Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 673

Rizu Ogata sat down next to Asakawa, picked up a pencil, and continued to read and study, but he was a little worried after all, and quietly looked back at the skeleton specimen from time to time.

the first time.

the second time.

the third time……


Naoki Asakawa was concentrating on solving math problems, when suddenly a soft and fragrant petite legal loli got into his arms.


Asakawa Naoki looked down at the girl in his arms.

"It's a ghost!" Rizu Ogata's eyes were tearful, and her face was pale with nervousness, "I just saw the skeleton move!"

Naoki Asakawa sighed silently.

Your current state is clearly a suspected neighbor, preconceived and suspected of skeletons, and you will naturally think in the direction of ghosts!

"Then let's go out first, go to the corridor and wait for Guancheng to come back?"

Naoki Asakawa supported Ogata’s little butt, and took a breath, only to feel a tempting fragrance coming out of his nose, with the fragrance of milk, udon noodles, and the sweet fragrance of fruit. With the fragrance of hair water, it is no wonder that creatures like girls are more popular with mosquitoes because they smell so good.

"hurry up."

Rizu Ogata quickly agreed that the cockroaches and bats were not afraid, except for the existence of ghosts that could not be explained by science.

It's a pity that before Asakawa put down the legal loli in his arms, the door of the room was slammed open, and then the girl's crisp voice sounded.

"I'm back... ah ah ah ah! What are you, you two doing! It's already a violation of school rules so close!"

Guan Chengsha and Zi opened his eyes wide, and the whole person was in trouble.

I just went to the office, less than ten minutes back and forth, you two hugged each other?

Say good study!

Sekisaki Sakazuko was about to ask questions. After seeing Rizuki Ogata who turned his head, he was struck by lightning and Petrochemical was on the spot.

Are eyes and tears coming out?

The face is still so red...

The breathing seems to be very rapid...

Don't you two hug and hug, but the kind of bad thing that only appears in evil comics?

Too obscene!I don't know what to check!It’s no longer a violation of the school rules prohibiting close contact between boys and girls, but a trampling on the school rules!

"Sekijo-san?" Ogata Rizuki tilted her head, in a confused tone, "Why haven't you come in yet?"

"Ha, haha..."

Guan Chengsha and Zi's heart thumped and thumped, resisting the urge to turn around and flee, gritting her teeth and squeezing a barely smile.

Why not go in?

Of course, I am worried about seeing terrible pictures that make people have nightmares!

"You get up first before talking."

Asakawa Naoki hugged the legal loli in his arms.

Rizhu Ogata stood aside, propped up the table with one hand, and sorted out the folds in the skirt with the other.

Seeing this scene, Guan Chengsha Kazuko's heart sank again, sitting on the boy in such a shameful posture, and after getting up, she had to tidy up the skirt... It's too bad to think about it!

"Seki Castle, there are ghosts." Ogata Rizuki said nervously. "Let's go."

"Huh?" Guan Chengsha and Zi were dumbfounded, his head was confused, "ghost?"

"It's the skeletal specimen in the corner." Naoki Asakawa reached out his hand and pointed to the corner. "Ogata is so afraid of ghosts. When he saw the skeleton, he cried."

"Is it because I think too much?"

Guan Cheng Shahezi took a breath, walked into the activity room hesitantly, and explained:

"I walked too quickly and I forgot to tell you. It was a prop left by the former Minister of Chemistry. It was a plastic bone specimen, not a skeleton or a ghost..."

Rizu Ogata's eyes were tearful: "But I saw it moving just now."

"Should be dazzled?"

Sekisha and Koko quietly looked at Asakawa Naoki while talking.

Look down.

It fell below Naoki Asakawa's abdomen and above his thighs, and soon he was relieved.

The trousers are neatly dressed, the zipper is not opened... I really think too much, just an ordinary high school student, it is impossible to do that kind of thing, right?

"What are you looking at?"

Naoki Asakawa looked at the girl in the white coat faintly.

"I'm not, I don't!" Guan Chengsha and Zi turned her head in a panic, her pretty blushing face, Xia Feiran, without a word, "I didn't look at your Ou..."

Chapter 488

"Woo Meow..."

Guan Chengsha and Zi squatted on the ground with tears covering her mouth.

"Bite, bite my tongue..."

"It doesn't hurt or it hurts." Rizuki Ogata stretched out her small hand and gently rubbed Sekishi's hair. "It doesn't hurt if you blow it. Do you want to eat udon?"

Guancheng Shakazuko hesitated: "Can't you eat if your tongue is broken?"

"You can eat." Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers and said in a low voice, "It is a matter of the tongue whether it hurts or not, and it is a matter of the mouth whether to eat or not. In many cases, we always have to make a choice."

"You go away." Guan Chengsha and Zi puffed up her cheeks, "I don't want to talk to you."


With the assurance of Sekiro Sa Kazuko, Ogata Rizuki finally relieved her mind and left in a hurry, but still sat next to Asakawa.

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