Top of the big era

Chapter 2908 Wolf Nature

Large companies should have the bearing of large companies, and should adopt some relatively civilized competition strategies to maintain their proper dignity and image.

We are all in the Internet industry, so who doesn't know who?

Ziweixing's good reputation over the past few years is not only due to Zhou Buqi's personal external image, but also related to Ziweixing's gentle and friendly competition strategy over the years. In particular, there is a very bad atmosphere in domestic companies, which are all advocating wolfishness, whether internally or externally, just like wild wolves. Even many top-tier technology giants are playing this game, and they are proud to promote it to the whole society as corporate culture.

This is a bit too unpresentable.

A good company should advocate warm and affectionate human nature, not wolfish nature that does not recognize relatives.

Companies are like people.

To pursue wolfish nature by destroying human nature is, to put it seriously, anti-human.

But the market often only cares about results.

The charge of wolfishness is more brutal and more effective, and can achieve better results in business competition.

It is relatively okay abroad.

Social resources are very abundant, and few social elites are cultivated under "happy education", so commercial competition is not so fierce. If you can't do well in this field, just change to another field. Many companies can survive decently as long as they do something similar.

It's not possible in China, because commercial competition is too cruel.

Most social resources are monopolized, and ordinary people can't get a share.

There are only a few sporadic tracks left for the people.

Resources are already scarce, and we have to face an unimaginable number of competitors.

There are too many monks, too little meat, and there are barbarians around.

What can we do?

We can only fight hard.

If we don't have the wolf spirit of not recognizing relatives, don't rush up to grab wildly, and be polite and restrained like a modest gentleman... then we can only starve to death in the end.

For many companies, this is a helpless move.

It is the optimal solution for the market under the general environment.

Enterprises are like wolves, and the employees in the enterprises, of course, constitute a big wolf pack.

Many people complained that they were treated unfairly in the company, working overtime but not getting overtime pay, not having adequate welfare, and sometimes not even having basic dignity... This is a lack of understanding of business. It is wrong to regard oneself as a human being. They are not human beings.

The Internet HR industry has a jargon: "Use men as animals and women as men."

This is only half right, and this is when the economic situation is good.

When the economy gets worse, it means "Use men as animals and women as animals."

Business competition is so cruel that even entrepreneurs themselves have become the head wolf, and employees can only become little wolves and animals. Whoever wants to pursue things that belong to humans and wants to regard himself as a human being can only be laid off and leave.

The reason why human nature appeared was that Homo sapiens exterminated their own kind, Neanderthals, Denisovans, Floresians, and Homo erectus, became the masters of the earth, and lived a life without worries about food and clothing, and then slowly developed human nature.

Before that, it was the brutal animal nature with survival as the only purpose.

Ziweixing has grown up now.

The latest market value is 228.5 billion US dollars!

Among IT companies, it ranks fourth in the world after Apple, Microsoft and Google.

Not only is the market value high, but over the years, Zhou Buqi has laid a solid foundation for Ziweixing and built a deep moat and high walls. Toutiao, Weibo, Weidian, Xiaonei, WeChat, Weidian Security Guard, Helo, Ziwei Cloud and other products have a monopoly position.

They are also complementary and interdependent with each other, cross-subsidizing and forming a diverse symbiotic body.

With such a deep moat and such a high wall, it is useless even if a wolf pack comes to charge!

Unless someone has a good relationship and raises a gun to fight, who can take down this city?

This is Zhou Buqi's confidence.

It is also the foresight that has given him the biggest advantage in the business competition in the past few years, allowing him to adopt a more open and aboveboard strategy to face his peers and competitors. He not only disdains to adopt some wild and wolf-like competition strategies, but also helps those competitors develop openly.

This has allowed Zhou Buqi to accumulate a lot of reputation in the past few years, especially in the entrepreneurial community, and he is respected wherever he goes. Not only has he achieved world-renowned achievements in the business field, but also his pattern, mind and courage are admired.

Even many competitors can maintain a good personal relationship with him.

Now, Meng Houkun proposed to play the wild wolf set...

Isn't this an eye drop for Boss Zhou!

It's not impossible to do this, at least until the domestic environment changes, Zhou Buqi retires from Ziweixing, and Meng Houkun becomes the new chairman. As of now, Ziweixing is still in an invincible state where you can't find your opponent even with a telescope, and there is no need to use such a wild set.

In this regard, Meng Houkun is still a little younger and not so thoughtful.

He Yang is mature and experienced enough to understand Boss Zhou's thoughts. He smiled and said, "Ziweixing has the best employee treatment, the most humane management, and is full of respect for every employee. Such values ​​have won us the most industry talents in the past few years."

Zhang Yiming added: "Especially for those who come from foreign companies and returnees, Ziweixing will always be their first choice. Respect is mutual. If you respect talents, talents will come closer to you; if you treat talents with indifference, If you are ruthless, the talents will leave you. If the entire country and the entire industry lack this kind of respect, then a large number of talents will inevitably flee to the United States. This is true for Ziwei and our Internet industry. Huge loss."

Meng Houkun sighed, "But we already have enough talents. What we need to do most is to curb the backlash of our competitors."

Zhang Yiming is also a good person. He doesn't like the wolfish behavior. He said confidently: "As long as we are upright, there will be no opponents!"

"The cost is huge." Meng Houkun shook his head, "Let's just say that food delivery is now subsidized. A takeaway order may cost 20 yuan to eat in a store. Ordering food online may cost It’s only 10 yuan. This meal subsidy is huge! If we want Fantuan to gain an advantage in the competition with Baidu Nuomi, we might need to subsidize it in the amount of several billion!”

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "How many billions? It's not like Ziweixing can't afford it, it's more than money? Will Baidu be our opponent?"

Meng Houkun said: "This is just Baidu. In the future, Alibaba and Penguin will also launch their own food delivery platforms. Then there will be a big war, which may cost tens or tens of billions. You want to compete in a civilized manner , the cost is too high! If it ruins Baidu’s reputation, we may kill Baidu Nuomi overnight. How much money will this save?”

Zhou Buqi disagreed, "Whoever wants to do it will do it, but we can't do it! Li Yanhong and I have been friends for so many years. It's impossible for you to ask me to stab him in the back."

Meng Houkun had a black line on his forehead, "You just have too many friends."

Zhou Buqi asked back: "Isn't it good to have too many friends? Do you have to make enemies?"

He Yang laughed and told the historical story: "Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo seven times without killing him. This is very civilized. He can convert Meng Huo and use it for his own purposes. If he had killed Meng Huo directly and barbarically... If you kill one Meng Huo, a new Meng Huo will appear. When the hatred between Shu Han and Nanman becomes deeper and deeper, it will become the biggest hidden danger. Killing Meng Huo is a little clever, but conquering Meng Huo is our great wisdom. This boss has led us to where we are today with his great wisdom.”

This flattery gave Meng Houkun a headache.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but laugh, then waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "To say the least, if we don't do some things, others will do it. Don't forget, the most indispensable thing in this market is those who are not afraid of bare feet. A hungry wolf wearing shoes.”


As soon as these words came out, the dozen or so executives in the room all looked strange.

It is indeed Boss Zhou’s style.

The use of black public relations to engage Baidu has occurred several times in the past two years, but it is not too serious and mainly focuses on the search field. But now that Baidu is out of the food delivery business, there are some "new wolves" in this field, and they will definitely eat anything just for a bite.

This time, even if Ziweixing doesn’t do this.

In the future, there will definitely be peers rushing in to challenge Baidu.

As long as there is trouble, there will be benefits for Fantuan.

It can be said that it has both dignity and face.

Why rush up?

It’s not Qualcomm. If Boss Zhou doesn’t take the lead, there will be no leader. The mobile phone industry is so fragmented that it will be difficult to form a unified external force.

But even if he had to charge against Qualcomm, Boss Zhou didn't play the style of savage charge. He did not go out of his way to form a formation to meet the enemy. Instead, he found a way to take a detour, contacted Cook, and then dragged Apple into the water...

Making Tim Cook the punching bag of Qualcomm is just a matter of substituting another trick.

Under the current situation where he is neither impatient nor impatient, there is no need for Ziweixing to charge forward and become a villain.

He Yang said with a smile: "This is the attitude we should have. We are upright and good people. As for the evil people... evil people will have their own trials and tribulations."

Meng Houkun sighed, "This cost is too high. Next, we need to raise financing for Fantuan, which will cost at least 2 billion, right? There is also the online ride-hailing we are discussing now. This is different from takeout." The main competitor of Fantuan is Baidu Nuomi, a giant. The competition in the online ride-hailing market is more intense. Alibaba and Penguin have already failed. How much financing will be needed? The subsidy war is really starting. Can 3 billion be enough? ?"

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "The most important thing Ziweixing lacks is money!"

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