Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2747: Silence King 1 knife

Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

In a secluded small courtyard with green tiles, Wang Xianxin and Wang Yidao were exhorting something.

They have lived in Qinglian Peak for more than ten years, and Wang Yidao has entered the foundation-building stage.

Wang Changsheng personally taught Wang Yidao the basic knowledge of immortal cultivation, and taught Wang Yidao to refine tools, but Wang Yidao did not have the talent in this area, nor was he interested.

Wang Yidao has no interest in refining tools, alchemy, making talismans, arranging formations, or guarding beasts, nor does he have any talent, so he is not suitable for being an artist.

This is not surprising. There are more than thirty cultivators in the Wang family. Most of the cultivators have not mastered these skills. Wang Changsheng did not force it.

The Qixing Sword Body is a natural sword cultivator. Wang Yidao is indeed talented. He practiced the "Eight Wilderness Slaughtering Demons and Slaying the Spirit", but he realized the meaning of the sword at the foundation stage.

Both Sword Intent and Sword Intent must be comprehended, and it depends entirely on one’s talent. Some cultivators do not realize either Sword Intent or Sword Intent until they reach the Spirit Transformation stage.

Wang Qingshan comprehended the sword intent during the foundation-building period, and Wang Yidao realized the sword intent during the foundation-building period. This record has not been broken by any clan member for the time being.

Whether it is Sword Intent or Sword Intent, it is not easy to achieve great success. Sword Intent Great Achievement or Sword Intent Mahayana depends entirely on the individual, not absolutely depends on the realm of the cultivator.

Some monks comprehend Sword Intent at the foundation-building stage, and when they cultivate to the Void Refinement Stage, Sword Intent still cannot be mastered. raise not

"Cultivation of immortals is like rowing a boat against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Beware of arrogance and impetuousness. You must work harder. God rewards your diligence. If you don't work hard, no matter how good your talent is, it's useless."

Wang Xianxin followed the instructions.


Wang Yidao nodded.

"Yidao, if there is anything you can tell Dad, don't keep it in your heart."

Wang Xianxin said kindly, and sighed in his heart.

Wang Yidao was silent and said nothing to any clan, including Wang Youxin and Chen Ruyi.

Wang Yidao seldom speaks, and only a few words are said. Wang Youxin also hopes that Wang Yidao will be more cheerful, and even invites Wang Yidao to accompany Wang Yidao, hoping that Wang Yier can make Wang Yidao more cheerful.

Wang Yier and Wang Yidao have been together for more than a month. Not only did they fail to make Wang Yidao cheerful, but Wang Yier became a little depressed and had to give up.

There is no way, Wang Yidao is a boring gourd. He and Wang Yier are in the same room. As long as Wang Yier doesn't speak, Wang Yidao doesn't speak.

Wang Yidao has a withdrawn personality. In addition to cultivating, he is looking up the experience of his predecessors cultivating the "Eight Wilderness Slaughtering Demons and Slaying the Spirit".

"I know." Wang Yidao nodded.

Wang Xianxin shook his head and didn't say anything else. Wang Yidao has always been like this since he was a child. It is estimated that he can't change it. It's okay to be withdrawn.

He took out a light-gold communication plate from his arms and punched in a magic formula. Wang Changsheng's voice sounded: "You Xin, please let Yidao come over. I will introduce him to a person, and I will teach him to practice in the future."

"Yes, ancestors."

Wang Youxin responded with a sound, put away the communication tray, and ordered Wang Yidao: "You heard it all, go to the ancestors! Listen to the ancestors."


Wang Yidao got up and walked out

Not long after, Wang Yidao appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng, Duan Tongtian, Dong Xueli and Wang Qingfeng were sitting in the stone pavilion.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli were all smiles, and Duan Tongtian's expression was solemn.

To tell the truth, he did not want to think of Qinglian Island

Duan Tongtian is worried that he will bring bad luck to the Wang family. The Wang family is developing very well. He doesn't want to bring trouble to the Wang family.

Wang Qingfeng's speech made Duan Tongtian unable to refuse. Duan Tongtian practiced the sword technique since childhood, and learned from many monks.

Duan Tongtian wanted Wang Qingfeng to inherit his mantle, but knowing that Wang Yidao was the descendant of Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli, and had a seven-star sword body, Duan Tongtian could not refuse.

"Yidao, this is another of your ancestors, and Xue Li is his daughter."

Wang Changsheng pointed at Duan Tongtian and introduced that Wang Yidao said very few words, and he was not worried about him telling others at all.

"I have seen my ancestors with a knife."

Wang Yidao bowed and bowed with a calm expression.

Duan Tongtian looked at Wang Yidao up and down, and with a flick of his finger, a green blade swept out, instantly appearing in front of Wang Yidao.

Wang Changsheng ignored it. He summoned dozens of high-level refiners and used a secret method to refine a body-protecting treasure for Wang Yidao, which could automatically protect the master, and it was not a problem to resist a blow from the cultivator.

The core children of the major forces have this kind of treasure to ensure that the core children grow up smoothly and will not fall in the middle.

A fierce sword intent rushed out of Wang Yidao's body, and a golden sword energy swept out and greeted him.

The cyan sword qi suddenly stopped, and the golden sword qi collided with the cyan sword qi, like an egg hitting a stone, instantly collapsed.

"Knife Intent! Yes, haha, I realized the saber Intent at the foundation stage, UU reading is much better than me.

Duan Tongtian laughed and looked excited

In his eyes, Wang Yidao is a piece of uncarved jade, and it is a great blessing and recognition for him to be able to personally teach Wang Yidao to practice.

"My dear family, I will hand it over to you in the future. This child talks less, and if there is anything disrespectful, you should take care of it.

Wang Changsheng said with a smile.

"The family doesn't speak the words of the two families. It's nothing to talk about. I think at the beginning, I didn't speak much. I practiced the Imperial Sword Technique day and night. I will definitely teach him well and make him the most powerful sword cultivator in the Wang family."

Duan Tongtian said at the end, with a look of reminiscence on his face

He thought of Dong Xueli's mother and his eyes dimmed.

"The most powerful swordsman in the Wang family, my father-in-law, you are the most powerful swordsman."

Wang Qingfeng corrected.

Duan Tongtian smiled without saying a word, and was very moved. Wang Qingfeng said this because he regarded him as his own.

"Qingfeng, Xueli, you find a quiet place to live, and which cave dwelling your in-laws see, even if you open your mouth, I'll ask you in the future."

Wang Changsheng said sternly.

"Don't be so troublesome, the small valley near Qinglian Peak is quite nice, I'll just live there."

Duan Tongtian doesn't care about these little things

"Okay, if you like it, Qing Feng and Xue Li will arrange it for you."

Wang Changsheng disagreed and agreed.

Wang Yidao stood aside without speaking, listening to Wang Changsheng chatting among the four.

After chatting for an hour, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli took Duan Tongtian down to rest, Wang Yidao followed Duan Tongtian and left, because of Peng Shen, after leaving Qinglian Peak, Duan Tongtian changed his appearance to avoid unnecessary trouble.

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