Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 483

Fumina Guhashi subconsciously sniffed her nose, opened her eyes, and a matcha chocolate bar stretched out in front of her, just like a cat is to a dried fish and a notebook is to an old driver. He said no in his heart, but his body was instinctive. Propelled to act without authorization.


Fumina Furuhashi lightly opened her lips and bit the chocolate bar in front of her.

As the scent of chocolate spread on the tip of his tongue, Fumino Guqiao’s eyes quickly bend into two crescents, and his face shows a happy expression of world-famous painting level. Even foreign friends who don’t speak the language can see the ancient bridge at this moment. , We must be able to understand what a happy smile is.

"No, no."

"How can I put it in my mouth and spit it out quickly..."

"Can't spit it out."

"Brain and body have all rebelled."

Fumina Guqiao closed his eyes in despair, and then chose to give up on himself, "If that's the case, just, just indulge."

"Crack, click, click—"

The sound of the little hamster licking melon seeds quickly sounded, seeing that he was hesitant to continue just now, but after a few seconds, his grief and anger were turned into appetite, and Naoki Asakawa was speechless at the ancient bridge where he was eating.

You take the chocolate bar and eat it!

It is delivered to you so that you can hold it and eat it, so that it is not intended to feed you!

It is a pity that the happy time is particularly short.

Gu Qiao Wennai had just given up on herself and was about to indulge, but the sweetness on the tip of her tongue stopped abruptly.

"so short."

"I finished eating as soon as I felt it. Why is it so short."

"If you are not satisfied, your body will only suffer more."

Fumina Guqiao opened his eyes and looked at Asakawa pitifully. Although he didn't speak, his thoughts were clearly written on his face.

"I'm so hungry, I still want to eat, please continue to feed me."

All in all, it is almost the same.


Naoki Asakawa gently twitched the corner of his mouth, took out a matcha chocolate bar again, and handed it to Fumino Furuhashi.

"Ah woo-"

Gu Qiao Wennai opened his mouth in a tacit understanding, and his face showed a happy and happy expression again.

No way, the happiness of eating goods is as simple as that. A chocolate stick can give them both physical and spiritual satisfaction.

After eating three chocolate bars in a row, and waiting for the warm current to make up for the emptiness of his stomach, Guqiao Wennai regained his life and finally woke up.

"Eh eh?!" Looking at Asakawa Naoki's right hand, Furuhashi leaned back in a panic, "Wh, how could Asakawa-san is feeding me?"

Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but said, "You've already eaten so much, did you find out now?"

"Yes, I'm sorry (> people <)." Fumina Guqiao hurriedly raised his hand to cover his cheek, steam faintly rising from the top of his head, and shouted in shame, "I have done such a rude thing accidentally, I will go Be a quiet mushroom in the corner!"

Naoki Asakawa has no fluctuations in his heart: "I have the last two chocolate bars left, can I eat them?"

Guqiao Wennai quietly opened a finger and said in a weak voice: ""

Chapter 352

After feeding the old bridge with the chocolate bar, Asakawa read the book for a while, then left the library first and walked to the agreed tram stop.

When Naoki Asakawa walked to the tram station, he looked up and saw a dull-haired girl standing in the corner. The dull hair on top of her head swayed gently, holding a meat bun in her hand, her cheeks bulging, and happiness on her face. The expression is exactly the same as the old bridge just now.

It's really easy to be satisfied with this creature.

"Asakawa-san, are you here?"

Turning around in May, the tram hadn't arrived yet, and the two naturally had to wait for a while.


May took another bite of the meat bun, perhaps because he was overwhelmed by eating alone, this Maomao Neighbor passed the meat bun forward: "Sao Chuan, would you like a bite?"

Eat your sister!There is still your saliva on the meat buns. Who would eat food with the saliva of female students!Whether it's physical or psychological, I can't accept it all!

If you want to share snacks, take out the snacks you haven't eaten!

"Don't eat."

Asakawa Naoki refused decisively, without hesitation at all.

Maye blinked: "...Then I ate it myself?"

Naoki Asakawa was expressionless: "Don't talk while eating."


The super-large meat bun, which could completely become the staple food of ordinary people, quickly disappeared into May's mouth with the humiliation of being downgraded to a snack.

"Huh...I'm full."

Wu Yue touched her stomach with her right hand, and a happy expression appeared on her face.

"I remember when the first class was off in the afternoon, you had a meat bun, right?" Asakawa couldn't help asking.

In the past less than two hours, you actually ate another meat bun. The appetite was so terrifying that you would not be able to feed it in the future!

Although I don't need to raise it by myself.

"Because I'm going to the temple to offer incense to my mother in a minute." May Qiao blushed and hurriedly said, "There are long steps in the temple, and it is very tiring to walk, so I have to eat more to avoid getting it. At that time, physical strength was insufficient."

The so-called foodie is a group of creatures who can always find a reason for themselves.

Naoki Asakawa looked at May and said, "I don't know whether to ask a question."

"go ahead."

May answered quite simply.

"Then I asked." Naoki Asakawa nodded slightly and curiously said, "Your current weight is..."


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