Tou no Madoushi

Lesson 110: Genius

Fleet season.

The airship belonging to the tower returns.

In the airship he was pleased to be able to return to the tower, and those who could not contain the excitement were on deck to see the panorama of the tower a little sooner.

Among them was a boy in a red robe that a college magician was supposed to wear.

He was a weary boy disappointed in his long hair and lowered his great sword to his waist despite his magician.

"It's been about four years. You haven't changed."

He stares at the tower as he narrows his eyes to the sun he plugs in.

The tower is covered in clouds and never tries to show the whole thing.

"Being as gloomy as ever"

As Lynn reads the newspaper in the boarding house, she sees an article about the hekatonkail being crusaded by Magrillheim for the rest of the quarter.

Looking at the annexed map, it showed about the same point as where Lynn encountered Hekatonkail the other day.

(Ahhh. Have you been crossed?)

Lynn was discouraged but prepared to go out to college.

But what a speed.

Today yesterday, I didn't expect it to be crusaded soon.

(I guess it's no match for the organizational strength of a leading guild)

There is a sound of the door of the room being knocked on with a concon.

"Mr. Lynn. The carriage is here."

"Ah, yes. I'm on my way."

Lynn weaved a robe and held a cane.

(Anyway, I need to get an item to defeat Hecaton Kale.)

"Hey, Bowes."


I can hear Lynn walking alone in the hallway of the college.

The person wears a red robe with a tall, flexed and tight figure.

Your hair is long enough to take you to your shoulders.

She hasn't had a haircut for a while and leaves the stretched hair stretched out to hang unconstructively.

For a long time, it seemed to be covered in traveling dust, and all over the robe was dirty in the dirt.

Then the atmosphere was not as unclean as it was, and it gave off a floating atmosphere.

Lynn looked at him and tilted his neck.

I can tell you've been outside the tower ever since that appearance.

In view of the time of year, you must have come back aboard the airship.

But the College Mage was not supposed to be allowed to go outside the tower and use magic unless there were extra circumstances.

He had a big sword on his hips, but if you look closely, it was a sword-shaped wand.

The patterned part is embedded with demonic stones.

It was a type of wand that I had never seen for Lynn.

Lynn looked at him with wonder and giggled.

He had eyes like a starving beast.

"What is it?"

Lynn asked nervously.

Did he see Lynn's nervousness, lurking his swordswallowing within, laughing frankly nicely?

"Don't you know what Kruga is? I'm looking for you."

"Uh... Mr. Kruga graduated from college, so he's on the 100 tier"

"Is that it? Really?

"Oh, but I have Dr. Largya's class this afternoon, so I think I'll see you there."

"Oh, seriously? You're lucky. I need you to show me around a bit."

"Huh? Oh, yes"

(You're kind of a forceful person)

But Lynn didn't feel bad.

There was something about his frankness that naturally involved people and rather made them want to be involved with joy.

"Hello, Master Illyweer"

"Oh, Mr. Yuven."

Ilywia and Yuven greeted softly in the corner of the college.

Yuven laughed inside when he saw Lynn was gone.

It seemed like I could get into her today without Lynn.

The two spoke as they walked down the hallway together.

"Mr. Yuven, by the way. Didn't you see about Lynn?

Illyweer asks.

"Oh, I saw Lynn get taken by some weird guy who came off the airship."

"Weird guy?

"Yes, you're wearing the College Mage's red robe, and for some reason you're coming off the airship..."

"Um. Could it be that the guy didn't have a big sword on his hip?

"What? Yeah, yes"

Illyweer hears it. No, he blues, he rushes out.

(No way. He's back?

"Hey, Master Illyweer?

Yuven is left on the spot for no reason.



"Oh, Lynn. You're going to class too......"

Kruga looks at Lynn and smiles flamboyantly, then looks at the person she is with and turns her complexion sassy.

"You...... Dorias"

Kruga will have an impatient look, like when he is opposed to his enemies in the Magic Guide competition.

Dorias also reveals his swordswallowing earlier.

"Yo. Kruga"

"You were coming home."

Kruga stands guard.

Lynn looks anxious because things can't swallow and compares the two faces alternately.

"Long time no see. What do you think? You've grown a little bit."

"... well, more than you were playing outside."

That being said, Kruga was sweating on her forehead.

"Ho. Then I'll make sure." Cane Drop. "All right. Without protective equipment or 'wall paint', of course."

"Please don't. That's why I graduated."

Kruga turns that way like she doesn't fit in.

"What the hell. I don't know. I was gonna make you look cute."

"You're still busy with this. Excuse me."

"Hmm. You're round, too."

Kruga walks away.

Illyweer is coming for a replacement.


"Argh. Illyweer"

Now it was Dorias' turn to panic.

"I can't believe you were coming home. I would have picked you up if you'd told me. Why didn't you tell me?

Lynn was surprised to see how Illyweer was doing.

I've never seen her wander around like this.

"Bye, Mr. Lynn. I'm a little wild, so if you'll excuse me."

With that said, Dorias walked away faster than the wind with accelerated magic.

Even though they say it's forbidden to use accelerated magic in the college hallway.

Illyweer turned to Lynn after watching Doris leave.

He grabs my shoulder and looks at me like he's asking.

Lynn was gnawed at her desperate shape.

"Lynn. Why were you walking with Doris? What the hell kind of relationship? Didn't he say anything about what he was going to do?

"Uh, Mr. Dorias told me to take you to Mr. Kruga, and I haven't asked him what he's going to do since"

Lynn was questioned and wolfed early in the arrow succession, but somehow returned a proper answer.

"Really? Really?"

To put it that way, Illyweer suddenly drops her shoulder and quietly.


"Ha. What is it"

"I will be absent from the Tea Party today. Tell everyone this. He said he was resting in his room because he didn't feel great."

"Yes, sir."

To put it that way, Illyweer walked dangerously down the hall in a flimsy foothold.

Lynn watches as Pocan.

Dorias' impeccable atmosphere gradually began to make noise in the hallway, and quickly began to rumor that there were no people there.

"What? What's wrong?

"Dorias is back..."

"Looks like he was walking with Lynn."

"Lynn? Why with Lynn..."

Lynn had a bad feeling.

It's like I'm caught up in something I might be good at...

"What are you doing!

Largia yelled sharply in front of the classroom.

The students stop talking rumors as ghouls.

"Just get in the classroom. If you want to talk about rumors, go to Yoso!

With a single crane, the students enter the classroom.

Held came to Lynn first after class.

"Lynn. Do you know Doris? How long the hell have you been dating?

"No, I just happened to be called out earlier to guide you"

"Hey, hey, Mr. Lynn. Why were you walking with Dorias? What kind of relationship?"

Nata rushed over and asked.

Chino, Roark and Reda are also looking at this one on the far roll.

"Eh. Who is Mr. Dorias..."

"Lynn. I've been looking for you. Were you here? Looks like you were walking with Dorias. Where'd he go?

Tidro came running out of breath.

Lynn is totally confused when all sorts of people talk to her on one side.

Then Yuven starts interrupting and partitioning all the time here with a grinning smile.

"Fair enough. Gentlemen, calm down. Lynn seems a little confused, too. Most importantly, I can't even stand here and talk. Why don't we go somewhere we can talk calmly?"

Lynn was seated in the central chair when she came to a place where a large number of people could talk and told her the same thing earlier.

We all watched eagerly at first, but when we found out that Lynn didn't know much about the situation, he looked disappointed.

Lados' quartet just walked away, and Tidro walked away with a good body to say no.

Held stayed and explained the situation to Lynn.

"Mr. Held. What kind of person is Mr. Dorias? I can't believe you're working outside the tower even though you're a college magician..."

"It's called genius."

Herd started talking about Dorias.

"It was before I came to this tower, too, and it's not exactly something I knew because I was just a kid at the time. At an early age, Dorias was expected by Master Illywia to help him train as a magician. An unusual promotion for the son of a foreign mercenary wandering the battlefield."

Held said as he looked complicated.

He never seemed happy about Dorias either.

"He unfortunately demonstrated his talent by visiting the tower. In his elementary class, he had already acquired the majority of basic magic and by chance defeated the first giant (Cyclops) encountered in the Forest of Warcraft with only a wand of mass. In the intermediate class, 'Demon Guided Competition is a child's play,' he mumbles, and returns Kruga, who has challenged him to a beautiful duel. I had already been solicited by Magrilheim, and Master Illywia had told me to participate in the Knights' training, but I refuse both invitations. In the higher class, he was promoted to the Expeditionary Army while posing as a College Mage and said he spent several years in the Expeditionary Land. And now he's back."

"You have an amazing background."

"I hate you."

"Why do you hate me?

"Now, like I said, he's a lone wolf who doesn't belong anywhere. You refuse to accept the invitation from Mr. Illywia even though you have it taken care of. So I'm breaking all the rules while I'm here. All I'm saying is I'm the rule. You saw that, didn't you? Running off the hallway with accelerated magic. That's how it starts. Nonetheless, neither the association nor the faculty can punish him. 'Cause he's a genius without a whole lot. A thousand hierarchies, he's said to be the lead candidate for' Sky Dweller '."


Lynn leaks an exclamation.

"How could Mr. Illyweer have wandered so much?"

"Well... it's an old relationship. Doris is Doris, too. With all that taken away. He's ungrateful."

Held said as he picked a word.

Lynn somehow guessed the circumstances of Illyweer.

(Even if I say royalty, it's something that bothers me about relationships.)

But Lynn decided to take a positive view of this.

(If you get along with people and Mr. Ilywia in that Doria, you might be able to repay them)

The next week, Illyweer appeared to Lynn with a nicotine smile as usual as if she hadn't been disturbed the other day.

A few days ago, Dorias had left the city of Alfrid, and the news had passed throughout the city.

It meant I wouldn't be home for a while.

Next time, Episode 111: Sister Disciple

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