Top of the big era

Chapter 2803 Open Source Agreement

What Mr. Zhang said is a bit contrary to common sense. What does it mean that the more shares you hold, the less value you have? When the shareholding reaches 100%, will it be worthless? Because the greatest value of a technology company is not the product, but the people who create the product.

The more shares Zhou Buqi holds in Tesla, the greater his voice in Tesla will be.

He can really use his power to open source some of Tesla's intellectual property.

However, if Tesla’s elite talents do not agree with such a strategy and feel that it is a waste of their wisdom, they will leave their jobs one after another, and there may even be a class action lawsuit.

Once this happens, all of Tesla's assets will be destroyed.

This is also the reason why there is so much money in China now, but some technical barriers cannot be overcome. Even if you are rich and buy someone else's company... that won't work. Before you bought it, the company was very valuable, but if you bought it, the company would be worthless.

State-owned enterprise bosses know this kind of thing very well.

So when Zhou Buqi said that he owned a high stake in Tesla, he would have a disapproving attitude, thinking that he had reached a fork in the road, let alone promoting the development of the domestic electric vehicle industry, and might end up He will lose both his life and money.

As everyone knows, when Zhou Buqi runs a business, the most important thing is people.

He never imposes his will on others. Even if there are some disagreements, he will communicate repeatedly and use more advanced ideas to gain the other party's recognition and reach a consensus. Instead of being the boss, you can do whatever you want, and you can act like a leader and ask your subordinates to do things according to your requirements unconditionally.

It's not just him. Business management in the Internet industry has never relied on power, but on ideas.

This idea can be a career ideal, an ambition to change the world, or a vulgar purpose of joining forces to make a lot of money together. In short, from top to bottom in a company, everyone is working in the same direction, and there is a "community of ideas."

In order to eliminate this superior-subordinate relationship in the power structure, many technology companies only have reporting relationships but no superior-subordinate relationships. For example, in Baidu, you can call Li Yanhong by his first name, or you can call him his English name "Robin", but you can't call him Mr. Li; in Alibaba, you can call Boss Ma "Jack", or you can call him Hua. The name is "Feng Qingyang", but you can't call him Mr. Ma; in Penguin, there is only pony but no Mr. Ma; in Ziweixing, you are not allowed to call this "boss" or "brother", they are all called by their first names.

But the companies of these racing bosses are different.

None of them are in business.

This is a top-down power structure, with superiors controlling subordinates based on their position. This is wrong. Everyone is submissive because of their power, rather than actively working together towards a common goal. There is often one emperor and one courtier. Even if you do a good job and have outstanding performance, it is easy to get sidelined in the process of decentralization of power among factions.

This is not only the case with the car industry bosses present, but also with most private enterprises.

Just like Zhou Buqi's Yuanwei Group.

The reason why Fang Qiwen misled Yuanwei Group twice was because his thinking lacked marketability and he lacked the emphasis on talents. What he needs are minions to obey him, not talents to help him make the company bigger and stronger.

Shi Jinglin had laid the foundation of Yuanwei Group and had done well in all aspects, so she could feel relieved to hand over power.

But after the power fell into the hands of Fang Qiwen, he quickly adjusted the organizational structure and replaced all the handy executives arranged by Shi Jinglin with his "own people". It directly changes the conceptual company logic of Yuanwei Group towards power.

It’s no wonder that Yuanwei Group’s performance is not bad!

Not to mention that this is just a small company that sells drinks and milk tea, even if you sell oil and mines!

On this occasion, Zhou Buqi really couldn't talk about these ideological and false things. He could only talk about Tesla matter-of-factly. He said: "One thing I am working on recently is to promote the delisting of Tesla. "


Everyone doesn’t understand it very well.

Zhou Buqi said: "After delisting, Tesla will have less market-level constraints and can make some bolder decisions. My plan is two steps. The first step is to promote Tesla's The second step of open source intellectual property is to promote Tesla to build a super factory in China to promote the improvement of the domestic electric vehicle supporting industry chain. As long as these two steps are completed, the foundation of the domestic electric vehicle industry will be built. "

"Delisting cannot solve the key problems."

Mr. Zhang shook his head.

Mr. Wei also felt that there was no need to discuss this issue any further. Free sharing of intellectual property rights was impossible. “I don’t know the situation on the Internet, but in the automotive industry, no one is willing to share their technology for free. In the past twenty years, we have made great efforts to exchange the market for technology, and we have only obtained some very marginal things. According to your thinking, we can get what they have invested countless funds in research. Electric vehicle technology? Is this possible?”

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized that they didn't understand the meaning of "open source" at all.

I thought that open source technology meant free sharing.

That's not the case.

This is an effective strategy promoted by the Internet industry and can quickly promote common progress in the industry. The current era is the Internet era, and the technical reasons behind this largely come from open source protocols.

The open source agreement does not mean that I have worked hard to develop a set of technologies and then distribute them to everyone around the world for free.

Phenomenally speaking, this is indeed the case.

There are more important requirements for open source agreements.

That is, once you use open source technology and develop new technology relying on open source technology, then this new technology must also be open source. The existence of open source protocols ensures that developers all over the world can rely on a set of solutions to carry out continuous upgrades and iterations, continuous technology updates... and it will continue to be open source, thus promoting the rapid development of the industry.

Just like Android system.

This is an open source system.

If a company develops a new system relying on the framework of the Android system... then this system must also be open source. This is the open source agreement. If you just want to enjoy and don't want to pay, and use Android to create a closed operating system, then you are violating the open source agreement, which is equivalent to putting yourself outside the global technology industry, and others will never play with you again. .

There are many projects in the country that have been criticized both verbally and writtenly.

It is obviously made using a foreign open source framework, but after it is made, it is encapsulated and does not allow others to share its research results. Not only will it be criticized by colleagues in the industry, but the development of this project will also be limited, and it will also You can only mix in the country. If you want to develop overseas, you must open source, because open source agreements have legal effect in many countries.

Zhou Buqi wants to promote the open source of Tesla's intellectual property rights, not because he is Tesla's major shareholder and he can do whatever he wants.

Pressure from power has never been his style.

He knows Musk.

This guy is a big fan of the open source strategy.

This is a common ideal between the two sides.

Even without Zhou Buqi's promotion, Musk will continue to open source all relevant intellectual property rights of Tesla in the future... not only Tesla, but also several other companies in his hands. After acquiring Twitter in my previous life, the first thing I did was to open source Twitter’s source code. That is to say, legal restrictions, aviation technology is related to the military industry, and the United States does not allow open source, otherwise its spaceX related technologies would have been open to the world long ago.

By opening up Tesla's relevant intellectual property rights, all car companies and developers around the world can follow up and learn Tesla's vehicle ideas.

However, this benefit is not in vain.

Once a car company or individual uses Tesla's open source technology to develop a technology patent that is better than Tesla's, Tesla can also use your patent for free. Not only Tesla, but also car companies around the world can use your technology patents for free.

Under the open source strategy, the past phenomenon of global car companies guarding their own technology like a lifeline will disappear.

All new technologies can be quickly shared with automotive peers around the world.

This can quickly promote the iteration and development of electric vehicle technology, thereby benefiting the industry.

The patent strategy of the past was really selfish, restricting the development of others for its own benefit. The open source strategy is different. It is to actively give up its own technical moat to promote the scientific and technological progress of all mankind.

If humans want to achieve a technological explosion like the one mentioned in "The Three-Body Problem", they must rely on open source strategies.

Patents protect personal interests.

Open source serves all mankind.

Obviously, open source is a strategy with a larger picture. It's just that human nature is selfish, and it is difficult for most people to accept open source. They all want to use other people's open source results for free, but are unwilling to share their own good things.

Those who can truly implement open source strategies are mainly Internet giants.

From this perspective, Internet people all over the world are actually "one family." All Internet people are working together to create an Internet era.

These Internet giants can become the companies with the highest market value in the world, and can control and lead the living habits of all mankind in modern society. This in itself is the greatest reward of the market economy for idealists.

The Internet can hit all walks of life because the Internet itself is on a higher dimension. Including the major Internet companies in China, each of them has dozens or hundreds of open source projects, which are the crystallization of wisdom spent hundreds of millions and billions to create, to jointly serve the open source community.

This is high dimensionality and low dimensionality.

Even if the Internet makes cars without any background or foundation, as time goes by and the products are improved, they can still use higher-dimensional thinking to defeat those traditional car companies that cling to patent protection and intellectual property barriers.

In the past two or three hundred years, the West has been able to rise rapidly, become the center of world civilization, and erupted into the industrial revolution, mainly because of the protection of private property, and because of the existence of "patents", many people are willing to do it for themselves. to invent and create for the benefit of others. The ancient dynasties in China lacked protection for private property, and considered inventions and creations to be "wonderful skills" that could not be put on the stage. It is not surprising that they were quickly surpassed by the West.

But it's different now.

We have arrived in the Internet era, "open source" is becoming popular, and there is a huge amount of technology copied in the world!

"Patent" has become a traditional concept.

The best people in the world no longer need to think too much about personal interests. They already have enough wealth. Many of them have ideals and think about the whole world from a higher perspective. Human affairs are about changing the world and doing something meaningful.

Unfortunately, many people don't believe it.

Just like people in the Ming and Qing Dynasties did not believe that strange and obscene skills were more important than Confucian classics.

In this situation, Zhou Buqi was unable to express such a point of view. Many people present regarded the "Das Kapital" as the standard and did not believe that evil Western capitalists like Musk would do anything to give up their own interests. Even if he gave up, he would think he was engaging in some conspiracy.

There was no other way. Zhou Buqi felt that it didn't make sense, so he simply gave it to him and said, "Well, I'll call Elon Musk now and tell him about making Tesla's intellectual property open source. thing."

After getting permission, he asked the conference secretary for the cell phone that had been confiscated and put it in the shielding room next door, and called Musk.

Half a minute later, Musk answered the phone and complained, "Zhou, I'm in New York! It's three o'clock in the morning!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I have an idea about Tesla that I would like to share with you."

"what idea?"

“How about making our patents and intellectual property open source?”


Musk was slightly startled.

Many people present could understand English and secretly shook their heads, feeling that this little Zhou was really a big deal. You are still too young. You have achieved so much at such a young age. If you are too confident, you will look arrogant.

I hope what happened today can teach him a lesson.

This is also a good thing for his future life development.

The mobile phone was turned on and everyone present could hear it. Zhou Buqi was unambiguous and said bluntly: "There are many century-old companies in the automobile industry. How ridiculous is this? This is a rotten industry! Tes We must change this situation. We must cultivate a new group of automobile companies to kill all the automobile giants such as Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota, BMW, and Citroën. Every century-old company is a cancer of innovation and deserves to die. !”

When Musk heard this point of view, his sleepiness disappeared immediately, and he said excitedly: "This is a huge challenge! But, I like it!"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is a big plan. The current automobile industry has solidified, and it is difficult for new automobile companies to survive under the patent barriers of automobile giants. It is too difficult for Tesla to compete with them. We must Cultivate a group of like-minded partners, focus on the new direction of electric vehicles, and kill those traditional car companies that only play technology blockade and public opinion marketing! "

Such an argument fits Musk’s temperament so well, “Who will join us?”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I believe that there must be many people like us who are very dissatisfied with the traditional automobile industry. It's just that they lack an opportunity to join. Tesla's related technologies and the complete electric vehicle solution Share it, and there will definitely be many people willing to work with Tesla to change this industry!”

"I agree! We must make this happen! Zhou, you are the best person and the best entrepreneur I have ever met!"

Musk agreed to the plan with little thought.

What a challenge!

So exciting!

This is what a man should do!

Zhou Buqi lowered his head to talk to Musk. When he raised his head, he saw many dumbfounded eyes around him, all looking at him in disbelief. These are all car company CEOs, and they all make traditional fuel vehicles, and they have the greatest say in this industry.

At this moment, many people feel cold in their hearts and have a sense of crisis.

It turns out these are two lunatics!

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