Tou no Madoushi

Episode 126: Directives from Uyne

Lynn was in the "Sacrificial Magic" class for the unit acquisition process.

The professor will perform the ritual.

"Grant the unit of 'Sacrificial Magic' to the Demon Instructor Lynn. Get your arms out."

Lynn wraps her clothes sleeves around and exposes her arms.

When the person in charge casts a spell, the magic letters written on the paper wrap around Lynn's arm.

"Now instead of obtaining permission to use Sacrificial Magic, you will be restricted from using prohibited Sacrificial Magic. Never contraindication. Use magic with all your heart."


Even with that answer, Lynn didn't say anything.

I had no plans to use this magic on him.

I just got this unit because Yuin told me to take it.

(In the meantime, I have to report to my master)

Lynn had been told by Uynn to report back as soon as she got her 'Sacrificial Magic' class.

"Sacrificial magic."

"Yes, I officially completed the unit acquisition process today"

"Good luck. Then be quick, but let me give you the assignment"

"Okay. What do you summon? Is it Cerberus? Or Medusa?"

Both warcraft were summoned with sacrificial magic.

Dangerous warcraft, but is permitted to be kept on condition of proper management.

"There is no need for such a miscellaneous fish warcraft. First, I want you to summon Scylla."


Lynn tilted her neck.

To summon Scylla, you need to sacrifice the Spirit "Water Dog (Water Reaper)".

'Water Reaper' is forbidden to be used for sacrificial magic.

There was no way Yuin knew about it.

"You know where the 'Water Reaper' is? The deadline is this week. Like?"

"Um, shouldn't it be forbidden to sacrifice 'Water Reaper'?

"Oh, you mean that. Put your arms out."

When Lynn wraps her arms around her, Yuin slaps her with a cane.


After the pain runs, the magic letters that were stuck around peel off.

Yuin wrapped the alternate magic letters around Lynn's arm.

Much the same thing as a class credit, but it didn't have the effect of tying Lynn to contraindications.

"This won't be a problem. I authorize you to sacrifice the Water Reaper."

"Huh? But is that okay? You did this to me."

"I'm saying I'm a 300 tier wizard. What's the problem?


"So shall we say this? Who deserves credit for what the 50 hierarchical wizards who teach in Alfrid are saying or the 300 hierarchical wizards are saying?

"I'm a 300 tier magician."

"Don't you? Then do it."


"What's up? Do you still have something to say?

"... no"

"Then go."

At dusk, Lynn went out to the temple of the Spirit, avoiding the eyes.

I'll actually sacrifice the 'Water Reaper' and try to summon Scylla.

But that wasn't a very good memory.

The voice of the Spirit-given Terminator.

It was ominous and nasty.

Scylla, who crawled out of the abyss of the underworld, also annihilated Lynn's mood.

Scylla is a beautiful woman with her upper body, but her lower body was a creepy monster made of six dogs.

When Lynn magically restrained Scylla's actions, she sent this warcraft to Yuin in a large bottle with sea water.

Thank you for your hard work.

Yuyne put words of labor to Lynn.

"I was shown your summoned Scylla. Ude seems pretty sure."


Next mission, then.

"Yes, sir. What am I supposed to do now?

"I want you to help me prepare for the sacrifice of the Illywian spirit Silf."

Lynn's head turned bright white.


"Summoning is Black Dragon, the most powerful warcraft in ancient times."

"... 'Black Dragon'"

"Here's how to do it. First we approach Illyweer, where her attention is away from Silf..."

"Hey, wait a minute. Are you insane? I can't believe she's after Mr. Illyweer's spirit... she's... royal."

"Because I'm royal. What? She is a 100 hierarchical magician, and from me, a 300 hierarchical magician, she is only Aoyagi."

"No, no. That's weird on boulders. She is the royal family of Wingard. Underneath her there is an awkward 300-floor, 400-floor class Wingardian exorcist. If you want to get your hands on her, we can't do it for free. Besides, isn't it a crime to use someone else's, and royally righteous, guardian spirits for sacrificial magic in the first place!

"What. On the 500th floor, as long as you enter the council, your identity will be guaranteed. No nobleman can lay a hand on being a Wingard royalty. As long as we get the Black Dragon, we'll reach 500 levels..."

"I'm not kidding. What will happen to me if my master is okay with it? [M] I'm a college magician and I have to stay in this city until I graduate."

"Don't worry. I guarantee you. Naturally, when I become a member of the council, I'm going to take you first."

"You can't believe it. That's not true! Why do you need to do that? Isn't that what you're talking about if you want to be normal?"

"Wall of Talent"

Lynn freaks out at the words.

"You would understand now. There are walls in the world that cannot be overcome by effort alone."


"Don't you think it's unfair? Talent is defined by birth and upbringing to determine the future. But if you contradict it, if you break the rules, you can reverse the handicap."


Finally, Yuin added the following words:

"You think you can stay a favorite of Illyweer forever?


"What happens if Illyweer dumps you? I wonder if something that I've never incorporated into Illywia because of you will do nothing against you? You're going to have to go up in this tower."


"Use everything you can."


"Did you come to this tower to be a great wizard? Why don't you come with me to the magician of the 500th floor class? To the members of the Council who unite the world. And to senior nobles!

"... no. I knew I couldn't do it. I can't believe I betrayed Mr. Ilywia no matter how many masters..."

"Hmm. Right."

Suddenly Yuyne becomes silent and looks sorry.

Lynn set herself up.

It was the other pot I thought I was upset here.

"I wanted to make it as peaceful as possible, but if you say so, I can't help it"

Lynn is alert and waits for Yuin's next word.

"If you say you can't listen to me, I've never had a pupil relationship with you."


"I disqualify you as your magician. Go home to Carele in Miln."

Lynn clapped out when she heard that.

I wonder what that is.

"Master. I'm not in need of a master's recommendation anymore. You can hire as much as a substitute master..."

"No, no, that's not what I'm saying. I'm not ordering you as a master. I am commanding you as your Lord."

"? Say what..."

"I have a letter of rights about you here."

Yuyne took the letter out of her nostalgia.

The writ was written in Triarian, which Lynn had not seen much of lately.


"It's a letter about your slavery contract with the lord of Miln. Legally, I own you."

"What now? I am guaranteed my position as a college magician..."

"That doesn't matter. Identity and contract are another matter. There can be no escape from the obligation to perform the contract using identity as an excuse. Even high-ranking magicians remain subordinate to, or enslaved to, someone. Your status as a magician and your contractual relationship is another story."


"I have no choice but to say that you will not cooperate in oblivion of your previous gratitude to me. You are in danger when this happens. [M] Because it would be a pain in the ass if I were told to be weird. My mentorship with you was quite a meaningful time, but I have no choice. Starting tomorrow, it has nothing to do with the rumors of the tower. I'll have them disappear somewhere in the corner of the continent."

"How much?


"How much will you free me? Slavery is something you can buy and sell. Now I can have a lot of money, and I'm buying away my freedom..."

You seem to be mistaken.

Yuyne starts talking in such a way that she speaks to poorly exemplified students.

"Lynn. The only products you can buy with gold are those on the market. And now I'm not going to market you."

"Oh no..."

"The only way you'll be free. That's helping me with my job. You got that?


"Have you understood your position? Then let's start with the day decision. When's the next time you're going to the Royal Tea Party?

Next time, Episode 127: The Mark of Spirit Binding

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