Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3133: 9 Miasma

【Top of Qinglian】【】

Wang Mengbin has many pieces of mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, especially the Five Thunder Halberds.

There is no need, they don't want to fight the seventh-order monsters to the death, after all, Wang Yingjie's five people's cultivation base is not high, and Wang Mengbin can't take care of them in a fight. If he can avoid them, try to avoid them.

The first two seventh-order monster beasts avoided it, and spared a long way, this seventh-order black cloud toad had no way to avoid it, and could only get rid of it.

If it wasn't for Wang Mengbin's advance into the fusion period, they would have no way to get here, and three seventh-order monsters would be enough for them to drink a pot.

"It's better to be careful, this place is more dangerous than the Meteorite Market."

Wang Mengbin's face was dignified, except for the seventh-order monsters, there were also many banned.

Bai Yuqi put away the body of the black toad, and the group rose into the air and flew towards the front. Hundreds of bee puppet beasts surrounded them, which was also a warning.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of poisonous insects and poisonous beasts. Fortunately, the ranks were not high, so Wang Yingjie and the four took action to solve it, without Wang Mengbin's action.

Two days later they stopped, and there was an open field ahead, barren.

Bai Yuqi took out a small mirror that was flickering with silver light, and injected mana into it. The small silver mirror burst out with dazzling silver light, spewing out a silvery glow, covering the void, nothing unusual.

The silver glow moved slowly and found nothing unusual. "Go!"

With Wang Zongyun's tactic, dozens of bee puppets fluttered their wings and flew towards the open space.

After the bee puppets flew into the open field more than a hundred meters, they suddenly stopped, their bodies trembled slightly, and then small cracks appeared on the surface of the body, torn apart, and turned into a pile of broken copper and iron.

"Space is forbidden!"

Bai Yuqi's willow brows were furrowed, so she could only take a detour, fortunately the dense forest was relatively large.

After half a day, they appeared outside a long and narrow canyon. The vegetation in the valley was sparse and looked a bit desolate.

Wang Yingjie took out a map and checked it carefully.

The last time Master Hunyuan visited the Tomb of Dangyue was tens of thousands of years ago. After so many years, the information mastered by Master Hunyuan may not be reliable. Some places where the seventh-order monsters were originally entrenched, or other monsters were replaced, or There are no monsters, and there may be monsters in some places where there were no monsters.

The limit on divine consciousness here is very large, and their divine consciousness cannot be spread too far.

Liu Hongxue flipped his right hand, a red light flashed, a red eyeball appeared on his hand, the surface of the red eyeball flashed with runes, and the aura was amazing.

This Spirit Detecting Orb is made from the eyeballs of the multi-eyed clan in the refining period. It can see the situation in the distance, and it can come in handy at this time.

She injected mana, and the spirit bead lit up with a dazzling red light. "Nine Yin Miasmas! It's actually this kind of gregarious poisonous insect." Liu Hongxue frowned.

"How many seventh-order nine-yin miasma bees are there?" Wang Yingjie asked.

"Four, all of them are of the seventh-order low-grade, and there are dozens of sixth-order nine-yin miasma bees." Liu Hongxue said truthfully.

"Let them away with puppet beasts, and trap them with treasures! Coupled with the formation, there should be no problem."

Wang Mengbin suggested. They returned along the way they came and started to arrange.

In the canyon, in an underground cave with a size of more than 100 acres, you can see a large number of purple monster bees. They have nine circle-like black spiritual patterns on their tails, and some golden spiritual patterns on their thin wings.

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

Nine-Yin Miasma, a gregarious poisonous insect.

A dazzling silver thunder light lit up, and Wang Mengbin appeared at once, with a pair of silver flickering wings on his back, filled with countless silver arcs.

In his hand, he held a gleaming halberd, and the surface was filled with arcs of five different colors.

With a flick of his wrist, hundreds of thick five-color lightning bolts rushed out, heading straight for the Nine Yin Miasmas.

Hit by five-color lightning, the low-level nine-yin miasma bee vanished into ashes.

The seventh-order nine-yin miasma wasps found Wang Mengbin, flapped their wings, and rushed over.

Wang Mengbin shouted loudly, echoing in the underground cave, it was Zhen Shen's roar.

After entering the fusion stage, Wang Mengbin's spiritual awareness improved a lot, and when he used the God-Suppressing Roar again, his power naturally increased.

A large number of nine-yin miasma fell from the air, and there was no breath, and the body of the seventh-order nine-yin miasma trembled slightly.

With a flash of blue light, a giant blue brick appeared out of thin air and smashed towards the seventh-order nine-yin miasma. After stagnation, they each spewed out a purple poisonous fire, hitting the blue giant brick, and a burst of blue smoke rose from the blue giant brick, and the aura dimmed.

Their sharp claws slammed towards the blue giant brick, which was torn apart and turned into a pile of debris.

Wang Mengbin turned into a silver light and flew out.

The seventh-order nine-yin miasma quickly chased out, and was about to tear Wang Mengbin into pieces.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Mengbin appeared in the sky above a dense forest, followed by four huge nine-yin miasma bees.

As soon as Wang Mengbin's tactic was pinched, there was a deafening sound of thunder from high in the sky, and four thick silver lightning bolts fell from the sky, slashing at the Nine Yin Miasma Bee.

The nine-yin miasma wasps were about to avoid, when a loud man shouted loudly, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Before they regained consciousness, four thick silver lightnings landed on them, and the dazzling thunder light drowned their figures.

With a flash of silver light, a giant tower with flickering silver light appeared out of thin air, spewing out a silvery glow, covering the four nine-yin miasma bees and getting involved in the silver giant tower.

The silver tower shook violently, as if it would fall from the sky at any time.

The low-grade Tongtian Lingbao can't trap them for too long, and it is not easy to kill them. Wang Mengbin is not so arrogant that he can trap them for a while.

Wang Mengbin took out a yellow-glowing array plate and punched in several magic tricks. The ground shook slightly, and countless yellow mists emerged, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

He jumped and flew towards the coming road. When he returned to the canyon, Liu Hongxue and the others were already picking the elixir in the cave.

"Successful, quickly retreat, you can't stay here." Wang Mengbin shouted loudly.

The five of Wang Yingjie flew out of the underground cave in a hurry, and the six of them flew out of the canyon. Passing through the canyon, a vast and boundless grassland appeared in front of them.

According to the map, you can reach your destination by crossing this grassland.

They have been in the Tomb of Dangyue for more than half a year, detouring many times, avoiding many forbidden places, and scrapping many treasure hunt puppets.

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【Top of Qinglian】【】

The more this time comes, the less Wang Mengbin dares to be careless.

Wang Zongyun manipulated the bee puppet to be alert in front, and they followed behind with a look of alertness.

Seven days later they crossed the steppe and came to an endless green mountain range, and they stood outside a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the valley was filled with a lot of red mist.

"That's it." Wang Yingjie's face became solemn, and his breathing became heavy.

Liu Hongxue took out the spirit-exploring orb, injected mana, and frowned, "The forbidden area is set up here, so I can't see the situation in the valley clearly."

Wang Zongyun sacrificed a giant bear puppet beast in the God Transformation stage, and controlled the giant bear puppet beast to walk towards the valley, and the speed was not fast.

Not long after, a deafening roar sounded, and a deafening dragon roar was faintly heard.

"Jiaolong?" Wang Mengbin's face tightened.

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