Top of the big era

Chapter 2804 He is really the richest man in the world

China already has a lot of policy support and industrial subsidies in the field of new energy, including electric vehicles. However, the previous domestic electric vehicles still stayed within the framework of old-fashioned electric vehicles, with low energy storage, slow speed, low efficiency and poor experience.

But Tesla completely subverted the concept of electric vehicles and created pure electric vehicles such as super sports cars and luxury sedans.

Especially the battery.

Putting a one-ton battery on a car requires a very complicated assembly process, even if it is simply assembled. This kind of battery assembly patent seems to have no technical content, but it was very valuable in the early days of the industry. Whether you have a cylindrical battery or a blade battery, the principle of installing it on the car is always the same. As long as the patent is published, peers can greatly reduce trial and error costs in the early stages of the industry, saving billions and tens of billions.

The key question is, if we want to subsidize this industry, how much will it be?

Of course, the greater the hope, the greater the intensity.

If Zhou Buqi can really break down the technical barriers and make the electric vehicle industry transparent, and just a few people who have never engaged in automobile production can participate in building cars... then it will be a real breakthrough for domestically produced cars. spring!

These big names in the automotive industry here are all talkative people in the domestic automotive industry.

There will be some conflicts of interest here.

Because they all make traditional oil trucks, it is not surprising at all to be skeptical and negative about some of Zhou Buqi's strategies and suggestions. Just like foreign automobile giants such as Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, BMW, and Ford, they all have a negative attitude towards Tesla.

These traditional domestic car companies, from the perspective of their own interests, of course have a negative attitude.

However, there is one big difference here.

That is, the country has certain institutional advantages. These enterprises are all state-owned enterprises. In addition to seeking their own interests, there is a greater requirement to maximize the national interests! In the face of national interests, corporate interests can be ignored.

If the electric vehicle industry takes off, this will be the greatest national interest!

Even if the decades in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China are ignored, the domestic traditional oil truck industry has been developing for more than 20 years, but it has never been able to go abroad and its competitiveness is very weak. If it were not for the restrictions of trade barriers and heavy taxes on foreign cars, not even one of these domestically produced cars might be sold.

The level is really too low.

Just like Apple and Samsung mobile phones, when imported into the country, you only need to pay normal tariffs. There is no need for any industrial trade protection at all, because domestic mobile phones are strong enough and do not need protection at all.

Fair competition is no worse than Apple or Samsung.

All protective industries must be the result of being too strong abroad and too weak domestically.

Once the domestic electric vehicle industry develops...

That's completely different.

It is completely reversed. Those developed countries in Europe and the United States that claim to be automobile powers also need to introduce a series of trade barriers to restrict the sales of domestic electric cars in their countries... because the competitiveness of domestic electric cars is too strong. If they are not Without restrictions, their domestic car companies simply cannot survive.

Even later, when the European economy was booming and still growing, Germany, the leader of the European economy, suffered a recession. Because automobiles are Germany's most important industry, 30% of the country's jobs are engaged in upstream and downstream automobile-related jobs.

After domestically produced trams gained momentum, Germany was hit the hardest.

This is the greatest national interest.

Even if there are conflicts of interest between some companies, in the face of macro national interests, everyone present cannot stand in the way. Unless Zhou Buqi is bragging, he simply has no ability to promote the elimination of technical barriers to electric vehicles. As long as he really does it, these car industry bosses will not be able to guard their own territory.

The domestic automobile industry will be completely opened up.

Giving up industrial resources means opportunities.

Countless private entrepreneurs can stand up and engage in entrepreneurship in the automotive field... If you want to compete with those international car companies on the international stage, you must have domestic private productivity. In the short term, it relies on the two private giants BYD and Geely. In the long term, the competition in the field of connected smart cars will still be the competition of those Internet models with dazzling gameplay.

There are too many century-old companies in the automobile industry, and they have all solidified.

There's nothing new about it.

Once a model's appearance is launched, it can be used for at least twenty or thirty years.

Only when Internet people rush in can they bring a steady stream of freshness to consumers.

Zhou Buqi made a phone call.

It was quiet all of a sudden.

No further explanation is needed.

Many people were stunned and speechless.

Some people couldn't understand English. After a while, a translator was beside them and repeated the content of the call, and the rest of the people became silent.

The conversation between Zhou Buqi and Musk really felt like two tigers, leopards and jackals rushing into the automobile industry!

How to do this?

Who dares to object?

If all this is true, then it can be expected that domestically produced cars that have lost hope in the field of fuel vehicles will inevitably transform in a new and more competitive direction!

There are only two countries in the world that can access the Internet.

One is the United States and the other is China.

It just so happens that Musk is American and Zhou Buqi is Chinese.

Once the Internet and electric vehicles are combined, the European powers, South Korea and Japan are basically waiting for death.

The key point is that this is in the interest of the United States, and this industry will not be subject to too many restrictions from the United States... And as long as the United States does not take action, Europe, South Korea and Japan together will not pose any major constraints on the development of domestic industries.

This is a national strategy!

Zhou Buqi made the final decision and said eloquently: "Give me a month. Within a month, I can promote open source technology in the field of electric vehicles and lift the technical barriers that have restricted the automotive industry for hundreds of years! Fairness is the biggest issue of this era. The theme is that the era of developed countries relying on their first-mover advantage to plunder developing countries will be gone forever!”

As soon as these words came out, many car company bosses present felt a chill in their hearts.

They all had a vague sense of hindsight.

The richest man in the world?

It turns out that this is the richest man in the world!

He is really the richest man in the world!

They are all industry talkers.

Domestic automobile industry policies are inseparable from the suggestions and gestures of these people.

However, Boss Zhou has already spoken out for this reason, who dares to foolishly jump out to object? It is conceivable that as long as he can really make the technology of electric vehicles open source, then all domestic policies in the automotive field will be tilted towards the field of electric vehicles.

The good days when fuel vehicles were cared for and protected are gone forever!

There is no need to worry too much about promoting the lifting of Tesla's patent ban.

a piece of cake!

Zhou Buqi is already planning his next vacation.

There is only one last thing left in the country - courtesy.

The reason why her parents came back from Africa this time was not for the marriage of Yang Mi, a little star. This was just a concubine, and it didn't need to be taken seriously. What really matters is the marriage between Zhou Buqi and his first girlfriend Wu Yu. This is not a concubine, but a serious marriage that requires a certificate.

This requires the parents to come forward and meet with the Wu family's parents to give them gifts and discuss the happy event together.

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