Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 672

Guancheng Shahezi clenched her powder fist, and wanted to hit someone.

"The Homecoming Department is not a club at all!" Guan Chengsha Kazuko couldn't help but shouted, "If you don't join a club, you will become a squat at home in the future!"

Rizu Ogata raised his right hand: "I am also the homecoming club."

Guancheng Sa Kazuko: "...Please don't be a repeater."

"Classmate Guancheng."

The crisp shout suddenly sounded from outside the door.

Guan Chengsha Kazuko turned around and looked at it. A girl with a short ponytail stood at the door, her voice floating: "The teacher is calling you to the office, as if there is something I want you to help."

"I see, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Sekisha Kazuko sighed and looked at Asagawa and Ogata, "I'll go to the office first... You two will study together first, and wait for me to come back."

The girl in the white coat lowered her voice and sighed at Asakawa Naoki, "Don't secretly massage Ogata-classmates while I am away."

During the massage, you must be on the spot to supervise, and you can't let two people get along alone. The boy's concentration is the least reliable.

"I see." Rizuki Ogata nodded earnestly, "We will be together when you come back."

"What, what together?" Guan Chengsha and Zi Qiao blushed, and said, "I didn't say to massage, just supervise you...I'm leaving!"

As Guancheng Sha and Ziguan left, the Chemistry Department suddenly fell silent.

Naoki Asakawa opened his schoolbag, took out the exercise book and notebook from it, and was about to study when a cold little hand suddenly grabbed his thumb.

"Asa, Asakawa students..."

Rizu Ogata's small face was pale, and her always serious eyes were now panicked and nervously said, "There are ghosts!"

"Ghost?" Asakawa Naoki looked around. "Are you dazzled?"

"No." Rizuki Ogata stammered. "There are a pair of skeleton feet under the curtain over there."

Asakawa turned his head and looked around, and was surprised to see a pair of pale human foot bones under the curtain.

your sister!There are actually ghosts!

Now it’s less than four o’clock in the afternoon, and the sun is just right outside. The ghosts that can haunt in broad daylight should be very vicious ghosts!

"and many more."

Suddenly, Naoki Asakawa noticed that there was not only a pair of foot bones, but also a faint human figure behind the curtain.

There is wind blowing.

The curtain was blown open by the wind, and a white skeleton leaned quietly against the wall.


Not a ghost, but a skeleton monster.

Chapter 487

"Skull, skeleton monster!"

Seeing the white skeleton hiding in the corner, Ogata Rizuki trembled all over, as if electricity flowed directly from the soles of her feet to the top of her head. She hugged Naoki Asakawa’s arm in a panic, tears even burst out from the corners of her eyes. Not the usual calm and composure.

Hey, what's so scary!In online games, this little skeleton without weapons and armor is clearly the lowest level mobs, one punch!

As a science genius, don't hold others shivering, quickly capture this skeleton and slice it for research. As long as you find out the secrets of the unlimited transformation of people and ghosts, you might even win this year's Nobel Prize in Physics!

"Don't worry." Naoki Asakawa carefully looked at the skeleton that was covered by the curtain again, and muttered, "This thing shouldn't be a ghost."

the reason is simple.

Too clean.

Like this kind of skeleton monster, it should be rusty and bloody. No matter how bad it is, it should be as yellow as the teeth of a smoker, not so dazzlingly white, and whiter than the skin of many girls.

Even if it is a ghost, don't worry.

At any rate, they are superpowers, Guan Chengsha and Zi Tiantian have no problem getting along with this thing day and night, and he will not be afraid.

"Let me see what it is."

Asakawa stood up, ready to find out.

"No." Rizu Ogata grabbed Naoki Asakawa by the corner of his clothes and said nervously, "It's too dangerous."

Ogata, who has always been obsessed with seriousness, suddenly showed a nervous and worried tearful expression, causing Naoki Asakawa's heart to touch lightly. He couldn't help reaching out his right hand, pressing the top of Ogata's head, and gently touching his hair.

"Don't worry." Asakawa said Wen, "It's daytime now."

Rizo Ogata bit her lower lip, "Then I will go with you."

"it is good."

Thumbelina nervously grabbed Naoki Asakawa's finger and walked carefully to the white skeleton.


Naoki Asakawa drew the curtains open, and the bright sunlight poured in from outside the window.

The skeleton remained in the same position as before, without any movement.

"This thing should be..."

Naoki Asakawa stretched out his right hand, tried the feel, then carefully checked the joints, and quickly made a judgment: "It is a plastic skeleton specimen."

"Huh?" Rizu Ogata stuck a small face from behind Asakawa. "Isn't it a ghost?"

"The ghost shouldn't be reachable, right?"

Naoki Asakawa gently pulled up the arm of the skeleton specimen, "And the movable screw at this joint, what else can it be if it is not a specimen!"

Well, the Department of Chemistry said that there are Newtonian pendulums and globes in the activity room. Now there are even more bone specimens from the Department of Biology, but it does not look like the Department of Chemistry!

Ogata Rizu widened her eyes and looked at it, "There are...really not ghosts?"

"No." Naoki Asakawa held Ogata, turned and walked back to the table to sit down, "Don't worry, ask Sekishi later, and continue reading."


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