Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 240

In terms of her positive attitude towards eating, May is definitely the well-deserved first among the five sisters. She must have never had any problems with picky eaters or anorexia when she was a child. Instead, she has to stare at her appetite to avoid stomach pains by accidentally eating too much!

"Go ahead."

Asakawa Naoki said.

Ever since she discovered the subtle expression of the short-haired girl sitting in front of her last week, May has started to keep her distance to avoid being misunderstood.

"See you later."

As the physics teacher picked up the lesson plan and left, Wu Yue got up and walked out the door with the cheerful pace of the pony coming out of the cage.

"If you transfer your interest in eating to study, you will already pass."

Naoki Asakawa was not in a hurry, he slugged through a few questions before he got up and walked out.

Passing by the classroom next door, a girl wearing headphones happened to come out from the back door.

"Go to the cafeteria?" Asakawa Naoki looked at the headset girl.

Mikau lifted his eyes and glanced over Naoki Asakawa's eyes lightly: "Yeah."

"Let's go together."

Asakawa Naoki said casually.

Among the five sisters, there is only one person who can cook, and the other four can only watch and cannot use it. It is better to embroider pillows. At least embroidered pillows will not yell hungry and picky eaters. Although Nino’s bedridden disorder is not as good as Yihua’s Exaggerated, but it's not an early bed and early riser, so there is never such a thing as lunch.


A murderous gaze shot out from the classroom.

Naoki Asakawa turned his head and looked. By the window against the wall, three girls gathered together to prepare a lunch. One of the girls tied her blond hair into a simple ponytail, supported her chin with her left hand, and folded her right leg on her left leg gently. Shaking, the whole body exudes the aura that strangers should not enter, it is the eldest sister of the bad girl.

Four eyes face each other.

Chiba Nanako raised her eyebrows lightly, and her face showed a disgusting expression: "No wonder you are going to be a transfer student. It turned out to be an idea of ​​beating a sister, shamelessly.

Sisters generally refer to two people, and the five sisters are added together. It is more appropriate to call them the Olympic rings!

Naoki Asakawa had no expression on his face, silently averted his gaze, and looked at the others.

Fumina Guqiao was sitting in the middle of the class, eating lunch with the pig, deer and butterfly trio of the "Guqiao Guardian Association".


Seeing Naoki Asakawa turned her head to look at the other girls, the bad girl suddenly became angry and couldn't help but smashed her fist off the table.

"Hey, big sister?" A short-haired girl raised her eyes and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine."

Chiba Nanako turned and hummed.

"Because of Asakawa from the next class?"

Another young girl looked at Naoki Asakawa who turned to leave at the door, and said curiously, "The eldest sister seems to care about Asakawa-san?"

"Who cares about that kind of guy!"

Whether he is lonely and dying, or he wants to eat his sister's rice bowl, he has nothing to do with him. As long as he does not appear in front of him, it is annoying, and he does not want to miss him for a second!

Chiba Nanako folded her hands on her chest: "That Asakawa actually dared to threaten me with the recording. If this hatred is not reported, how can I save face in the future?"

"The face has long been gone, right?" The two younger sisters couldn't help but spit in their hearts. "They were touched in the corridor, held in the arms in the classroom, and were seen by Mr. Kirsu... Don't deceive yourself. That's it."

"What are your eyes?"

Chiba Nanako's pretty face condensed.

"Nothing, big sister, hurry up and eat lunch."


Walking on the way to the cafeteria.

"Frivolous shallow river." Sanjiu shouted.

Naoki Asakawa corrected: "Please call me Asakawa classmate."

"No." Sanjiu refused, "Frivolous Asakawa shouted more smoothly."

And it's still an exclusive title, so it won't change.

Sanjiu pursed her pink lips and looked up, "Do you have time for the weekend?"


"The game you recommended to me has been cleared last night." Sanjiu raised his hand and held the blue silk around his ear, then held the headset on his chest, turned his head and said, "I saw someone playing a very interesting game on Niconico. Interesting Sengoku game...Will you buy it together on the weekend?"

"You can buy it directly on Amazon." Asakawa Naoki suggested.

"No." Sanjiu shook his head. "The express delivery is not safe. Maybe Ichihua and Nino will see it, and then it will be exposed."

It’s not a scumbag between men and men. It’s shameful to like warring states generals. You’re more frank, just like May, even if you call me a roubao monster, you never hide your love for roubao!

Girls are really creatures who like to make trouble on the sidelines.

"It's okay to buy it yourself, why call me together?"

Asakawa Naoki was puzzled.


San Jiu bulged her cheeks, like a little squirrel with a lot of chestnuts in her mouth, and couldn't help but come over.

Ah, it appeared again!

The look of disgust like looking at the bottom carbon-based creatures makes people unconsciously want to sit down and beg for forgiveness!

"Am I wrong?"

Naoki Asakawa quickly searched the conversation just now, and found no problems at all.

Nanjo asked herself to accompany her to the bookstore because she was embarrassed to buy the book. You are not buying the 18-forbidden galgalme game. You don't need someone to accompany you!

"I haven't bought a game before, maybe someone will encounter an emergency." Sanjiu bulged her cheeks, turned her head and said, "...just if you don't go."

"It just so happens that I also want to buy games." Asakawa Naoki quickly said, "Let's go together."

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