Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Do Not Need Super Powers Chapter 241

"Also." Sanjiu Liu Meishu stretched out, "Thank you yesterday, I will invite you to lunch after buying the game... That's it."


The two talked and walked into the cafeteria unknowingly.

"Asshole Asakawa!"

Nino came one step first and saw Asakawa Naoki, strode over, the black ribbon tied at the temple swaying gently with the pace, like a beautiful black swallowtail butterfly.

"You guy is really plotting against Sanjiu, right?"

Nina looked fiercely over.

"I do not have."

Naoki Asakawa denied that, of course he would not admit anything that was imaginary, and he was not a gangster who carried everything on his back.

"No?" Nino's eyes were not good, and he folded his hands on his chest, "I lost to Sanjiu in the guessing contest yesterday. It was obvious that he lost deliberately. Make Sanjiu happy, right?"

It is true to lose deliberately, but it is false to make Sanjiu happy!If I win Sanjiu and have more trouble, OK, there is only one prize, but my sister has two. No matter who it is given, the other will be unhappy, so losing the game is the best solution!

"With me, don't try to lie to Sanjiu." Nina pinched his waist with his right hand, protecting Sanjiu's body.

"Asakawa-san is not that kind of person."

Sanjiu helped explain.

"Huh, I've seen a lot of boy's routines." Nino raised her chin, revealing a white neck, and taught Sanjiu in the tone of a person from over, "I made you happy yesterday, maybe I will ask you to go out on weekends today. , And then have a meal and watch a movie, looking for opportunities to guide you!"


Sanjiu pressed her pink lips, a little blush appeared on the side of her ears, and her entire pretty face was smudged quietly.

"Huh, why are you blushing?"

Seeing Sanjiu who blushed suddenly, Nino showed a puzzled expression on his face, and then quickly reacted, and immediately gritted his teeth: "Is it right? Bastard Asakawa asked you to go out for fun?"

Hey, you got the wrong object!I didn't ask Sanjiu out to play, but on the way here just now, Sanjiu wanted to accompany her to buy games!

and many more--

Except for not talking about watching movies, going out to play and eating together are all right. Could it be that you are the one being attacked?

Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but look at Mikau, and came to a conclusion after careful consideration.

It must be impossible.

The trap of the three major illusions in life will not be caught. Countless ancestors have proved with their blood and tears that feeling good about themselves often ends in miserable situations. One day in the future, they will definitely be slapped in the face!

"Soul Dan Qianchuan, hurry up and confess your guilt and surrender."

Nina issued a verdict, "If you take the initiative to surrender, it will leave you a decent way to die.

"I don't recognize it."


Naoki Asakawa looked at Nino: "There is no evidence, just convict others based on imagination. If you were in ancient times, you would have scorned human life and corrupted the law..."


Energetic voices rang in the ears of the three.


Nino was expressionless, like a mechanical girl, turning his head blankly.

"I didn't say anything!" Yotsuba covered her mouth, turned and ran, "You guys talk slowly."

"You dare to say that I am that kind of thing, don't even think about running."

Chapter 187

lunch time.

Naoki Asakawa bought a pork chop rice bowl, looked around to find the location of the five Nakano sisters, then turned and walked in the other direction.

Eating lunch alone is the most correct choice. Beautiful and delicious meals are all lies. When the five sisters gather together, they will only buzz like a bee and make it a headache!

In the afternoon, the second class was PE class as usual.

Naoki Asakawa changed into his sportswear and walked to the corner of the playground to wait quietly for class. After a while, he saw the girls from the next class coming in groups.

Then...the day the legend fell.

"Wen Nai sauce, come on!"

A member of the Thorns Society cheered Guqiao Wennai.

"I can not……"

Guqiao Wen is eager to cry without tears.

"Wen Naijiang, you are so good, you can definitely do it."

"I really can't..."

"Wen Naijiang, let's attack."


Fumina Guqiao silently dragged his body and walked towards the starting point of the runway, his expression very much like a desperate prisoner about to walk on the gallows.

"Guqiao classmate."

A tall, middle-aged man with a short head cut and bronzed skin smiled, expecting: "Are you ready?"

"I..." The girl with her hair in a ponytail opened her mouth, "Ready, teacher."

"Then let's start?"

Fumina Guqiao closed his eyes in despair, with only one thought in his heart, "Hurry up, end up quickly, end up quickly, why should I be tortured like this."

As the whistle sounded, Fumina Gubashi took a deep breath and started the happy journey of the girl in the wind.

Two minutes later.


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