Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 177

"Um..."'Fumina Gu Qiao' tilted his head and said seriously, "I went to class together in the first grade, so I met."


The three girls of Ino Lu Butterfly quickly crossed Asakawa Naoki from the'danger list'.

In any case, Wen Nai-chan would not like boys with girlfriends?

Therefore, Asakawa’s degree of danger is reduced to zero and crossed out.

While several girls were chatting, Feng Xiaochun quietly returned to his seat, took out a book, and spread it out in front of him: "Asakawa student must have said that when I was nervous. It was really good. People... It would be better if you didn't peek at my ass."

Naoki Asakawa naturally didn't know that he had become "Asakawa who likes buttocks" in Feng Xiaochun's mind. After returning to the classroom, he began to review English as usual.

It was almost time for class, and May only appeared from the back door out of breath. Asakawa Naoki is already familiar with it. If he arrives early, he will be surprised.

"Huh..." Maye sat down, put the bulging schoolbag into the table hole, turned his head and said clearly, "Asagawa-san, good morning."

"Well, good morning."

"I'm late again this morning..."

"No need to explain, I understand."

"What can I do?" Mayue remembered how terrifying Ichihwa was, and couldn't help holding his arms. "I am also desperate."

After a while, the class bell rang quickly. Asakawa and May took their tools, got up together, followed the bustling crowd of melon-eating people in the class, and walked to the art class classroom.

Because there are only 30 students in a class, and many classes are not full for various reasons, some courses are mixed, such as music, sports, and art classes.

Asakawa Naoki walked to the door of the art classroom, and saw a silver-haired loli walking along the shadow of the corner. It was Feng Xiaochun.

The silver-haired loli obviously also spotted Asakawa Naoki. After raising her eyes to look at Asakawa Naoki, she hurriedly lowered her head, staring at her toes and sneaked into the art classroom.

That's right, today's art class happened to be with the class next door.

Chapter 142: Copying Sanjiu (second more)

Naoki Asakawa walked into the art classroom and found a corner to sit down quietly. Two minutes before class, a girl walked in alone from the outside with painting tools.

The same pink hair as May, but slightly shorter in length, with oblique bangs covering the eyes on the right side, and headphones that never leave the body hung around his neck. The pink lips are gently pressed, and the temperament is light and peaceful.

It is Sanjiu.

Undoubtedly, a month later, Sanjiu still failed to make friends, otherwise this time must be coming to the art classroom with others.

Sanjiu walked into the classroom quietly, as if the fireworks were not stained with dust, without making any waves.

The steps paused slightly, and the girl's gaze swept across the classroom or her unfamiliar or familiar classmates, but unfortunately there was no place for her to sit down until her gaze fell on Asakawa Naoki in the corner.


Naoki Asakawa pointed his finger at the empty seat in front of him.

Mikau hesitated for half a second, and walked to Asakawa Naoki: "Where is May?"

Obviously, the voice was the same as that of Yotsuba, but it was a pity that Yotsuba was full of vitality, and Sanjiu was only gloomy and calm.

"Probably I went to the bathroom." Asakawa Naoki replied, and then said, "There is no seat, just sit here."


Sanjiu blinked and hesitated.

Naoki Asakawa vomited, "If you don't sit down, you can only sit next to Tachibana-san."


"At three o'clock, boy against the wall."

Sanjiu turned his head and looked.

"That's the nine o'clock direction!" Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but said, "You are wrong, the three o'clock direction is on the other side!"

No wonder you will get lost in front of the school, and the sense of direction is too bad!Fortunately, there is now a mobile navigation software, so you have to be led by you every time you go out!

San Jiu Qiao's face was reddened, her cheeks bulged, and she looked towards three o'clock, and quickly saw a boy in the corner. He was 1.8 meters tall and weighed 180, with short hair and short hair. Fierce, fierce and evil, sitting alone in a corner, no one within a few meters.

As if he had noticed Sanjiu's gaze, the evil boy turned his head and looked around. Sanjiu hurriedly lowered his head and sat down in front of Asakawa Naoki.

With two minutes left before class, Asakawa Naoki turned his pencil bored and looked at Mikau: "Do you know which way the window is facing?"


Sanjiu turned his head and said nothing.

Hey, you've been to school for a month anyway, and you don't even know which direction the school gate opens. The sense of direction is so bad!

Naoki Asakawa sighed silently: "If you go out in the future, you should bring your compass."


Sanjiu puffed up her cheeks and turned into a puffer fish: "Guilty, cut your belly."

"I reject."

"Anyway, there is navigation software. It doesn't matter if you don't know the road?"

"There are times when the phone is out of power."

Especially if you are heavily controlled by your mobile phone, the power of your mobile phone can hardly support your daily consumption!

Naoki Asakawa vomited: "In case you travel back to the ancient Warring States period someday and become sister Uesugi, and lead someone to attack Odawara Castle, and you end up in the wrong direction, your military spirit will be lost in an instant."

"No." Mikau said with bright eyes and straightened waist. "The attack on Odawara Castle is too lonely and deep. If it were me, Numata would stop."

Playing games in the past few days, I am often bullied because of the loneliness.

"Sanjiu, what are you talking about?" A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Seeing May appear, Mikao immediately pressed her pink lips, stopped the urge to continue discussing with Asakawa Naoki, and shook her head: "Nothing to say."

May curious: "I seemed to hear the dragon of Echigo?"

"Yes." Naoki Asakawa said solemnly, "Sanjiu promised me to go to the library to study in the afternoon. I was discussing study with her just now, right, Sanjiu?"


Sanjiu puffed up her cheeks again.

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