Top of the big era

Chapter 886 This kid hides deeply

In the past few years, Shanda was the largest IT company in China, and it was in the limelight for a while.

Then, it drifted a little.

Shanda wanted to maliciously acquire Sina, which caused a huge impact. But Sina's attitude is very firm, against the acquisition. In order to eat up Sina, Tang Jun, then the president of Shanda, brought in US$1 billion from Yahoo, and he had to put all his eggs in one basket.

Originally, Shanda and Yahoo had already negotiated.

On the way, Boss Chen suddenly stopped the financing plan. Everyone didn't understand, everything was talked about well, why didn't they do it? With the acquisition of Sina, Shanda has its own portal and can also do e-commerce business. At that time, Sina cooperated with Yahoo to set up an auction website, which was similar to Taobao.

Boss Chen said that he didn't want to dilute his shareholding in Shanda too much.

Later, the $1 billion was taken over by Ali.

Later... Shanda was repeatedly suppressed, and even many small game companies that had just emerged wanted to pull Shanda out to criticize, saying that Shanda failed to represent the game, and they took away the agency rights, and they wanted to step on Shanda superior.

Zhou Buqi hadn't paid much attention to it before.

Only after communicating with Shi Yuzhu did he understand the inside story. This Boss not good to provoke anyone, if he provokes Sina, no wonder he will be bullied.

This is all a lesson.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to bully others, and felt that Shi Yuzhu's tricks were too much. If he wanted to buy Shanda Literature, he still had to be mutually beneficial and promised to benefit.

I went to Shanda and talked with Boss Chen for more than three hours.

In the end, Boss Chen finally agreed in the name of his feelings.

Incorporating Shanda Literature into Ziwei Star can indeed make this market develop faster and more vigorously.

Shanda Literature has been losing money year after year, mainly due to three reasons.

One, low traffic.

Second, readers lack the habit of paying.

Third, the operating level is poor, and the promotion of advertising business and value-added business is not enough. There are many page games under Shanda, all of which are hung up on the novel website, messing up the layout of the website, but the conversion rate is very low.

Ziweixing can properly solve these three problems.

Today's headlines have extremely high traffic and many sub-channels. You can set up a literature channel and put the content of Shanda literature in it.

Ziweixing has a gold coin wallet system.

Gold coins are not free coins, they are real money, 100 gold coins are equal to 1 cent. It is a desirable direction for some genuine readers who are stretched in their pockets.

Ziweixing is famous and can attract more and more suitable advertisements.

In particular, we need to redo the layout of the novel website, limit the messy page advertisements, and use technical means to make appropriate personalized recommendations, instead of putting up all the page advertisements in one stick, which has poor effect and low conversion rate , The page response speed is slow.

Of course, there is a more important point that Zhou Buqi did not disclose.

It is cooperation with mobile.

In the previous life, online literature really rose and became profitable because of the establishment of the mobile reading base. Through this platform, online novels have been pushed to a larger user base.

However, feelings cannot be eaten as food.

Shanda currently has two main businesses, one is game business and the other is online business. In the online business, Boss Chen has his eye on the video industry.

Ziweixing owns 20% of Youku and 25% of Kuliu.

Zhou Buqi pays more attention to Youku.

Unexpectedly, Boss Chen fell in love with Kuliu for the simple reason that Kuliu is profitable. Ku6 is a self-media video, which is a short video uploaded by users themselves. Youku is a copyrighted movie, TV series and other long video content.

Boss Chen believes that in the next few years, the state is likely to introduce policies requiring video sites to strengthen content copyright, that is, the copyright procurement of film and television content.

That's a huge expense.

In contrast, the cool six model is better.

Boss Chen has a one-stop price. If he wants Shanda Literature, please exchange 20% of Kuliu’s shares. And at the time of the Ku6 B round of financing, Shanda had the priority right to the remaining 5% of Ziweixing's shares.

The price tag is not low!

Originally, Zhou Buqi thought that the value of Shanda Literature was about 50 million.

But the valuation of is high. The current video business is so hot, and is the only profitable video website in China. Its popularity is comparable to that of Tudou and Youku.

It can be valued at least 100 million US dollars!

A 20% stake is 20 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 150 million Huaxia coins.

3 times the premium.

Without hesitation, Zhou Buqi agreed on the spot, and then arranged for Chen Guohuan to finalize the details of the acquisition with Shanda.


In the evening, a small gathering.

Shi Yuzhu, Zhou Buqi, Lao Ma, and the revived Lao Guo.

"Old Ma, you look like a bridegroom." Shi Yuzhu joked as soon as he met.

Boss Ma laughed, "It's the same, same joy!"

Ten days ago, Ali's B2B business was spun off and listed in the Hong Kong government. On the day of listing, the stock price surged three times, and the market value exceeded 20 billion US dollars in one fell swoop.

In the next few days, the stock price also fluctuated at a high level, and the current market value is approaching the 30 billion US dollar mark.

Such a market value is comparable to Amazon, Yahoo, and Yahoo Japan, and it is second only to Google in the world. Google's market capitalization is nearly $200 billion, so the gap is still a bit large.

Still, it's dazzling enough.

You should know that after the group operation of Ali, there are six major subsidiaries, namely Ali B2B, Taobao, Alipay, Yahoo China, Alimama and Alisoft.

Only one of the subsidiaries is listed.

After the small gathering, first we exchanged pleasantries, got to know Mr. Guo for a while, and then just teased the old horse. Recently, the momentum has been very strong, very awesome!

Boss Ma smiled from ear to ear, and pointed at Zhou Buqi, "Don't talk about me, let me tell you a secret, this kid is the one who hides the deepest!"

Mr. Guo was very curious, "Really? How do you say it?"

Boss Ma said with a smile: "Ziweixing is going to launch a B round of financing. I heard something about it, but the lion opened his mouth and stunned a group of people."

Shi Yuzhu was also surprised, "Xiao Zhou, is that right?"

Zhou Buqi pretended to be modest, and said very low-key: "It's not that exaggerated."

Boss Ma snorted, "Isn't it an exaggeration? In the past few days, I have met Sun Zhengyi three times, and I have to talk about you every time. Your B-round financing is too evil, right? The quotation is 40 billion US dollars?"


Boss Guo seems to have choked on the tea.

Shi Yuzhu also opened his eyes wide, with an inexplicable expression on his face, and said in astonishment: "How much... How much? Xiao Zhou, you... your company, the valuation quotation for the B round is 40 billion US dollars?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I guess so, I really didn't pay much attention to it, and I don't really understand it. Now Ziwei Star invests too much, and it has to lose several hundred million every month. When calculating the valuation, it uses Business profit, growth rate and business model, it’s quite complicated anyway. I’m obedient, and I’ll do whatever they say.”

Shi Yuzhu pointed at him, and said with both contempt and admiration: "Humble! You are so humble!"

Boss Ma asked frankly: "Okay, let me tell you the truth. What is your quotation? 40 billion US dollars is too exaggerated. Such a large scale, go directly to the IPO, what kind of capital do you need to raise?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's 40 billion US dollars, no exaggeration."


"At the beginning, our plan was 30 billion U.S. dollars, and it felt like it was about the same. But recently Ziwei Star has done another big thing, and the value is naturally higher. Well, you all know about the tens of billions of subsidies, right? "

"Ten billion subsidy?" Shi Yuzhu frowned, also very curious, "Is this true or not?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course it is true. Moreover, the 10 billion subsidy plan is only a part, and the most important thing is Helo. Judging from the current situation, in two or three months, Helo will have more than 100 million registered users, and the daily active users will exceed 100 million. It can be maintained at around 50 million."

Everyone was shocked, "So fast?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I'm already very conservative. If the product is excellent and the marketing is appropriate, it is bound to be successful."

When 360 competed with QQ in the previous life, the cause was that Penguin launched QQ Computer Manager, which threatened the foundation of 360. 360 took advantage of the trend and developed the Koukou bodyguard, which caused the loss of millions of QQ users every day.

The 3Q war is about to start.

In this life, Ziwei Star's marketing ability and market promotion ability are much stronger than 360. It is so powerful that Penguin dare not take it lightly, and dare not take any drastic measures.

The current competition between the two sides is still fighting underwater, and no contradiction has been made public.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to get too entangled in this topic, so he asked with a smile: "Old Ma, your online shopping festival on Singles' Day was pretty good, wasn't it? The daily turnover was 1.7 billion?"

The smile on Boss Ma's face froze, and he cursed, "Damn! What's more, I fell for the devil! That shopping festival almost killed Taobao!"

Zhou Buqi suppressed a smile, pretending not to know, "What's the matter?"

Boss Ma stretched out four fingers angrily, "Four times! On that day, the website was down four times! Moreover, the webpage was often unable to be opened, and the payment process often made was a mess."

Then, he sighed, "Oh, it was sloppy. It should have taken a few more months to prepare, and various technical failures occurred more than a dozen times."

Zhou Buqi had a serious look on his face, "Yes, it is true that there must be technical iteration and optimization. How is it now? Can Taobao still operate normally?"

Boss Ma said angrily: "It's okay now, it's deserted, and you can be lucky... Huh? By the way, your gold coin system is connected to Youyou and Toutiao, right?"


"Is the amount of data large? Tens of millions of daily users, so many people online to collect gold coins at the same time, such a large amount of data processing... Are you okay?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "For now, it's pretty stable."

Boss Ma twitched his mouth, "It seems that your big data technology is very powerful?"

"Really?" Zhou Buqi looked indifferent, "Maybe, I don't really understand either."

Boss Ma was furious.

This kid is too good at pretending!

My heart moved slightly.

Ziweixing's business scope is getting wider and wider. It competes with Baidu in the search field. Recently, it has launched Helo and opened fire with QQ. The battle is fierce!

Only in the field of e-commerce, it is not deeply involved.

This gives Ali and Ziweixing the opportunity to carry out further business cooperation. If their own technical problems are not solved smoothly, they may wish to seek some technical support from them.

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