Tou no Madoushi

Episode 111: Sister Disciple

Lynn, who tried to leave the college behind, can talk to Chino and Nata.

"Hey, Lynn."

"I heard that. They're trying to build an airship."

"Yeah, well."

"Why aren't you telling me? To cooperate."

Nata begins to shoulder to shoulder with Lynn in a familiar manner.

Lynn was disappointed to be shouldered so that she could not escape.

"Ha. Is it cooperation?

"Shipbuilding is what we Lados do best. Spyrna, they also have an advantage over Wingard. Most of the tower's airships were built by Rados' magicians."

I told Chino to take over.

He also suppresses Lynn's side and pinches him with Nata.

"And you're interested in the magic of the water system, aren't you?

"Namgur, the capital of Lados, is also known as the Water Capital. Water transport is very well developed. It is a place where many water spirits live for what it's worth. I think we can do something for you."

Lynn keeps responding vaguely and turns down the invitation to turn away, while being pushed by the intensity of the two pushes.

He had been told by Theo that "the Lados can't be trusted because they do business so well".

"Lynn, let's go."

Theo was calling from the other side.

"Yeah. I'm coming now. I'm sorry. Theo's calling. See you later."

Lynn walks away from the two of them.

"How'd it go?

Roark and Ledda come by too when they see Lynn leave.

"No. You did a good job."

Nata said abominably.

"Lynn's guy, are you on guard about us?

"That's a royal favorite. What can we do for the junior noblemen?"

I said with a self-derisive grin as Roark stirred up his inferiority.

"What? There's no rush."

Chino says in a calm manner.

"It's tenacity that counts in business talks. The other side gradually opens its mind as it goes with a sticky suggestion. There's plenty of time. Not until graduation, not after graduation. From now on."

Lynn and Theo saw all sorts of people working on their way to where they would pick up the carriage.

There is talk of the postgraduate path.

Everyone was making a leap to get a twat desperately.

"You're all desperate."

"Oh, I'm gonna giggle you everywhere."

The two get in the carriage and head out to the association.

Lynn had promised to meet with Yuin.

A new building catches my eye along the way.

It was a pretty tall building.

"That's where the building will be built."

"Guys, you're making a jump trying to get the tenants in."

"I wonder if it'll work"

"There's no way you're going to do that."

Theo explained why things didn't work out in many ways.

Location, customer base, transportation, opposing chambers of commerce, size, financial strength of builders, and more.

"How can you build it if it doesn't work?"

"Somebody hit him, didn't they? And greedy. The ones who smell even more gold and the ones who were fooled by it are all trying to get in the mud boat. Stupid people."

Theo said without hesitation.

"Oh well."

Lynn looked away from the ship destined to wreck and dropped her eyes on the newspaper.

It was also reported that there was a war between states today.

It was caused by the deterioration of state finances.

Meeting with Yuin.

"Are you finally in the higher class, too? It's early."

Yuin said in a sarcastic tone as usual.

"Your master doesn't seem to change much."

Lynn said without being evil.

Yuyne moves her picky eyebrows to show her grumpy bareback.

"Fair enough. You must have taken Largia's class properly."

"Yeah, I'm taking it. I'm a puppet who listens to everything my master says."

Lynn went cold.

Yuin didn't dare go in.

I had recently felt that Lynn had grown slightly against me.

Since it is so blatant, there was no kiri when I dealt with it.

"What's going on with Illyweer"

"It's in great shape. You've been kind to me for some reason, but these days, you've been adoring more cats before."

"Lai Lai"

"Hey Master, a human being is an ugly creature.

Yuin looked a little surprised.

"Hmm. That's surprising. I didn't expect that word from you."


"Thought you tend to dream a little more..."

"I'm pretty realistic."

"I see. You mean you were wearing a cat until now"

"It's not like that..."

Lynn said as she looked at the ceiling with her vain eyes.

"It's something I've always felt bonkers about, though. I came to this tower to see society, to learn a lot of words, and then I began to feel even more clear. Humans are ugly."

"It could be. But for what it's worth, you don't seem too pessimistic."

"Well, I can't help but be pessimistic. I can't really talk about people, either."

Lynn said in a sly manner.

"Is it time to go home? I'm still busy."

"Wait. There's another requirement today. Come on in."

When Yuin says so, the back door opens and a girl comes in with an unusual face.

He is wearing a red robe.

Lynn looked surprised.

"Who is it?

"She's Miljit. My new apprentice."

Have you taken another new apprentice?

Lynn was frightened.

"Did you trick a child you didn't know about the public?"

"Don't talk like you're grabbing people or something. Besides, Mirjit is a disciple who was officially requested and deposited. Can't you see the clasp on the chest? She's noble."

(Oh, it's true)

Miljit's chest had a silver clasp.

"She is to be admitted to the college this year. I want you to take care of her."

"What? Why me..."

"She's new here and she's unfamiliar with this tower. I can't take care of her all four or six times either, though. Besides, you must be her brother. Take care of him."

"Nice. You think I have a brother? When I was in elementary class, I didn't have such a friendly system."

"Because she's noble. Unlike you."

"Oh, well."

Lynn looked at Miljit once again.

While listening to the conversation between Lynn and Yuyne, she didn't look particularly uncomfortable, but she was necked in a kyotonic manner.

Ever since I entered the room, I have been stuck. [M]

Lynn looked at it and didn't seem very smart, I thought.

Lynn accompanied Mirjit around the main facility in the tower.

"This is the college. Where you're going to go every day."


Mirjit looks around the perimeter with no particular reaction.

"Hey. Mirjit"

"Hmm? What?"

"Are you listening?


"This is the college. You'll be here every day from tomorrow."

"What? Really?

Mirjit reacted as if it were the first time he had just found out.

(No fucking way.)

Lynn was at a loss.

Flora was happy.

Since when have I been happier?

You don't have to worry about your daily life or your future here.

It was the babysitter she was entrusted by Lord Edianel.

Take care of a child younger than yourself.

She liked kids, and it wasn't bitter to take care of them.

I didn't really understand why this would be the task of carrying anxiety.

Instead of anxiety, are they not happiness itself?

The kids admired Flora, and she liked them, too.

One thing I was concerned about was not getting paid.

And not being able to see my brother.

But that's also a minor problem.

Even if he doesn't get paid, his life in the noble mansion is clearly better than before, and his brother is now being trained at other magicians to get ready before he enters the college, he said.

Around my age I still can't even talk properly, but they still lag behind me as a magician if I don't get an education from that period.

It's a good thing my brother, who wasn't close at all, can get a decent man's education that way.

Must be growing hard as a magician by the time we next meet.

Maybe he'll let me live much better than he does now.

Flora was encouraging her to work as she toured such a sweet imagination.

Next time, Episode 112: Signs of the Revolution

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