Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top students do not need superpowers Chapter 7

Wu Yue carried his schoolbag in both hands, and his eyes wandered over Naoki Asakawa and Sanjiu. The faces clearly read "I want to ask," "What did you do?" "Hurry up and tell me."

If Naoki Asakawa didn't see him, he said directly, "Time is running out, shall we go to the library now?"

"Well, learning is the most important thing."

Walking on the road, Naoki Asakawa handed over a bottle of green tea in his hand: "Nakano-san, here you are."

Maye blinked: "Why give me this?"

Asakawa Naoki said, "I won the prize with great luck, I can't drink it alone."

Sanjiu raised his eyes and glanced at Asakawa Naoki, her pink lips pressed lightly: "Big liar, don't change the reason."


May wanted to refuse, but after reading Asakawa Naoki's eyes, he nodded and agreed: "Well then...Thank you Naoki Asakawa."


Then follow the agreement to help review, and after repaying the kindness of the big meat bun, you can be relieved.


No words all the way.

Naoki Asakawa and the three walked to the school library, and after showing the student certificate, they came to the study room on the second floor.

There are a lot of empty desks in the study room. Japan currently implements a "relaxed" education. Different schools have different regulations, but they basically arrive at school before 8:30 in the morning, and school is over after four in the afternoon. There is no early self-study, no late Self-study, the time outside the school is completely at your disposal. For those who do not participate in club activities, do not work to earn money, and do not pursue studies, campus life is particularly leisurely.

Of course, there are also many people who go to private schools after school to make up classes. After all, it depends on whether they learn or not. For example, the girl next to the table is very enthusiastic about learning.

"Asakawa, where do we start learning?"

Nakano Wuyue puts his hands on the table, his eyes are bright, his sitting posture is correct, and his eyes look forward to him. He is definitely the teacher's favorite student type.

As for Sanjiu, who was wearing headphones, he didn't mean to study. After coming in, he went to the bookshelf and wandered.

"Where is not enough, just study." Naoki Asakawa looked at the expectant girl, stretched out his hand, "Give me the math test paper."


May Nakano was a little bit embarrassed, but did not refuse, and quickly opened his schoolbag and handed over the math test paper.

Naoki Asakawa took the test paper and no longer focused on the scores, but looked at the wrong questions.

The first question, the collection question, is simply expanded on the union, and the answer does not exceed forty seconds...the answer is wrong.

The second question, trigonometric functions, requires only simple calculations and should not take more than thirty seconds.

The third question is even simpler, the quadratic function question. You only need to look at the opening of the function and the number of intersections with the number axis, and you can get the correct answer within ten seconds.

As a result, these sub-questions were all wrong.

"This test paper is a summary and review of the first-year knowledge. The first three questions are so simple, why are they wrong!"

Naoki Asakawa suppressed the desire to spit, and looked at the scores of the questions, and he was speechless. Most of these questions have traces of eraser... That is to say, these questions are in a wave of uncertainty. Ah!

The only problem that can be won with 100% confidence, is there only one sequence summing problem!

Fortunately, Naoki Asakawa is not a math teacher, otherwise he would probably increase his blood pressure and increase his heartbeat.

Naoki Asakawa was silent for a moment, and pointed to the summation of the sequence of numbers, "This is a good job."

"That..." Wu Yue raised her hand to play with the hair around her ear, her eyes were a little erratic, "In fact, I wrote all the numbers and added the results one by one."

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

Fortunately, there are only 20 simple items. If there are two hundred items, your draft paper is not enough!

Mathematics is a logical and rigorous science. If you don't listen to a class, you will not be able to keep up with your progress. As my neighbor, I have probably dropped out of school in the first grade. Otherwise, how can I make so many mistakes with such a serious study attitude?

It can't be a scumbag who can't learn, right?

Naoki Asakawa thought about a solution.

If a hole is broken in the barrel, the goal of repairing is clear. The problem is that the knowledge loopholes in May are like showers. I don't know where to cover it. It does not necessarily mean that there are many loopholes in high school knowledge. Knowledge in junior high schools is also worrying. .

Naoki Asakawa took the notebook, wrote a question silently, and handed it to May: "You can solve it and see."


Sitting upright in May, looking down, the title is very simple: "Today there are an unknown number of chickens and rabbits in the same cage. There are a total of 35 heads and 94 feet. Ask how many rabbits are in the cage. , How many chickens?"

Pick up a pencil in May.

May Mulu thought.

May A is out.

Five... five minutes later.

"I figured it out!"

Nakano Mayuki pushed the notebook in front of Naoki Asakawa, with a happy smile full of accomplishment on his face.

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

Chapter 6

"I figured it out!"

There was a low cry of surprise, and the dull hair on the top of Maye's head trembled lightly, turned to look at Naoki Asakawa, his eyes gleamed and said:

"Asagawa-san, can you see if you make a mistake?"

Naoki Asakawa glanced at the answer. Although the steps were cumbersome and there were several revisions along the way, there was nothing wrong in the end: "The answer is correct."

"Finally, nothing wrong."

Wu Yue presses her right hand on her chest, her pink lips gently lifted up, her eyes brighter.

The expression Naoki Asakawa knows well. It is the satisfaction and achievement of conscientiously working hard to overcome the problem, but...Is it the problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage?

If I remember correctly, this is a math problem in the third or fourth grade of elementary school.

Looking at the girl next to the table who was looking forward to her eyes, just writing "Praise me quickly, praise me" on her face, Naoki Asakawa silently swallowed the complaints that flooded her mouth.

It took five minutes to solve a math problem in the third grade of elementary school. How embarrassed to let others praise you!

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