Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3132: Treasure hunt in the tomb of the moon swinging

【Top of Qinglian】【】

The Presbyterian Council is set up to limit the rights of the head of the family. The selection of the person in charge of each hall is selected by the Presbyterian Council, which is open and transparent.

No matter which person in charge of the tangkou, he must have real credit. This is not the beginning of the establishment of the clan. If you have a little talent, you can hold an important position. If you want to be the person in charge of the tangkou, you must be very good.

During Wang Moshan's retreat, all the family affairs were handed over to Wang Yihong, and Wang Yihong's handling was in an orderly manner.

With Wang Yihong assisting with family affairs, Wang Moshan felt a lot easier. "Yes, the head of the family." Wang Yihong agreed.

Wang Moshan said a few words, got up and left. When he returned to his residence, Wang Moxin stood at the door with a smile on his face. Wang Moxin was the head of the Economic and Trade Hall and was in charge of the business of the whole family.

"Moxin, where are the things!" Wang Moshan asked.

Wang Moxin took out a beautiful cyan jade box and handed it to Wang Moshan. Wang Moshan opened the jade box and saw that there was a blood-red crystal nucleus with some golden patterns on the surface of the crystal nucleus.

The crystal nucleus left by the seventh-order bloodthirsty vine, Wang Rumi exchanged some seventh-order refining materials with a cultivator, according to the person, he came from the Xuanguang Continent.

"Go, follow me to Qinglian Peak."

Wang Moshan was overjoyed, put away the jade box, and came to Qinglian Peak with Wang Moxin.

Wang Ruyan is teaching Wang Yulan the talisman, Wang Yulan lives in Qinglian Peak now, and Wang Ruyan personally teaches the art of talisman.

She took out a light-blue dharma plate and entered a tactic, her eyes flashed with surprise. She opened the ban, and it didn't take long for Wang Moshan and Wang Moxin to walk in.

"Meet the ancestors." Wang Moxin and Wang Moshan bowed and saluted with respect. Wang Moshan took out the blue jade box and handed it to Wang Ruyan with both hands.

"The crystal nucleus of the seventh-order bloodthirsty vine! Where did you collect it?" Wang Ruyan asked casually, opening the cyan jade box.

"Seven Stars True Monarch, he claimed to be from the Xuanguang Continent, and exchanged the seventh-order wood demon crystal core with us for the seventh-order poisonous insect poisonous beast's inner alchemy."

Wang Moxin explained that he gave a detailed account of what happened.

"Seven Stars Zhenjun, I know, Ru Mi has done a good job, remember her credit, you all quit!" Wang Ruyan waved her hand and told them to quit. "You practice slowly first, I'll do something. "Wang Ruyan greeted Wang Yulan, got up and left.

She came to a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, the valley was filled with a lot of purple miasma, and she couldn't see what was inside.

Wang Ruyan took out a light blue square token, with a grass pattern on the front of the token, and when it was shaken lightly, a blue light flew out, submerging into the valley, and the purple miasma rolled violently, revealing a passage.

She put a shield on herself and walked in with big strides. There were a lot of poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds growing in the valley, and the miasma filled the air.

Dozens of thick blood-colored thorns drilled out of the ground and appeared in front of Wang Ruyan. It was the Wood Demon. It was currently the sixth-rank top grade, and was only one step away from the seventh-rank.

Wang Ruyan took out the crystal nucleus of the bloodthirsty vine and threw it on the ground. Dozens of blood-colored thorns wrapped the crystal nucleus and formed a sphere.

Before that, it had refined a seventh-order wood demon crystal nucleus, and now there is another wood demon crystal nucleus, which may be able to hit the seventh-order.

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

Wang Ruyan sacrificed a cyan cloth bag and punched a magic trick. The cyan cloth bag spurted out a blue glow, and a huge blood worm appeared on the ground.

This is a sixth-rank high-grade blood worm, and it is still alive.

A large number of blood-colored thorns drilled out of the ground, entangling the body of the blood-earth beast.

The huge body of the blood worm kept twisting, trying to break free, but it was of no use. Its body shriveled down at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a mummified corpse.

Wang Ruyan turned around and walked out, the passage was healed.

She took out a light blue dharma plate and entered a tactic. Wang Chuanming's voice sounded: "Old Ancestor, there is news about True Monarch Blood Knife. He appeared in the territory of the Golden Scale Clan and captured the nests of many small clans. The reason is Unknown."

The Wang family has been looking for True Monarch Blood Saber, so as to destroy True Monarch Blood Saber.

Not long after True Monarch Xuedao left the Xuedao Gate, the soul lamps of many cultivators went out, their vitality was severely damaged, and they quickly fell.

"Overseas, send someone to pay attention to his news, and report it as soon as there is news." Wang Ruyan instructed. "Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Chuanming agreed.

"True Monarch Blood Knife! Why did he go overseas! Is it possible to cross the sea?"

Wang Ruyan said to herself, even if she and Wang Changsheng were not too sure about crossing the sea, True Monarch Xuedao dared to cross the sea at the early stage of integration, is it something to rely on, or is there another plan?

Without evidence, everything is hard to say. Wang Ruyan returned to Qinglian Peak and continued to guide Wang Yulan to the talisman...

In a certain blue sea, the sea breeze is blowing, and the sky is clear.

A blood-colored Changhong appeared in the distant sky, and not long after, a blood-colored Changhong appeared over a barren island with a radius of hundreds of miles, and it was a flying boat flickering with blood.

True Monarch Blood Knife and Chu Feng stood on it, True Monarch Blood Knife's face was pale and his eyes were full of fear.

There are too many Tier 7 monsters overseas. Not long ago, they were attacked by Tier 7 monsters again, and the clone of True Monarch Blood Knife was killed by Tier 7 monsters.

The blood-colored flying boat slowly landed at the foot of a towering peak mountain, and at the foot of the mountain was a cave several feet in size.

"It's still very difficult to cross the sea with your current cultivation. If I restore my cultivation, we will have a greater chance of crossing the sea together."

Chu Feng suggested. "Let's talk about it!"

True Monarch Blood Knife said vaguely, put away the blood-colored flying boat, and strode towards the cave. Chu Fengliu frowned, didn't say anything, and followed...

Qianyuan Continent, Tomb of Dangyue.

In a swamp, a purple miasma floated in the air, and there was a faint deafening sound of thunder, and one after another thick silver lightning struck down, the purple miasma rolled violently, and most of it collapsed.

A loud thunder sounded, and a thick silver thunder column fell from the sky, very conspicuous.

In the depths of the swamp, a black toad fell to the ground, its body was scorched black, and there was a terrifying blood hole in its head, and it remained motionless.

Wang Mengbin and six people stood aside with different expressions.

Many races fought, and in order to avoid the war, they did not travel fast and changed directions many times.

When passing by a certain clan, Wang Mengbin found a reason and separated from Fairy Feng Yuan and others.

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

They first found a square market, where Wang Mengbin cultivated for a period of ten years, and cultivated the supernatural powers of the fusion stage. It took more than ten years before they arrived at the Tomb of Dangyue and officially began the treasure hunt.

"It's finally resolved. Ancestor Meng Bin's thunder technique is too destructive, and the seventh-order monster is no match."

Wang Yingjie praised with a smile.

The seventh-order monster in the Tomb of Dangyue, this is the third seventh-order monster they have encountered.

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