Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 481

Fumina Guqiao blinked, "Open-air theater?"

"...Almost." Asakawa turned his pencil and drew a straight line representing the high wall on the paper. "The distance between you and the height of the wall is the tangent. The wall is infinitely high, so the tangent can be infinite. "

"Detective Guqiao frowned and finally found the truth about the murder—"

Naoki Asakawa put down his pen and adjusted his neckline. “It turns out that this wall is a neighbor’s courtyard wall. The victim hangs a screen on another’s wall to watch a movie. The neighbor is not angry, so he enters the room to kill.”

Fumina Guqiao: "..."

"Do this question." Naoki Asakawa took the exercise book and found a classic exercise. "Now it's your turn to solve the case yourself."

"Ming, understand."

Fumina Guqiao hurriedly nodded, his eyes fell on the screen, her lips pressed tightly, her face showed the serious expression of the policewoman at the scene of the investigation: "This is the height of the screen, this is the distance from the wall... first bring the side in. Solve it..."

Regarding the boring letters as clues to the murder, Gu Qiaowen followed his thoughts and awkwardly wrote down the calculation formula. After a while, he finally found the real murderer.

"The investigation steps are correct..."

"There is nothing wrong with the digital clues..."

Fumina Guhashi took a breath, turned to the answer page of the exercise book, looked nervously, and saw that the final answer was exactly the same as the one in his own pen, and Qiao's face suddenly burst into a brilliant smile of Begonia flowers blooming in the wind, and couldn't wait to turn. Looking at Asakawa Naoki, he shared his joy: "Asakawa-san, did you see..."


Four eyes face each other.

Breathe each other.

The sound stopped abruptly.

Fumino Furuhashi finally found that he was so close unconsciously, even his arms were attached to each other, and the distance between his lips and lips was only 20 centimeters, and he could even clearly feel the warm breath exhaled by Asakawa Naoki.

(A scent of tea... Asakawa must have just drunk green tea, right?)

(Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What are you thinking about!)

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Gu Qiao Wennai reacted, leaning back like an electric shock, pulling away, and his jade-white cheeks were instantly dyed with autumn maple leaves, and even the tips of his ears and neck were stained alluringly. Scarlet, holding the hem of the skirt with both hands, looking down at the table, panicked, "I am so close to Asakawa as an ant. I'm so sorry, I went home on a hunger strike at night!"

"I don't want to be an indirect murderer." Naoki Asakawa looked away, his heartbeat speeding up uncontrollably, "Remember the confidence and feelings just now, continue to do the questions, and cultivate this confidence."

"I know."

Guqiao Wennai nodded, and suddenly remembered that Xiao Rin was still by her side, and quickly turned her head and looked around, only to find that she was empty around her, and said in a daze:

"Hey, where is Linchan?"

Naoki Asakawa looked down and read, "She has gone out to play with classmates."

"This, this..."

Fumina Guqiao quietly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Xiao Rin didn't find it, you can watch it for a while, don't worry about leaving...


In the quiet library, the faint cry of the little pigeon suddenly sounded.


Naoki Asakawa silently turned his head to look at Fumino Furuhashi.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Fumina Guqiao covered his belly with his hands, closed his eyes, and shouted in shame, "I was like an ant, and I interrupted Asakawa's reading. I must commit suicide on a hunger strike tonight!"

Naoki Asakawa opened his schoolbag, took out a box of chocolate bars from it, and handed it to Fumino Furuhashi, "Eat one?"

Fumina Guhashi swallowed, nodded subconsciously, and then raised his hand to cover his eyes like an electric shock: "Asagawa-san take it quickly, I won't eat!"

My stomach is groaning and I still don't eat snacks. You are really weird today.

"Is not feeling well?" Asakawa groaned for half a second, and quickly rejected it, "Even if you were about to faint with a cold and fever that day, you didn't forget to eat snacks."

Touching the table with his fingers, Naoki Asakawa muttered to himself: "A foodie suddenly changed his attitude and gave up his favorite snack. Is it fat..."

"It's not a foodie!" Fumina Guhashi closed his eyes and tried to resist the temptation of the chocolate bar. "It's too rude to say that word in front of a girl!"

"Then quickly explain the reason." Naoki Asakawa was unmoved, "You can't study at ease like this."

"That...actually..." Fumina Guqiao froze, finally turned his head and looked around, opened one eye, and said cautiously with a blushing face, "I said Asakawa-san, don't laugh at me?"

Naoki Asakawa raised his hand and promised: "Definitely not."

Fumino Guhashi took a breath and said in a self-deprecating tone: "The weather has gradually become hot recently. I tried the cool shirt from last summer last night, and then..."

Fumina Guqiao bit her lower lip and said in despair, "I can't get it in."

Sure enough.

For a foodie, only if you can't wear the beautiful clothes that you used to wear, you can learn from it and quit snacks!Although more girls will pretend to turn a blind eye, deceive themselves, hide their ears and steal the bells, and then continue to eat and drink.

Just as men can't control the lower body, many girls can't control their mouths either.

"You said you won't laugh."

Fumina Guqiao looked over with tears in her eyes.

"I just touched my nose and didn't laugh, OK?" Asakawa put down his fingers and analyzed, "There are many possibilities that you can't wear clothes, not necessarily because you get fat."

"Bi, for example?"

"For example, your figure has improved..." Asakawa's eyes swept across Guhashi's chest. "Well, this one doesn't."

Although the two of them had not spoken in their first year of high school, they had attended a class, and they also saw Guqiao piercing through the dead reservoir water in a swimming class. One year later, they always felt that Guqiao’s milk volume had not fluctuated.


Fumina Guhashi covered her chest with her hands, her cheeks bulged, "Asakawa-san is too much!"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." Naoki Asakawa apologized insincerely, and then said, "There is another possibility that some clothes will shrink and become smaller after dry cleaning. Could this be the reason?"

"Huh?" Guqiao Fumino was taken aback, blinked, and hesitated, "It seems possible... But I don't remember if the clothes were dry-cleaned."

"Have you used a scale to measure it?" Asakawa asked Naoki.

"No." Guqiao Wennai covered her cheeks with her hands, "If you weigh over a hundred, you won't have the face to see people."

What's so shameless to see people!The weight in May is definitely fifty kilograms. It's not that I am happily eating meat buns every day, and I am not at all sad!

"After taking a shower last night, I feel that my belly is full of flesh..."

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