Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 220

The blond girl who heard the conversation poked her face out of the bathroom.

Four eyes face each other.

The air suddenly quieted down.


Looking at the two suddenly petrified, Asakawa Naoki wanted to know the inner activities of the two at the moment, but it was better to think about it. You must restrain yourself. Once you contract superpower addiction, the consequences will definitely be serious.


The blonde girl swished back into the bathroom, her speed even brought out a phantom.

Kirisu returned to his senses, his azure blue eyes turned to Asakawa Naoki immediately, and under Maao Nanjo's stunned gaze, he grabbed Asakawa's shoulder and pulled Asakawa Naoki out of the apartment.

"That was... Nanako?"

"is her."

Naoki Asakawa confessed, and sighed, "I will shrink when I come together this morning."

"I, turned into a primary school student..."

Kirisu took a deep breath. She thought about Chiba when she slept last night, but she didn't expect it to be such a terrible superpower.

Teacher Ruanmao soon felt a sense of fear in her heart. Fortunately, her hearing has been strengthened. If she becomes a primary school like Chiba...

I moved a chair with difficulty, put it on the podium, and then climbed up:

"Classes begin."

Imagining a little bit of becoming a young girl and then stepping on a chair to give lectures to students, Kirisu's body trembled.

too frightening.

It was a nightmare.

"Chiba is already terrified, right?"

"Not frightened, Chiba's mental quality is very good." Naoki Asakawa tidied his collar and answered honestly, "I hit me when I first got up in the morning. Now I have barely accepted the facts, otherwise I will hide now. Doubt about life in the bed instead of washing your face and brushing your teeth in the bathroom."

Fortunately, it only shrank into a primary school student. Although Chiba was shocked, she was not afraid of much. He was more angry. If she wakes up to become Thumbelina or a figure girl, she will be truly afraid!

"What should we do now?"

Tongsu Zhendong had a pretty face and asked the core question directly.

"Actually..." Naoki Asakawa paused for half a second, then hesitated, "I recently stumbled upon a method that should be able to seal the superpower that accidentally ran away."

"What's the solution?" Kirisu Masuu was stunned, raised his hand to Naoki Asakawa's ear, and couldn't help but said, "Why haven't you told me?"

Of course I won't tell you!If you tell you that you accidentally kissed someone indirectly in the library, you will definitely let yourself write a review!

"It's just possible." Naoki Asakawa said with a serious face, and replied from the rigorous perspective of a scientist, "After all, there is not much experimental data to support..."

"Then experiment with me."

Tongsu Zhendong said decisively.

Hearing enhancement is not good in daily life, because you can always hear something you don't want to hear, you can only plug your ears with headphones, which is quite troublesome.

"No way."

Asakawa Naoki refused.

"Why not?" Teacher Soft Cat frowned lightly.

Naoki Asakawa answered honestly: "I'm afraid you will break my leg."


Mr. Kirisu gritted his teeth lightly, and took a deep breath: "I'll talk about the experiment next time. Anyway, I can't leave Chiba alone."

Worthy of being a teacher, she is selfless and selfless.

"You just said it's just possible...what if it doesn't change back?"

Naoki Asakawa thought for a while and said, "Let Chiba change her name and surname, such as Huihara Ai, and go to elementary school again?"

The example of elementary school students Conan and Hui Yuanai is the previous example. They turned into elementary school students and did not see death and life. Instead, they returned to the furnace and became genius children in elementary school!As a bad girl, Chiba has barely enough academic performance, but he is better than the five sisters in the Nakano family. When he arrives in elementary school, he will definitely be able to dominate the school again as a young girl!


Kirisu Masuu stretched out his right hand and slammed Asakawa wall on the wall in the posture of wall dong, "Shut up."


Chapter 174

"Nanako's parents are divorced and live with her father."

Kirito frowned slightly, "I once wanted to visit home, but she refused."

"The relationship with her father seems to be very bad, so I should not be discovered in a short time."

"Thank you, teacher."

Naoki Asakawa thanked him.

"Then it's you." Mr. Kirito said with a cold face and expressionless expression. "From today, you will never go out when you stay at home."

Asakawa Naoki: "I can still rescue it."

"The same goes for Mizuno, doesn't it happen every time you take an exam?"

Mizuno is the protagonist of the TV series at 8:30 on Monday. Because she suffers from female phobia, she will suffer from physical allergies when encountered by girls, which will affect her performance. Currently in cohabitation treatment.

Naoki Asakawa suddenly noticed a subtle overlap between the TV series and reality, but there is a teacher in Mizuno who can help treat his phobias. If he is alone, there is only physical therapy, right?


The footsteps sounded cheerfully.

A petite girl with a double ponytail appeared at the corner of the corridor at a whirlwind speed. Seeing the passive Asakawa Naoki, she suddenly widened her eyes and said in disbelief:

"Eh eh, Nissan was actually chased by someone?!"

I'm sorry to disappoint you. Being chased by the wall is not necessarily a backlash, but it may also be a personal threat!

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