Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 219

"Damn it! Just give me a chair!"

I didn't see that you are very experienced. Did you often step on a chair to wash your face and brush your teeth when you were young?

"That's it."

Naoki Asakawa took advantage of the situation to leave, took a chair to pad the blond girl, and then opened the door to deal with the two younger sisters outside.

"Stupid Nissan." Xiao Lin shook her ponytails and raised her mobile phone. "If you open the door one second later, I'm going to call my mother and tell her that you have kidnapped a primary school student!"

"I said she is a high school student, but she looks relatively small."

Naoki Asakawa took out his wallet, drew out a few bills and handed it to Rin, and said, "Go to the convenience store next to the apartment and buy a skirt and a set of underwear."

"Why, why do you want to buy that kind of thing?" Sakura Rin opened his eyes wide, with an expression of shock and disgust on his face, "Could it be that Nissan turned into a werewolf last night and tore all his clothes to pieces!"

"No." Naoki Asakawa said blankly. "Did you see this dog?"

Sakura Rin looked down at Inujiro: "Is it a new pet from Nissan? Didn't it mean that dogs are not allowed in the apartment?"

"It's Chiba's pet." Asakawa said slowly, "This dog doesn't go to the bathroom. He put excrement on his skirt last night..."

"Huh, it's disgusting!"

Xiao Rin hurriedly retracted his right hand that wanted to touch the dog's head, with a disgusting expression on his face: "Don't say those horrible things seriously, idiot Nissan!"

"This is the situation. You go buy a set of clothes." Asakawa straightened his neckline and urged, "All the rest is your pocket money."

"Nissan is the best!"

Xiao Rin held her hands in front of her chest, raised her small face, and flashed bright little stars in her eyes: "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Naoki Asakawa took a closer look and found that there are really little stars. This second-yearly sick sister clearly wears cosmetic contact lenses!

"By the way, Nissan, what size do you want to buy?"

The second girl who ran to the entrance of the corridor like a whirlwind turned and braked sharply and asked curiously.

Naoki Asakawa pondered for half a second: "Just buy it according to your figure."

"Idiot Nissan! I hate you the most!"

Chapter 173

"She is really a high school student?"

Nanjo Mao looked at the blond young girl who stepped on the chair in the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, and asked again in a low voice.

If there is such a petite and cute legal loli high school student in high school, he must be very famous, and I shouldn't have heard of it.

"Replacement as fake."

Naoki Asakawa is making the bed, or eliminating the evidence: "You can ask her for high school math problems you don't understand."

Although Chiba's body has shrunk, his IQ has not shrunk. The math problems in the first grade of high school can still be solved. If he goes to elementary school now, he will definitely get full marks in his homework and become a genius girl!

"...Don't mention math to me."

Nanjo retracted his gaze and said blankly: "Why are you bringing a stranger home?"

"Chiba..." Asakawa thought for a while, then replied, "Not a stranger."

In the same grade as me, I can often see art class, home economics class, and physical education class in the class next to me. I have been passed by myself, and I have touched my thigh in the arcade hall.

"That's the ex-girlfriend?"

"I'm sorry, the strange creature like'ex-girlfriend' only exists in another world line."

"I understand."

Nanjo Maao tilted his head, his eyes looked like looking at the lowest-level carbon-based creatures. The pink lips gently opened and closed, and he spit out a poisonous tongue that would make the glass-hearted person vomit three liters of blood.

"Bringing a girl who doesn't have a close relationship, but just knows, home for the night, it really is a hopeless perverted lolicon. It's really bad. Go surrender."

"It's an overnight stay, not an overnight stay." Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but said, "Even if I take a girl home for the night, this kind of thing is as long as you wish and the age is legal, and it won't change at all."

"You actually still quibble."

Nanjo Maao was so angry that he bit her lower lip, her face was almost full of unhappiness. She took other girls home overnight on weekends, and she was so arrogant. This kind of guy should be chained up!


A knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Huh?" Nan Tiao turned his head and looked at the entrance, slightly surprised, "Xiao Rin is so fast?"

"It's not Rin." Naoki Asakawa clapped his hands, turned and walked towards the entrance, "She would not be so polite when she knocked on the door."


Open the door, the bright sunshine is shining.

A beautiful woman in a red sweatshirt with her pink hair falling to her waist and a serious and serious expression stood outside the door.

"I just heard your room is noisy..."

While talking, Mr. Kirisu looked into the room. She was a little worried about the situation of the unhealthy girl. She sent a message and because Naoki Asakawa was dealing with her younger sister and young girl and did not reply, she came to investigate the situation in person.

Seeing the beautiful girl in the room with unhappy expressions on her face, Kirisu Miaowu was slightly startled and quickly recalled.

"Is it your sister?"

"I forgot to introduce it last time, Maao Nanjo, a first-year student." Naoki Asakawa nodded. "I have a grumpy temper. I always like to get angry. I ran over to play this morning without saying hello. It was a little noisy."

Hearing Naoki Asakawa said that he was'tempered,' the expression on Nanjo's face became even more uncomfortable, and the blackness on his body was already visible to the naked eye.

"Mr. Kirsu, good morning."

Nanjo Mao naturally knows the beautiful woman at the door. After all, she is a very popular Bingshan beauty teacher in high school. His teaching subject is history. At the same time, she is also an assistant to the principal. She is a woman with both beauty and talents. In order to prove that she is not a bad temper. Man, Nanjo squeezed out a smile and said hello.


A drop of cold sweat fell from Kirisu's forehead.

The smile is so scary.

No matter how you look at it, it's "skin smile but not smile", which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"What? Kirsu...teacher?"

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