Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 482

"Did not see it."

"Really, really." Fumina Fumina opened his clothes, revealing the flat belly of the skin and Xue Xue, tearfully said, "If you don't believe it, Asakawa-san touch it."

"Let me touch it?" Asakawa hesitated.

Touching a girl's belly in the library is terrible in every sense!

Fumino Furuhashi grabbed the hem of his clothes with both hands and urged, "Asakawa-san, hurry up."


Naoki Asakawa stretched out his right hand and lightly pressed it on Guqiao's belly.


Gu Qiao Wennai's body tensed subconsciously, her pretty face flushed quickly, turned her head and said, "How do you feel, how do you feel?"

"……thanks for treatment."

Chapter 351

Library corner.

Seeing Fumino Furuhashi's skin surpassing snow, delicate and flat belly, and delicate and lovely belly button, Naoki Asakawa wanted to say no, but it was a pity that the taste changed when he said:

"I know."


Sure enough, I still want to touch it.

It's like turning the cat over and rubbing its belly when it comes to rubbing a cat. Human beings seem to have a soft spot for their stomachs.

Naoki Asakawa stretched out his right hand, preparing to lick the cat...No, it was licking the old bridge.

"Wait, wait a minute."

Just when his fingers were about to touch his stomach, Fumina Guqiao suddenly nervously called to stop.


Naoki Asakawa thought it was Furuhashi who had the upper hand with shame and wanted to repent, but it didn't turn out to be.

"That..." Fumina Guqiao opened his eyes and looked blushing, his eyelashes trembling lightly, and said in a low voice, "Will Asakawa-san's hands be cold?"

"I'm afraid of cold."

Fumina Guhashi said pitifully: "That winter in the third grade of elementary school, someone pranked their hands into my neck, and the feeling of almost dying has not been forgotten."

Just stick your hand into your neck, not only will you not die, but it will also refresh your mind and spirit!

This awakening method is very desirable. When you read a book in the future, go to bed and stretch your hand to the inside of your neck to wake you up instantly!

"You'll know if you touch it." Asakawa Naoki raised his hand to the ancient bridge.

Fumino Furuhashi stretched out his white jade fingers and gently held Asagawa's right hand, and quickly heaved a sigh of relief: "The hand is so hot, it's not cold at all."

"Then I started?"

"Go on, let's start."

Fumino Furuhashi opened his shirt to reveal his belly, and closed his eyes again in a panic.

This time I finally didn't stop calling, Asakawa Naoki successfully touched Guqiao's belly, and in the midst of it, there seemed to be a strange reminder of [Rare Achievement + Asakawa Naoki].

So soft.

The first feeling is that the belly is so soft, as soft as cotton candy, without the muscles and toughness of boys at all, it feels like a cat is made of liquid!

Then it's so slippery.

The place where the palm of the hand touched, there is only the delicate and silky texture of the hand, as if the friction of the basic force of the world has lost its existence on Guqiao...but it really feels a little worse than Sanjiu.

"and many more."

Naoki Asakawa suddenly began to reflect on himself, "I touched the ancient bridge, but the person I thought was Mikau, is it a scum?"

The ultra-intimate contact that violated the school regulations and manual made Asakawa Naoki's blue hair tremble gently behind his back, his cheeks dyed red as quickly as fire, and he stubbornly said:

"How do you feel?"

Naoki Asakawa's expression is serious: "It feels so good, thanks for the hospitality."

"I didn't ask you this!"

Fumina Guqiao puffed up her cheeks and couldn't help but came over, "Asakawa-san is bullying again."

He was clearly telling the truth, how could he be a bully?

If you change over to any boy, you won’t say anything that feels bad!

"The belly is very flat, and I can't feel any signs of getting fat at all." Asakawa retracted his right hand and said slowly, "It doesn't matter if you gain two or three catties, because the extra fat will be evenly distributed throughout the body. If you can feel it There is a swimming ring on the belly, which makes you at least ten or twenty catties fatter."

"One, one or twenty catties?"

Fumina Guqiao opened his eyes wide, and involuntarily appeared in his mind that he had become a fat ball. He hugged his chest and shook his head in a panic, "That kind of scene is also terrible!"

"Go back in the evening and take a shower, take a measurement on the scale without clothes."

"If, if you weigh two catties more than before, you won't eat snacks again!"


The cry of the pigeon sounded again.

Fumina Guqiao covered his stomach with both hands, and lay on his stomach with tears in his eyes.

(No, no more...)

(Very hungry.)

(Because I couldn't put on clothes, I ate a sandwich in the morning, and only ate two seaweed rice balls at noon. I resisted having no snacks for a whole day. If this continues, I might starve to death before I get home...)

next moment.

The tempting chocolate aroma drifts gently into the nose.


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