Tou no Madoushi

Episode 112: Signs of the Revolution

Lynn picked up Mirjit after her college class.

Ask Theo to go home first.

"Sister apprentice, no?

Theo said with a look of surprise.

"Yeah. My master asked me to take care of him."

"You're a favorite, too. You don't have to ask me that. We can probably hire our own master by now."

"Well, leave me alone."

Lynn said as she turned a blind eye to the elevator where Miljit would come down.

She still needed Lynn to take her home without waking up until she returned from college to her inn.

"If. Aren't you Lord Lin?

Lynn was suddenly spoken to and turned around when she returned Mirjit to the inn and tried to return to her inn.

There was a man with glasses there.

"Yes? Yes, sir."

Lynn made a detailed observation about the man who spoke to herself.

I am wearing a red robe, but my age is about whether or not to plug in to middle-aged people.

Probably either gave up graduation or it didn't work in over a hundred tiers and came back, Lynn thought.

I could hear from the cleanliness of the outfit that it was in that intelligent position, but it was never about being wealthy, the atmosphere was somewhat tired of everyday life, and its thin eyes seemed nervous as if they were pointing suspicion at everything, and I even felt susceptible.

"I belong to a public reporter who says Callo."

"Ha. Hi. What can I do for you, reporter?

"Actually, I'm just covering a promising college magician who's about to graduate. I wanted to talk to you, too. May I have a moment of your time?

"Yeah, I don't mind."

They entered a store where they seemed to be able to talk appropriately.

Karo also observed about Lynn in Karo.

(Modest and humble attitude. This is the type of person you listen to who scolds you rather than incites you)

Judging by that.

"Let me look into you. Lord Lynn, do you think it's okay to stay where you are?"

Lynn squeezes her expression sassy when she is told so.

When he tells me that, I don't feel like I can do it as I am now.

"Lord Lynn. Do you know what is expected of you? An asset of 100 million legicas with an annual income of more than 10 million legicas. I have experience joining Magrillheim and have connections with royalty. He has won more than one magic tournament. That goes to senior nobles, too. Given our status as a civilian class, it's no exaggeration to call this a feat."

"Oh, really?"

"You may not know, though. Some of us in the civilian class expect nothing from you. So much so that there is a move to take you up as the leader of the civilian class. I'd like to ask you on top of that. What path do you intend to take?"

"No. I didn't know they were looking at me like that. I haven't really thought about it."

"Then it's a suggestion. Why not move on with your career as a politician"


"The highest decision-making body for the tower is the Council. And the administration is in charge of the Magic Instructors Association. But even lower class magicians who don't belong to these are involved in making council bills if they have influence. And you have influence."


"That's right. What do you think of the disparities between the classes in this tower?"

"I actually thought it was serious, too."

"Then could you make a law to correct the inequality"

"Correct disparities...?

Lynn was hacked to hear the words.

Until now he had no idea of correcting the inequality.

"The aristocrats can do whatever they want. It's good to learn advanced magic just for ourselves. How many talented civilian classes have been sacrificed as a result of this? Lord Ellios is one of them."

"Mr. Ellios? Were you acquainted with Mr. Ellios?

"Yeah. That's right. While there are many civilians who, if at all, confer on the aristocratic class, he is one of the few who have been in tune with our opinion. Unfortunately, I fell in the middle of my mind..."

"Were you?"

Lynn has suddenly been reminded of Ellios in various ways.

That I took care of things. That you were kind to me.

"He was also murdered by a nobleman."

Lynn's sudden hatred of the aristocracy has risen.

It brings back trampled memories that run counter to the humanity that has been done so far.

"Okay. Mr. Kahlo, I'm here to help you."

That's why I'm going to be a politician.

Lynn was returning to the inn to quickly tell Theo about the conversation she had earlier had with Calo.

Theo looks a little frightened.

"Fine. You really change your mind."

"If we go into the council anyway, we'll be part of unifying the world. I think it's a good idea to make a track record in Alfredo. People in the press will be there for you."

"Weren't you going for a senior officer in the military?

"I'll give up. Probably not talented."

"You're switching fast, Oi."

"I'm getting a lot of teaching from Aisha and Kruga right now. Sounds like Griffon and flight magic need to be trained since they were little, right? It's like an aristocratic education."

"Hmm. Well, maybe so."

"That's why I'm going the political path. Be an activist and turn into a politician."

"I can't tell you. It's a dangerous future design."

"The future is a big deputy."

(When you're in the moped mode)

"That's why Theo. Financial Cooperation Regards"

"You know what? Political activity costs a lot of money."

Theo drew a triangle on the wall with the light of the ring.

"For example, for you to exert influence on the 100th, 200th, 300th, and 400th floors. To do this, we need to get the support of the Wizard on the 100th, 200th, 300th and 400th floors."

Theo draws a parallel line to the bottom in the triangle to create a pyramid.

"And if you look at the proportion of nobles and civilians in each hierarchy: 90 percent below the 99th floor are civilians, 75 percent below the 100th floor are civilians, 50 percent below the 200th floor, 10 percent below the 300th floor, and less than 5 percent below the 400th floor,"


"I mean, no matter how much civilian class support you get, the limit is to be supported on the 200th floor, where there are 50% civilians. I don't think the nobles will support you as a civilian. If you want to attach the nobility's support, you have enormous amounts of money. In short, the support base is too fragile."

"I have a plan for that."

"Hmm. What is a draft?

"We're sending a massive influx of civilian classes over 100 floors. I think it's possible if we make laws in favor of civilians."


"If you send a lot of civilians to the 100th and 200th floors, you will naturally have more civilians than that, and if I take the initiative to do that, it will remain on my turf. I think it's possible to get to the councillor on the 500th floor."

"You're totally after Ellios."

"Mr. Ellios failed to make a class choice, so it happened. I've learned the magic that works on 100 floors, and I'm fine with it. If I stick on 100 or 200 floors, I'll figure something out."


"You don't think it's impossible, do you? I will shake the rule of the aristocracy."

"I see. Well, let's just say it's good there. But then what about your relationship with Mr. Ilyweer?

"Mr. Illyweer?

"You know what? You're about to do a revolution. [M] I don't think it's going to be hostile to Mr. Illyweer."

"It's okay. Mr. Ilyweer is sweet. I'm sure you'll help me correct the inequality."

(You're too sweet.)

"Absolutely bad. You know nothing about nobility. [M] You don't know how obsessed those creatures are with their power. Mr. Illyweer is an exception to the rule. Politics is out of our hands. Rethink."

"'Cause it's okay. People in the press will cooperate. Whoa, this is already the time. I have to go."

Lynn looks at the watch engraved on her arm and gets ready to go out.

"Where are you going?

"I have an appointment to greet you around. I'm coming."

"Hey, hey, wait."

Lynn rushed out without even hearing Theo stop her.

Herd had been summoned by Duke to come to his room.

(This is the spiritual kingdom)

Held noticed that there was a magic formation of the junction that could not even enter the spirits indoors.

I understand that there is going to be some serious talk.

"What is it? It's so frivolous. Rumor has it you might have had some kind of political affair."

Held said at a standstill.

"We're actually going to talk about politics. Don't even tell Master Illyweer."

(Again. Is this juncture about alerting Silf of Illywia?)

"Let's get straight to it. I want to give you my turf."


"I already know it's the default route for me to lose my leg. Then at least I want to take over my job smoothly. Until the protection and chores of Master Illyweer's side and the work behind the Kingdom of Wingard."

"Back job...... is it"

"Exactly. I am in charge of the unknown affairs of Master Illywia."

Duke spoke.

About the dirty work I do.

"The pressing challenge is about deregulation."


"Yes, that bill was aimed at Wingard."

Duke spoke.

On the relationship between the right to tour the Wingard royal family and this deregulation.

"Well, that doesn't make it on the table."

"This bill is led by Spyrna and Lados. To stop the best of us in Wingard. First, I want you to take action against this bill."

"But if it's such an important thing, shouldn't we tell Aisha too? She's an executive candidate, too."

"She's too honest for such a mission. At least not at this stage of speaking."

"So I'll do it? I don't know."

Held said in a disgusting way.

Duke gets frustrated with Held's attitude.

(I need something more serious because I'm good and talented. You're more futuristic than I am.)

"What do you think? Are you motivated or not?"

"I'll do it. You'll be determined to do it. You can't say no in my position."

"Fine. I'll leave the specific way to you. But be careful."

"Can I have one?


"I'd like to pick Lynn as my partner for this job."

Duke showed overt difficulty in color.

"Hey. You're gonna get Lynn involved in this"

"He is eventually to join the Knights, too. I think it would be more convenient if we let them do this kind of work at this stage."

"No. Too dangerous."

"You know what? That he's trying to be a civilian flag."

"... what?

"According to the information I've purchased, we've already recruited supporters to start working on it."

Duke held his head.

(Always this one. What the hell are you thinking?)

"The person pulling the thread behind it is also troublesome. He's a man named Kalo, but he's a rare man who's trying to bring a promising civilian youth and turn his teeth to nobility."

"Why are you doing that to him again..."

"Until now, it was all about the princess's play, but if Lynn were to act as a full-fledged civilian, she wouldn't be left alone. The status quo can't be a serious crack yet, but it would be bad if we were to work to get the bill through in earnest. It is too bad to hear that the princess's children's civilians conflict with the nobility as civilians. The princess could also be considered a civilian. If the princess clearly says no, it's fine, but it's about her. I might be amused and supportive. You may also show discomfort to the nobles, and there will be those who will turn away."

"That's why I said it. I can't believe you adore him like that..."

"Lynn's influence is no longer becoming something we can't ignore. Even this one has to decide how to handle it suddenly. Come on, Lin. You'll need to make your position clear. Are you on the side of the nobility or the civilian side? This mission is perfect for that. I'll have him decide if he wants to take poison with us. If you drink poison, you'll work with us at a lottery student, and if you refuse, you'll be in trouble."

"But what if Lynn refuses? Then you'll be the one who buys Lady Illyweer's unhappiness."

"What. You have nothing to worry about. You'll mould it well.

200th floor. Marche Ansier's Negijo.

Luciola, Forta and Widget had a uniform spare grin as they surrounded one table.

Don't let each other see our weaknesses.

"Well, there's nothing else we got together this time. It's about deregulation."

Forta cut the meeting's tone.

It was always he who hosted and partitioned the meetings.

Marche Ansier members have always moved individually and do not act collectively unless it is a matter of extra time.

For that reason no one would have tried to act together if he had not issued the decree.

"The right to use the structure of the towers of the nobles, beginning with Wingard, is exposed to criticism, and the pursuit is getting tougher every day. The law is expected to be amended by the council this semester in response to that. It will be deliberated sooner or later and a new law will come into force"

"I'm in trouble. We have noble customers, too."

Luciola looks depressed.

(Speaking French)

The widget looked frightened.

I knew she wasn't in sincere trouble.

"Nevertheless, you are not the ones who stand down so much in this position. We'll be ready for each one of them."

"I have a sacrifice for you."

"Me too."

"Okay, so we're all thinking the same thing."

"Come in, Flora"

Flora comes in when Luciola speaks like that.

She came in chained, with a bear in her eyes, completely debilitated.

Next time, Episode 113: Faces on the Table and Faces Behind

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