Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 176

Silver-haired Lolita's face flushed. At this moment, she was aware of her gaffe. She hurriedly raised her hand and pulled her coat back, biting her lip with tears to suppress the huge sense of shame.

Quietly raised his head to look at Asakawa Naoki. Seeing Asakawa Naoki turned to look away, Feng Xiaochun quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "Asakawa-san is really a good person..."

"No, it's not a good person card, it's a good person literally."

Feng Xiaochun, who quickly put away the photos, stood up quickly, her face flushed and said, "I'm sorry, I caused the trouble to Asakawa."

The silver-haired loli in front of her has messy hair, her small face is flushed, and the pictures of her slender waist are constantly playing back in Asakawa's mind, with an indescribable subtle feeling, like some kind of soft candy, releasing a sweet smell.


"Take a deep breath."

"This kind of flat-chested and short-legged loli girl is nothing but cute! At most it is a thin waist!"

Naoki Asakawa turned around to leave, "Farewell."

"Wait, wait a minute." Feng Xiaochun shouted in a low voice.


"Clothes, clothes are stained with chalk dust..." Silver-haired Loli stepped forward and raised her hand to help Asakawa pat the chalk dust on her clothes.



The mysterious feeling of quantum surging appeared again.

Chapter 141


Lori's sweet and pleasant low voice sounded in the classroom.

The silver-haired loli raised her head subconsciously and looked at her fingers. The white and slender knuckles looked like peeled green onion roots in the sun, white and tender, and very beautiful.

"It seems that there was static electricity..."

Sorry, it is not static electricity generated by clothes, but something that is more than ten times worse than static electricity, worse than the cream that stuck to Nino's hands last night!

Naoki Asakawa is very familiar with the current fluctuations like static electricity just now.

The last fluctuation was a few days ago. As a result, Furuhashi and Ogata swapped their bodies. I thought they could be stable for a while, but I didn’t expect to lose control so quickly... This kind of superpower that can lose control from time to time, I don’t want it at all. what!


Seeing Naoki Asakawa suddenly sighed, showing a very headache expression, the silver-haired loli asked nervously, "Are you okay?"

"Ah..." Naoki Asakawa paused for half a second, then slowly shook his head, "I'm fine."

But you are in trouble.

And it's still a big deal.

The superpowers given to others under this kind of loss of control are the first one that is uncontrollable, and the second one is completely unclear. If you are lucky, it may be irrelevant like "handstand and drink three glasses of water". A super power that won't be triggered. You are almost lucky. You may become a silver-haired Pikachu, a girl with a real radio wave of one hundred thousand volts!

Naoki Asakawa let out a sigh of relief. It is useless to regret what has happened. The most important thing is to understand what superpower Feng Xiaochun has been given, and then respond.

and so……

"Tell me your LINE account."

"Huh?" Silver-haired Lolita opened her eyes wide, with a cute expression on her face. It took a few seconds to react, "Eh eh eh...Lian, contact information?!"

(Asagawa student actually asked for my contact information?!)

(What are you going to do?)

(Difficulty, do you want to date me?)

(No, right? Asakawa-san just stared at my ass, and then suddenly asked me how to contact me. Could it be...) Silver-haired loli's big eyes opened wider, and her right hand subconsciously stretched out behind her back to cover it. The buttocks, the cute little face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he took a half step back, "Could it be that Asakawa-san just likes my ass?"

"See, see, see, get excited?"

"Unexpectedly, Asakawa-student is such a person!"

"How can you easily agree to that kind of thing!"

Seeing the silver-haired loli suddenly panicked, her small face flushed, as if she had seen something terrible indescribable, Naoki Asakawa raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is it unwell?"

Suddenly raising your hand to cover your ass, is it because you have awakened the superpowers related to your ass, for example, if you don't cover your skirt, you will lose 100%?

"No, no."

Feng Xiaochun shook her head quickly.

(Although Asakawa-san is a boy who is excited about seeing things, but at least he will still be upset.

(Other boys see that they are short, no one has ever asked themselves for contact information.)

(Boys who only have Opie in their eyes hate them most!)

"What about the contact method?" Asakawa explained with a light cough, "If there is any danger in the future, I can help."

"Danger... is it that those bad girls are bullying me?"

Silver-haired loli quietly raised her eyes and looked at her. She was shy and bright in her blue eyes like a sea of ​​sky. Her pink lips were gently pursed: "Although Asakawa-san is a happy boy, but... Good people."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Feng Xiaochun took out his mobile phone and was about to respond, when footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door, making Silver-haired Loli hurriedly bowed her head.

The sound of footsteps came straight, and soon reached the door, and opened the door. It was the trio of pigs, deers and butterflies from the Thorns Society, plus the Ogata Rizuki using the body of the ancient bridge.

"Huh, classmate Asakawa?" When the three girls saw Naoki Asakawa in the classroom, their first reaction was to step back and go out. After confirming that they had gone to the wrong classroom, they pinched their waists and said, "What are you doing in our classroom?"

Naoki Asakawa looked at her eyes nervously, pinching the corners of her clothes, staring down at her toes, the silver-haired loli who was obviously a little nervous and afraid, said nonchalantly:

"Just now the volunteer questionnaire was accidentally blown in. I came in to pick up something."

Naoki Asakawa raised his right hand, the form in his hand flashed past, and then said, "Excuse me, goodbye."

Obviously, there is no way to exchange contact information in this situation, and we can only wait for the next time.

"Goodbye Asakawa-san," Rizuki Ogata said calmly.

The three girls of the Thorns Club were still a little bit confused. At this moment, seeing the "Little Angel Guqiao who needs strict protection" actually greeted Naoki Asakawa, and immediately put their doubts behind.

"Fun Nao-chan, how do you know Asakawa in the next class?" The sugar sweet with the pink ball head asked.

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