Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 8

"Hmm..." Asakawa looked back and gave a comment against his will, "Good job."


The eyes of the affirmed dull girl suddenly turned into crescent moons, trying to keep her serious expression, but the smile on her face could not be suppressed at all.

"Asakawa-san don't need to be like this." Wuyue raised her hand to play with the hair around her ear, "I know that I am not good at maths, so just tell the truth."

"Well, I have never seen a fool like you."

If you say this sentence in your heart, you are guaranteed not to laugh at this moment, maybe you will still be tearful!

Naoki Asakawa took the notebook and wrote a few mathematics questions from elementary school to middle school, and then said: "If you don't know how to do it, don't force it. Let me see what needs to be completed."


May be refreshed, sit upright, and continue to do questions.

Naoki Asakawa retracted his gaze and lowered his head to study.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Poke poke--"

Suddenly, there was a light poke feeling on the arm.

Naoki Asakawa raised his head and saw Mikau with headphones hanging around his neck with his left hand behind him, and a lush white jade finger with his right hand, poking his arm gently with a positive expression.


Sanjiu stretched his finger to the bookshelf next to him and made a move to keep up.

Helpless, Naoki Asakawa moved forward to keep up.

"Student Nakano, is there something?"

"Something." Sanjiu became the slightly cold girl when they first met, and pointed to the bookshelf behind Naoki Asakawa, "I saw a book of "Anthology of Warring States Generals", and..."

"Then what?" said Naoki Asakawa, "without a library card?"

"No." Sanjiu looked away and looked out the window. "It's too high to take it down."


Because I am embarrassed to talk to May, so I asked myself to help get the book?

Asakawa Naoki said, "Come with me."


Seeing Asakawa Naoki walking towards the end of the bookshelf, Mikau hesitated and stepped to keep up.

Naoki Asakawa walked to the end of the bookshelf and said, "Here is a stool."

"Huh?" Sanjiu blinked, "not sitting."

"It's not for you to sit." Asakawa explained, "When you encounter a book that you can't reach, you move the stool over, put it under your feet, and then you can sit on it."

After Naoki Asakawa finished speaking, he saw the girl's cheeks bulge at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a bun face again.


Who bullied you?

The high school and middle school of this school are mixed. Everyone shares a large library. Many middle school students use stools to get books. Some short high school students can also use it. Who would put a stool here on purpose? Bullying you!

Teaching people how to fish is worse than teaching people how to fish. Stepping on a stool is the solution once and for all!

Naoki Asakawa said unmovedly: "Let's go, I will help you get the book down."

"No." Sanjiu turned to look away, bent over and lifted the stool, "I will take it myself."

Naoki Asakawa gave way to the passage. The girl was a creature with fluctuating strength. Sometimes she couldn't unscrew the cap of the drink bottle. Sometimes she could carry a bag of rice with one hand, so a small stool naturally didn't need help.

With the help of a stool, Sanjiu successfully obtained the desired history books of the Warring States Period. History books were relatively unpopular, and basically no one borrowed them, and some places were even dusty.


Dust accidentally got into his eyes, Sanjiu groaned, subconsciously stepped back and stepped on the air.

Sanjiu closed his eyes in fright, and was ready to meet the pain, but the pain did not hit her. A rather warm, even hot, hand grasped her shoulder firmly.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Asakawa Naoki who had left just now, and he did not know when he would appear in front of him again.


Mikau hesitated and was about to say thank you. Asakawa Naoki suddenly said, "Is there any strange feeling?"


"It's a different place than usual."

"no feeling."

Naoki Asakawa frowned lightly, and asked again, "Not really?"

Mikau subconsciously leaned on the bookshelf and looked at Naoki Asakawa who was staring at him. There was a ray of crimson on Qiao's face, and he looked away and said:

"Hentai, idiot, sex/crazy."


The superpower seems to be out of control just now, I don't know if it has any effect on you, I am asking you whether you are affected, not to listen to your hentai three-link!

It seems that it hasn't been affected by the appearance, but it's hard to say that the only person affected by superpowers is Mr. Kirsu. The sample is too small and it is difficult to judge the situation.

At present, we can only follow up and investigate.

Naoki Asakawa took out his cell phone and said, "Exchanging contact information."

"Ask strange girls how to contact... Molester Asakawa."

He is called a idiot for the purpose of bad ideas, and he does his own right to solve the trouble you may encounter at any time. He is not an idiot!

Naoki Asakawa thought for a while and said: "When I was in my country, I bought a copy of "The Records of Sengoku Generals" in an old bookstore."

"The book that tells the secrets that generals and retainers have to tell that you can't buy on the Internet?" Sanjiu's eyes lit up.

"Yes, that's the book."

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