green robe exploded and turned into countless blood mists.

A mini Nascent Soul held a blue flying knife and flew high into the sky. Just after flying for more than ten miles, a giant tower with black light flashed out of nowhere, spewing a black glow, covering the mini Nascent Soul.

The Mini Nascent Soul wanted to avoid it, and a shrill Devil May cry sounded, and the Mini Nascent Soul's eyes became dull. When it regained consciousness, the black dew light had already covered it, and it was dragged into the black giant tower and disappeared.

Two beams of light flew from afar, and the light converged, revealing the figures of Ye Haitang and Fang Mu. Both of them exuded a strong evil spirit.

Ye Haizhang revised the practice method "Nine Outs of Straight Classics". This practice method comes from the clan, and the practice is a relatively powerful race in the Xijie. There are as many as five Mahayana monks, but the elders of the You clan and the ancestors of Xuanfu After forging a deadly feud, Xuanfu Saint Ancestor used his great supernatural powers to destroy the You Clan, and his name moved the Demon Realm.

After the You Clan was exterminated, a large number of secrets of the practice methods were also circulated.

The exercises in the hands of Tianmogong are not complete, only the first twenty-one level of exercises can be practiced to the later stage of integration, which is already very good.

Ye Haitang and Fang Mu worked for the Tianmo Palace. In order to obtain resources for immortal cultivation, they carried out tasks everywhere.

A deacon of the Heavenly Demon Palace was killed during the mission. Ye Haitang and Fang Mu were ordered to investigate. It took hundreds of years to find the hiding place of the real murderer and join forces to deal with the murderer.

Ye Haitang is a sixth-order Array Master, and also practiced the "Jiuyou Zhenjing". She has a lot of supernatural powers.

Fang Mu has ten corpses of the god-transforming stage, carrying a coffin on his back, and is called the Heavenly Corpse Master by the majority of monks.

Ye Haitang is obsessed with formations and ghost exorcism, and has no interest in the love between men and women, let alone Fang Mu. When he arrived in the demon world, he still did not change his old hand and still likes to collect corpses. The corpses of monsters or enemies were made by him. Shocked corpse against the enemy.

"Finally, we can go back and do business."

Fang Mu breathed a sigh of relief and looked comfortable.

Ye Haitang nodded, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the giant black tower quickly shrank, turning into a black light and disappearing into the sleeve.

They turned into two rays of light and flew high into the sky, returning to the Heavenly Demon Palace.

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