Top of the big era

Chapter 2918: Driving Xiao Zha Crazy

Three days later, Zhou Buqi and his party had gone to Algarve, Portugal, which has the most wonderful Gold Coast in Europe.

Because the location is relatively remote, the price is very expensive, and travel is inconvenient, there are relatively few tourists.

This is perfect for Zhou Buqi.

The shots are also extremely generous.

When I came up, I booked a very prestigious luxury resort hotel here for 5 days, with a total price of 450,000 US dollars.

It was here that Zhou Buqi saw the sensational news from Silicon Valley.

Apple takes action.

Because Qualcomm refused to pay "technology licensing fees" to Apple, Cook showed his courage and firmness in Apple's strategic choices to the outside world. He launched a lawsuit against Qualcomm in a Los Angeles court!

As China and South Korea launched antitrust lawsuits against Qualcomm, Apple finally took action.

Zhou Buqi was very concerned and immediately contacted Senior Sister Zhen Yu who was in New York. "Senior Sister, how are you? I saw the news. Apple is taking action against Qualcomm!"

Zhen Yu chuckled and said, "Yeah, I'm paying attention. The stock market will open soon, and it is estimated that Qualcomm's stock price will suffer a long period of decline."

"What about us?" Zhou Buqi cares about his own interests and doesn't care about the life and death of Qualcomm's shareholders. "Have the stocks in our hands been completely disposed of?"

"It wrapped up last week."

Zhen Yu's tone was very relaxed and she was very happy.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's all over, why are you still staying in New York? Come here quickly, we are in Portugal. If you don't come, we will go to Spain and Tunisia in a few days."

Zhen Yu said softly: "There are still some financial matters..."

Zhou Buqi thought he was talking about Google.

He has already decided on a strategy to exchange all the Google stocks his family holds for Microsoft stocks. Now Google's market value is higher than Microsoft. This is a rare opportunity. After this stage, Microsoft will be the best.

At the same time, you can also cash out some cash to relieve the debt pressure on your family.

Now, the Zhou family's total debt has exceeded US$7 billion.

The debt owed to banks and some financial institutions is approximately US$5.3 billion.

There is also the final payment owed to the Rockefeller family for the antiques, totaling $1.8 billion.

However, this was not what Senior Sister Zhen Yu was talking about, "It's not a family matter, it's Fu Sheng's."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "He is looking for you? Because of Panda Mobile?"

Recently, Fu Sheng is actively connecting with major technology giants in the United States.

I want to sell Panda Mobile.

For Panda Mobile now, there are only two options left, either to package and sell it, or to look for IPO opportunities. In fact, the more optimistic strategy in the capital market is to go public. Technology stocks are booming now. Panda Mobile is engaged in mobile Internet. It can easily give a price-earnings ratio of dozens or hundreds of times.

Fu Sheng found a reason.

He said that he did not understand the living habits of the United States and was not familiar with American business operations. He felt that he was not suitable to lead the long-term development of Panda Mobile, so he might as well sell it.

This is an emerging company in the mobile Internet!

Great potential!

For many technology giants undergoing industrial transformation, winning Panda Mobile is an excellent opportunity to hitch a ride on the mobile Internet.

How can you let it go?

The competition is fierce.

As Zhou Buqi's financial advisor, Zhen Yu, of course, had to participate in the whole process. She said softly: "The competition is very fierce now, even Facebook is involved."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "Zuckerberg?"

"Well, Zuckerberg is very eager and has contacted me several times. And his wife has also met with me several times." Zhen Yu and Zuckerberg's wife are very good friends, so she said nothing about this. Somewhat helpless, "But I know that Facebook is Ziweixing International's biggest competitor."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Is this Zuckerberg confused? It's just that those traditional technology companies can't see the reality of Panda Mobile, and he can't understand it either?"

Zhen Yu said: "I don't understand either, but Facebook seems to be under a lot of pressure now. Except for Facebook, there is a lack of new breakthrough points in the market, which puts their stock price under great pressure."

"Well, that's true!"

Zhou Buqi laughed.

Behind this, there is a very complicated marriage relationship.

At this time in the previous life, Facebook was also looking for new business breakthroughs on the mobile side, and then wanted to launch three acquisitions-WhatsApp, Snapchat and Instagram.

Except for the failed acquisition of Snapchat, the other two companies were all acquired by Zuckerberg.

In the future, they have become the mainstay core products of Facebook.

This life is different.

WhatsApp never appeared at all, and the overseas version of WeChat that replaced it... Helo, planned and designed by Zhou Buqi, is now the most mainstream instant messaging tool in the European and American markets. The entrepreneurial team of WhatsApp in the previous life is now basically working in Helo.

Instagram has indeed emerged.

However, after the product appeared, it did not make any waves in the market. This small startup company only survived for 8 months and did not even get the A round of financing. After spending all the angel financing of 1.2 million US dollars, it was declared a failure and the team was disbanded.

The reason for this is that Instagram was blocked by another giant photo social product Ucgram.

The two products are highly similar.

Many people used Instagram and felt that this product was not innovative and interesting. It was simply a copy of Ucgram. At that time, Ucgram had become popular in Europe and the United States, with more than 100 million daily active users.

This is not a company of the same scale at all.

Users don’t like it, and the capital market is not optimistic about it. No institution will invest in Instagram, which is doomed to fail.

Without WhatsApp and Instagram, it is equivalent to cutting off Zuckerberg’s left and right arms.

There are even more serious ones.

In the previous life, Zuckerberg tried for a long time but failed to acquire Snapchat. Last year, Boss Zhou personally came forward and was acquired by Ziweixing International. The reason why Zuckerberg failed and Zhou Buqi succeeded is that Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat, is a playboy... He has a special liking for beauty.

However, Spiegel was born in an intellectual family in Silicon Valley.

From childhood to adulthood, he has met women who are good at science and engineering.

Zhou Buqi found the right angle and used his best field to successfully win him over. He took him to Hollywood celebrity parties and took him to New York to attend a yacht party for fashion supermodels... It can be said that he caught Spiegel's weak spot.

Ziweixing International successfully completed the acquisition of Snapchat.

In this way, Facebook is miserable.

In the field of social giants, Facebook still has the strongest competitiveness... However, as a technology giant with a market value of 200 billion US dollars, Facebook only has such a product, which is too inappropriate from a strategic point of view.

The risk is too great!

Once this product is unpopular in the market, doesn't it mean that the market value of 200 billion US dollars may be wiped out in a short time?

There must be more products to escort it!

As a competitor, Ziweixing International owns a series of popular products for both C-end and B-end, such as Helo, Yahoo, Ucgram, Ziwei Cloud, Snapchat, EverZoom, Everbook, EverDrive, Rotten Tomatoes, etc., while Facebook is just a lone commander...

This time, Zuckerberg is probably desperate to try any possible means by choosing Panda Mobile.

Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed, "How much is Zuckerberg's offer?"

"The highest!" Zhen Yu was very clear about these situations, "At the beginning, there were seven or eight companies participating in the competition, and now there are only two left, one is Cisco and the other is Facebook. Cisco has made a final offer of 4.25 billion US dollars. And 3 billion US dollars of it can be paid directly in cash, which is very sincere."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What about Facebook?"

"The price is too high."

"How much?"

"5.5 billion US dollars."

"Oh my God!" Zhou Buqi was stunned, "This Zuckerberg is crazy!"

Zhen Yu laughed and said: "That was also forced by you."

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "Don't blame me, it has nothing to do with me!"

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