Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 86

This is the first time I don’t want to give it to you at all!

"Hey, it's a pity~" Yihua stretched out her hand to support her chin, lightly tapped her white fingers on her lips, and her pretty face showed the joyful squinting smile like Inari. "Asakawa is the first classmate of lunch in the cafeteria I was taken away this way...then, Sanjiu and May, who would Asakawa choose?"

The table is actually not small, but the five sisters are so many and powerful, and there are not many choices left for Naoki Asakawa. Nino is not allowed to sit, and Yihua excludes them, leaving only Sanjiu and Mayuki with free seats.


The five sisters all looked towards Asakawa Naoki.

"Make a choice, Asakawa-kun."

Chapter 70

"Sanjiu is still May..."

For Naoki Asakawa, who has mild choice difficulties, it is really difficult to make a choice for a while.

The best choice is actually May. The two are next to the table and spend the most time together, but...what are you blushing!

The erratic eyes, blushing cheeks, and expressions of guilty conscience, no matter how you look at it, there is no silver three hundred taels. If you sit next to you, you will be suspected of having an improper relationship with you!

Don't want this kind of relationship between teachers and students!

"Hey, May blushes!"

Yotsuba opened his eyes wide and cried out curiously.

Yihua held his chin and nodded in agreement: "It's so rare that May actually blushed."

"Soul Danqianchuan!" Nino bit the silver teeth, and the flames in his eyes were burning, "What did you guy do to May!"

"Could it be that you and May are carrying us..."

"That's not the case!" Wu Yue hurriedly interrupted, the dull hair on top of her head couldn't help swaying and hesitated, "It's just that I was misunderstood just now... I didn't have anything with Asakawa classmates!"

"Asshole Asakawa." Nino showed a fierce expression, "I will give you ten seconds to explain, otherwise you just wait and see."

It's only been more than half a month since school started, but I actually let May...Are you an evil tutor who uses hypnotism to play with female students!

"Explain what?" Asakawa said calmly, "Or would you rather believe me than your sister?"

Nino: "..."

With a backhand blow, Nina was directly defeated.

"It seems that May can't be selected anymore. I was just misunderstood when picking up the order. My face was unexpectedly thin..."

Asakawa thought in his heart and looked at Mikau.

Excluding May from the list, the only choice left is naturally Sanjiu.

Ah, it appeared again!This disgusting eyes with bulging cheeks, although he did not speak, his emotions were clearly written on his face, he was clearly saying,'Guilty, cut abdomen'!

"Asakawa-san, hurry up and make a choice." Yihua said with a small smile, "Which one is the cuter, Sanjiu or Mayue?"

Hey, you guys are clearly picking things up!Obviously choose who to sit next to, so you didn't steal the concept like this!


Naoki Asakawa sighed slightly.

"I choose……"

A crisp shout suddenly sounded behind Naoki Asakawa.

"Idiot Nissan, why have you been standing here?"

Wuyue turned her head and looked around, her eyes lit up suddenly: "It's Linjiang!"

She is petite, dressed in a junior high school uniform, tied with a red ribbon and double ponytails, and the second sister with a bandage on her wrist quietly appeared.

"Sister May." Sakura Rin yelled, his slick eyes turned curiously, and he said suddenly, "What are you talking about?"

Yotsuba replied: "It's Asakawa who is doing multiple choice questions."

"It's so..." Sakura Rin rolled his eyes, looked at Wuyue, and shouted Tiantian, "Sister Wuyue, can I have dinner with you?"

"Dang, of course."

May's eyes are shining, her face is flushed, and she is obviously another girl controlled by a sister.

"Sister May sit inside, right?" Sakura Rin glanced at Nino, with a timid expression on his face, "It's scary."

"No problem." Wuyue hurriedly got up, completely unaware of what Sakura Rin was making. "Sit my seat."

"Thank you, sister May." Rin Sakura sat down, put down the dinner plate, looked up at Naoki Asakawa, and said, "Idiot Nissan, are you sitting between sister May and sister Sanjiu?"


Actually solved the dilemma of "choose one of two" perfectly, and turned the multiple-choice questions into all I want. You are not a pig teammate today. It is really gratifying!

Naoki Asakawa sat in the middle of Sanjiu and May, and many people already looked at him with weird eyes. It would be troublesome to keep standing.

"Idiot Nissan, how is it?"

Sakura Rin raised his pointy chin and looked over after May, with a small triumphant smile on his face, almost writing'come compliment me, compliment me' on his face.

Asakawa Naoki: "...well done."

After the exaggeration, it's time to settle the account. Don't think that you should just let it go about telling Nanjo.


"I'm gonna start now."

After the usual pre-dinner declaration, lunch finally began.

"Stupid Nissan, give you a tempura fried shrimp." Sakura Rin took a tempura fried shrimp and handed it over. "Eat more. Mom is always worried that you are malnourished alone. Ever since you entered high school, your height I'll never grow longer."


Asakawa was so angry that he almost broke his chopsticks.

You, a dwarf with a height of only 1.4 meters, have any qualifications to dislike the height of 1.75 meters!At least you have not dragged down the average height of men. It is you who should eat more food, otherwise the average value of the entire country will be lowered by you!

"Sure enough, is it a person who is silently suffering from malnutrition?" Wu Yue's hand gestures, "Asakawa-san is very hard."

I wanted to serve Naoki Asakawa, and because the things just did not take the initiative, a voice full of vitality sounded during hesitation: "Master Asakawa, please accept my fried squid!"

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