Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 85

"I went to the cafeteria for lunch today."

Asakawa Naoki put the textbook in his hand into his school bag.

"Huh?" May's stunned, the dull hair on the top of his head stood up directly, "Asakawa student actually wants to go to the cafeteria to eat?"


It’s because of Kirisu to eat lunch in the storage room before. After half a month, Kirisu has almost adapted to his enhanced hearing. In addition to the misunderstanding with Nanjo in the morning, Naoki Asakawa, who was despised, can only move on his own. Foraging.

Naoki Asakawa stood up and looked at May: "Go to the cafeteria together?"

"Okay, okay." Wuyue nodded hurriedly, putting the rice ball into her school bag, "Asakawa-san wait for me."

Waste is impossible to waste, just a few rice balls, eat them as snacks after school in the afternoon.


On the way to the cafeteria, I came across a lonely girl with headphones.

"Sanjiu." May shouted.

Sanjiu stopped, turned around and looked around. After seeing Naoki Asakawa next to May, his gaze paused slightly, then her cheeks were puffed up impenetrably, and he turned to hum.


But Naoki Asakawa didn't care. It was not the first time that she was disgusted by a girl. He had already got used to it.

Two quick steps in May: "Sanjiu, let's go to the cafeteria together."

"Yeah." Sanjiu responded flatly. When he was not talking about the generals of the Warring States period, Sanjiu was always cold and inaccessible. He glanced at Asakawa Naoki, "Ke...Why is Asakawa here?"

Naoki Asakawa replied, "I went to the cafeteria for lunch today."

"Sanjiu, you went to bed again in class?" Mayue asked.

The girl with headphones rubbed her eyes and looked sluggish, as if she had just woke up.

"Yeah." Sanjiu didn't deny it, and admitted in a flat tone, "Just now in math class, I felt so sleepy, so I went to bed... I slept well."

Hey, you are too much!It’s nothing more than going to bed in class, and even giving a full score of'so comfortable', the math teacher will cry!

"The math teacher's class is really terrible." Maye nodded in sympathy, "If it weren't for Asakawa-classmate..."

Halfway through, May hurriedly shut up, passing notes in class is really shameful, of course I can't say it.

Seeing Sanjiu tilting his head and looking up, May hurriedly changed the subject: "You have always been absent-minded for the past two days. You wake up so early in the morning. Have you had a nightmare?"

Miki suddenly glanced at Asakawa Naoki, and slightly increased his tone: "It's a nightmare."

Dreaming that I confided in the news, and ended up being bullied by Asakawa Naoki in the utility room...It was a nightmare anyway.


Asakawa Naoki felt he was disgusted again.

I arrived at the cafeteria in a blink of an eye.

Asakawa Naoki stood in front of the self-service machine, hesitating about what to eat at noon, most people have such things as having difficulty choosing.


A look fell on his face.

Naoki Asakawa turned his gaze slightly and looked at May staring at him, "What are you looking at?"

"Sao Chuan, this is a self-service ticket machine. Just order what you want to eat." Wuyue explained patiently, "You can throw money from here, coins and banknotes..."

I'm not a primary school student, I don't need you to teach this kind of thing!

"I have eaten in the cafeteria." Naoki Asakawa gently pulled the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but said, "I know how to order. I just wanted to eat something."

May pressed her pink lips: "Then I'm relieved."

So I don’t know where your worries come from. The operating instructions are clearly written on it, so there is no need for you to explain it next to you!

"What would Asakawa-san want to eat?" Wuyue put her left hand behind her back, pressing down on the skirt, doing her part like a guide with Mengxin, "The seafood rice bowl in the cafeteria tastes very good, and the eel rice is also delicious... "

"Hurry up and buy your lunch." Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but said, "If you go on, you will be misunderstood."

"Huh, misunderstanding?"

In May, she turned her head and looked around. She saw several girls nearby covering her lips with her hands. While whispering, she looked at herself and Asakawa with weird eyes.

"What do they misunderstand..."

Wuyue suddenly realized that these people clearly misunderstood that they were dating Asakawa.

A girl was entangled with a guy and kept talking...maybe she suspected that she was chasing Asakawa!

"Cough cough." Wuyue's pretty face flushed suddenly, and she quickly retracted her gaze, the dull hair on top of her head swayed from side to side, and he stubbornly said, "I'm going to buy cooking first... Asakawa classmates need to help me at any time. !"


Naoki Asakawa finally chose a pork chop rice bowl and a glass of Coke. After taking the meal, he began to look for vacancies.

"Asagawa student." A vigorous shout suddenly sounded, "We are here."

Asakawa followed the prestige, Yotsuba raised his right hand and couldn't help waving it. The five sisters were not bad. They were like a schoolmaster, occupying a whole dining table.

"There are no empty tables nearby..." Asakawa thought for half a second, and quickly made a decision.

If you can, of course, you should find an unmanned table to be free. When there is no empty table, you can only take the second place and have dinner with Yotsuba and the others.

Asakawa Naoki walked to the table of the five sisters and looked at the empty seat beside Nino.


Nino stretched out her hand to pat on the chair, raised her pretty face, and snorted, "Don't sit next to me, I don't want to be misunderstood."

"Yes." Naoki Asakawa vomited, "Don't let anyone misunderstand my innocence."

"Hey, I should say this sentence." Nino bit the silver teeth, "How innocent is you guy!"

"Asakawa-san, sit next to me, right?" Yihua said with a smile, "Asakawa-san's first time I accepted it."

"Huh eh?" Yotsuba opened his eyes wide, "What is the first time?"

"Please allow me to refuse." Asakawa Naoki said blankly.

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