Tou no Madoushi

Chapter 109: Power Reconnaissance

Exercise area.

Lynn was manipulating Griffon under Aisha's guidance.

"Keep up the altitude. Yeah, that's good."

Lynn flies around the practice area at a constant speed while manipulating Griffon's reins.

"Hi, that's it. Come down."

Lynn ordered Griffon to land, Aisha said.

"Griffon. Landing."

Griffon landed, as I said, even though he seemed a little remorseful.

"You're getting a lot better."

"Thank you"

"I'm getting fluent in Warcraft, too. It's getting sarcastic, too. Much less enthusiastic."

"Yeah, I found it important to work with the Warcraft to work in the Warcraft Forest."

"Yes. Well, good luck."


Lynn flies off on the griffon again.

(You don't have a problem flying normally anymore. Communicating with Griffon is also better than I thought. Are you saying that I have been newly motivated to stroll through the woods with Master Illywia? I was just wondering if I could join the Knights of the Kingdom...)

Aisha had to look at Lynn with a difficult face.

I ran into Agle and Sheila as Lynn walked through the college.

"Mr. Agle. Sheila."

"Oh, Lynn."

Agulu smiles a painfully nostalgic smile.

Sheila, by contrast, looked complicated.

"No, finally you're in the higher class too. You've been caught up."

Agr laughed happily.

"No, not yet."

"No, no, it's a big deal. This is the minute. Don't let graduation be as bad as it gets. I knew it somehow. You.

but it's not the only one. "

"That's not true. I was just lucky."

"Well, when we get here, we'll just get to where we're going. Let's graduate together."



Talk to Lynn like Sheila's stuffed with cut feathers.

Lynn gets a little frightened by her sword screen.

Lynn had noticed that her eyes on herself were changing.

A kid who was a younger junior is trying to outrun himself.

On the contrary, I was becoming an expected newbie.

Her eyes had a mixture of unprecedented heat.

She seemed to be bitter about that, too.

"You're not even going to the office today, are you?

"Yeah, well."

"Well, it's been a while since we've been somewhere."

"Are you two together?

"Yes, it is."

"Excuse me. I have business today."

"Business? What business? Are you going to the Warcraft Forest with Illy again? Or a noble tea party?

"No, with someone else a little today"

Sheila blued her face.

"Who is it? What the hell can I do for you..."

"Excuse me. Around here today"

Lynn left the spot to escape pursuit.

"Wait a minute. Lynn!"

Sheila tried to chase him, but Lynn would shake it off and go.

Lynn carefully chose the route so that no one could see her and headed to the Forest of Warcraft.

Lynn reaches the border between the blue zone and the yellow zone.

But it seemed to have come a little too soon and the waiter was not here yet.

I had no choice but to wait by the tree.

A glimpse of the yellow zone.

Shall we just go in a little bit first?

That's what I thought, and when I left the tree that Lynn had on her back, she was caned and smashed in the back of her head.

"Here. You shouldn't have a college magician in the yellow zone."

"You wouldn't have a problem with 500 hierarchical wizards, would you? Atrea."

Lynn looks back, there's Atrea and she's smiling nicely.

This was a suggestion from Lynn.

I was wondering if the cities of Renlil and Alfrid would be boring or if the Forest of Warcraft would give her a meaningful time.

"I was wondering if you'd be bored with the Warcraft Forest."

"So you've become strong enough to date in the Warcraft Forest, too."

"That's right. I grew up, too."

"I see. Shall we get to the red zone now?"

"Uh." Yes, all of a sudden!?

"Hehe. Just kidding."

Atrea said with a shuddering laugh.

The two broke into the yellow zone by boat along the river.

Fortunately, a boat abandoned on the banks of the river was quickly found.

Lynn manipulates the ship with mass magic and fairy magic.

The two enjoyed the view and the conversation until they reached their destination when the ship progressed into orbit.

"Lynn's taller, too."

Atrea said as she looked up at Lynn.

"You... haven't changed much."

In fact, Atrea's appearance was not surprisingly different from when we met.

When we met, I felt she was a little taller, but now Lynn was much taller.

"Yeah, sort of."

Atrea said so and pointed in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

It seemed like an uninspiring topic.

Lynn also guessed and did not pursue it in depth.

They also talked about building a lighthouse.

"I'm going to build a airship. optimized for your lighthouse."


"I want to see where you're going."

"Yeah. Well, good luck with that."

Atrea said without hesitation, but still seemed happy.

"So? What are you going hunting for today?

"Hmmm. My primary goal is minotaur, but ideally unicorn, hekatonkail, yotung......"

"Hmm. That's quite a big shot for you."

"Has Atrea ever encountered it?

"I don't. It's pretty rare in the red zone around here. It's a very powerful warcraft, and it's hard to encounter."

"Do you know how to take them down?

"They say the unicorn jumps into the maiden's chest and nostalgic. You need a special sword to defeat the Giants. To defeat Yotsun, you need a sword that sucks Hekatonkail's blood, and a sword that sucks Cyclops' blood to defeat Hekatonkail."

"How do I get that Cyclops blood?

"A sword that sucked Glendale's blood to defeat Cyclops, and each sword that sucked Oak's blood to defeat Glendale. I mean, we need the blood of one lower giant to defeat the Giants."

"Oh well. The only thing you have right now is oak blood."

Lynn takes out the bottle beside her.

"Is there any other way to defeat Hekatonkale and Yotsun?

"Interesting research assignment. Let's try it."

Atrea takes out 'The Cane of Kentrea'.

"Is that the Hundred's Wand? It's what you use to command the army..."

"That's right. But military personnel are not necessarily magicians, are they?

Spirits gather at Atrea.

(No way. Army with the Spirit...)

Spirits in the woods gather together attracted by the magic of Atrea.

Spirit of fire, Spirit of water, Spirit of earth, Spirit of wind......

They were all junior and intermediate spirits, but the four types of attributes were universally aligned.

"Maybe twenty in all. You've gathered for a sudden call."

They changed the shape of the ground, increased the amount of water, changed the flow of water, caused wind and pushed the ship forward.

Until then, it was a grove. The place turns into a river.

The trees rush to get themselves away from sudden overhaul and ship intrusion.

"Um... Mr. Atrea? What the hell..."

"Power reconnaissance. We have to go to the red zone. We don't know anything."

The river is quickly being constructed while Lynn is being taken aback.

The Spirit of the earth digs the earth and makes mountains.

The water spirits change the flow after increasing the amount of water in the river.

"Ugh, shh."

Instantly the watershed, where the Yellow Zone Fountain was the end point, is extended to the Red Zone.

"Come on. Ship. Proceed. Instead of boats moving along the river. There's a river ahead of us."

When Atrea said so, the ship increased its speed.

"Hey, seriously?

"Lynn. Hecatonkail says he's protecting the 'Ent Tree'." Ent Tree "is perfect for premium airship materials. If you can't avoid them, you should hit them early."

The ship goes on and on at a higher speed.

Lynn adjusts the direction of the ship and the angle of the sail, though confused.

Command the Spirit of the tree that is growing in the path of the ship to do his body.

The ship finally reaches the border between the yellow zone and the red zone.

There were many trees in the red zone that were much taller than the yellow zone.

A tree tall enough to cover the giant.

As the ship invades, the red trees that until then were buried in the ground and grown up suddenly move out.

Atrea commanded the Spirit of the earth to dig back the earth, and commanded the Spirit of the water to stretch the surface of the water.

"What's that!? Trees walking!?

Lynn looked up when she saw the trees moving.

Some trees have legs, and the cleavage of the trunk is in the form of eyes, nose and mouth.

"It's a human tree. Some of the trees growing in the red zone walk around with a strong ego. That's why I can't make a road and I can't make a map. Sometimes when you think it's just a tree and you're caught off guard, you suddenly attack. We have to be careful."

In saying this, one of the mannequins attacks me if I let the branches be like whips.


Lynn responded on board.

Beat the branches with a wand of mass and break them.

Fly iron balls and tow them.

The human tree that attacked me walked away with some evil.

In doing so, the ship broke into the depths of the Gungu forest.

Suddenly, the river surface in front of me rises and something comes out of it.

That was a giant twenty meters long.

There are eyeballs everywhere.

"!? What's that?

"It's Hecaton Cale. I can't believe I ran into you so soon. You're in luck. Stop the ship."

When Atrea says so, the ship stops at that speed as if there was no propulsion earlier.

Until then, the river, which was pushing the boat like a torrent, suddenly loses its momentum and becomes lake-like quiet.


Lynn was overwhelmed by the power of Hekatonkail.

I was undoubtedly angry at him for vandalizing the territory of what was quietly sitting.

All the countless eyes growing in the body are directed towards Phosphorus and Atrea, and do not make them microscopic.

"Lynn, why don't you try the attack you want to try?

"No, he said that."

Lynn wasn't ready for anything.

I wasn't even ready for my heart yet.

"Yes. Then I'll take him down."

Atrea sets fire to the Spirit of Fire she was letting play.

A giant firepillar hits the spot where Hekatonkail stands.

The countless eyes on the giant burn and fall.

"Yeah. Shit."

Lynn also unleashed a sword of lag and light on Atrea.

Aim for one of the countless eyes that seems to be Hekatonkail's weakness.

Lynn and Atrea's attack crushed some of Hekatonkale's eyes.

But I can't scratch one on that giant.

(If you can crush all eyes... or can you take them down?

But soon new eyes will grow in places with crushed eyes.

"Become. Played!?

Hekatonkale grabs the rock beside him and throws it at the ship.


Lynn recieves with a wand of mass.

The rock plunged into the face of a man-made tree that was asking what was going on by the river.

Hekatonkale swung his own fist into the sky when he found out the rock couldn't make it through.

Swing it down against the ship like an iron hammer.

Cheelyn puts Atrea on her back, wraps Lynn's collar, and flies off.

The ship turns into a piece of wood dust and breaks into pieces.

Hekatonkale continued to destroy after losing sight of Lynn and Atrea, beating a ship that had been devastated without stopping anger.

Lynn and Atrea watch the condition from the shade of the tree.

"Is that Hecaton Kale? I don't think we should go all the way."

"Yeah, I knew I needed Cyclops blood."

A spirit of the wind comes to Atrea's ear and whines about something.

"Mmm. That's not good."

"What's going on?

"An army of orcs is forming a unit and circling behind us. We'll be under siege like this."

"Hey, what do we do?

"You just can't fight any more. Let's retreat."

Lynn and Atrea dislodged from the scene aboard Cheelin before the army of oaks completed the siege net.

"The retention of the Spirits' extended watershed is nearing its limit. I get lost if I don't go home while there's a river. Let's hurry."

"Wait a minute."

Lynn takes out the map and marks where we are now.

To reach Hekatonkale's location promptly the next time you arrive.

As they approached the river, they threw themselves into it.

Into the water with the magic of Atrea.

The two advance through a strange space in the water and turn back downstream of the river.

The river, which no longer extends the power of the Spirit, narrows its watershed and is completely restored to normal.

Next time, Episode 110: Genius

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