Tou no Madoushi

Episode 127: The Mark of Spirit Binding

Flora spoke to the people of the Magic Instructors Association.

"If. There you are."

"Hmm? What is it?

"You see yourself as a man of good standing, public and righteous. I want to ask you something, what happens to slaves who break the Lord's orders?

"Then you will be punished. It is the duty of the slaves to fulfill the Lord's command. Against the Lord, there can be the worst death penalty."

"Really? Is that still true?"

Flora was disappointed that the answer was as expected.

Drop your shoulders and walk away from Tobotobo and the spot.

"What the hell?

The policeman strangely dropped off Flora's hindsight.

Royal Tea Party.

Lynn was in line to greet Ilywia in blue.

On his shoulder stops a bat, the demon of Uynn.

People pass by with a little eyes on Lynn's new demon but not least the wind that cares.

(Don't come. Please don't come)

Lynn moves forward in desperate hope that her turn will not come.

Lynn remembers yesterday's meeting with Yuyne in hopes.

"Okay. Your job is to somehow push this mark on Silf."

"This is..."

"It's a seal I developed. It can also be pressed against spirits and fairies"

Lynn looked seriously at the seal to her hand.

The gripping part of the seal was made of wood without any change in philosophy, but the area to be pressed was clear and thinly blurred, like a pin.

"This blurry part, this is... the Spirit?

"I don't know. You can't carve a magic formation with ink or baking marks on spirits without reality. Only the Spirit can touch the Spirit. The spirits at the end of the seal, if pressed, adhere to the object and transform it into a magical formation."


"After the Spirit adheres to the silf, it becomes a magic formation and sacrificial magic is activated promptly. Your job is to bring the summoned Black Dragon to me."

Yuin takes out the pieces of paper and gives them to Lynn.

"This is the magic formation to bind the summoned Black Dragon. Now you should be able to deploy in an instant using ring magic. Can you do that?"

But Silf won't notice.

"It's okay. Silf is blind."

"? What do you mean? Because silf..."

"Silf has the eyes of his heart instead of blindness. It's the power to read human thoughts. Illyweer is using that power to monitor the ministers who came to the Tea Party. Is there anyone hostile to themselves? Or who's close, who's not close, etc."

"But even more so, you can't deceive Silf."

"There are measures to be taken, too"

Yuyne pressed toward her heart as she pointed the tip of her wand at Lynn's chest.


A magic formation spreads across Lynn's left chest and a bat emerges from nowhere stops on Lynn's shoulder.

"It's magic that plays the power of the Spirit. Now no one can read the voice of your heart, even if it is silf. And even more..."

Yuyne expanded the magic formation even further.

"It's magic that generates dummy thoughts. The bat rewrites your thoughts into unrestrained thoughts. Now Silf will never notice your hostility."

Lynn was attacked by the feeling of being connected to the bat.

It was the same feeling I felt then when I shared my senses with Illywia and Atrea in the Warcraft Forest.

"But don't make contact with Silf too long. I get noticed odd things. You must strike the mark of the magic formation on her as you avoid too much contact with Silf. [M] As far as possible, no one will notice."

Lynn drank gokuri and spit.

(Will it work)

Lynn turns her attention to Illyweer, who is ahead of her as she clenches the seal she puts inside her pocket.

Silf hasn't moved around her and grown up so far.

Lynn, who took the unit of Spirit Magic, was clearly visible even to Silf, who was in a state where the signs were gone.

Illyweer chooses, as usual, those who make him sit on his side whilst rowing.

Sometimes Lynn could go to Illyweer's side, sometimes she couldn't be on her side when she had a lot of important customers.

There are still three seats available in the seat near her.

Lynn looked at the person lined up in front of her.

Whether there are no customers more important to Illywia than yourself.

One had Aisha.

She's a senior aristocrat, and she won't be spared because she's one of my favorites for Illywia.

The other had a held.

He will not be spared for similar reasons as Aisha.

(One more. I wonder if there's anyone else)

Lynn looked at the previous row with a feeling of prayer.

If anyone was in front, Lynn would be spared.

If you don't get a chance to get close to the side, you have an excuse for Yuin.

In the meantime, the plan goes ahead.

Lynn also knows that even if that happens, it's just a buy of time.

But still, Lynn didn't want to end her relationship with Illywia.

I still wanted to be by her side.

"Oh? Aren't you Aram"

Illyweer speaks to a certain aristocratic brother.

I was a kid my age with Lynn.

"I hear you've been selected by Magrillheim."

"Yes. I didn't know Master Illyweer knew. I'm afraid so."

He said in embarrassment.

Come here, then.

Illyweer invites him to his nearby seat.

"Is that okay?

He brightens his face with a look full of expectations.

Lynn felt bright when she saw it too.

I could be played with this.

No matter how illiwir, I wouldn't do anything to get those who once sat on the boulder out of it.

There was hope in Lynn's chest.

Eventually Aisha and Herd also sit well in Illyweer's seat.

It was Lynn's turn.

"Well. Lynn. Welcome."

"Thank you for always inviting us"

As usual, she invited Lynn to her seat in front of her.

"I've been waiting for you. And Mr. Yuven."

"Hi, thank you"

Yuven replied with a smile.

"Has anything changed?

"No, especially"

"Hehe. We've been seeing each other like every week in class lately."

"... you don't seem to have a seat available today"

Yuven looks around Illyweer dissatisfied.

"That's true. I'm sorry to hear that today, but we're not going to have much fun in the distance."

Lynn hastily told me to take it back.

"No. We can't treat important customers like you like that.... Right."

Illyweer looks around at the people around him.

Tension ran around me.

Afraid that I might be withdrawn from my seat.

"Duke, you have to leave."

Illyweer said chilly.

He was in the nearest neighboring seat to Illyweer.

"Ha. Yes, I did."

Duke stands back with perseverance.

But I can't seem to hide my remorse, and I'm stuck fast.


Lynn blued.

Until then, Held sits in Duke's seat, and a little seat change occurs.

It was an exchange of seats that included political intentions.

Either way, Herd will get to Duke's cauldron and start compartmentalizing any part of the back of the royal family.

That's what people received.

"Lynn, you're over here."

Aisha invites.

Lynn sat solidified in the seats of military aristocrats such as Aisha and Aram.

Yuven sits nearby in the seat, as usual, like Lynn's Omake.

Yuven gets a mean laugh as soon as he sits down.

"Psst. That duke, Master Illywia, is cheating on him. I don't think so."

Yuven eared to Lynn as he saw Duke being driven by Tobotobo and those in the corner.

When she first came here, she made it seem pleasant to see if Duke had it in her roots to cool her down, or if she was happy that the sequence of phosphorus was about to roll up.

But Lynn was not the other way around.

This has increased my chances of coming into contact with Silf.

Yuin's user-demon, who stops on Lynn's shoulder, is watching to see if he won't skip the mission.

Lynn saw Silf as chilling so that no one would notice him.

Silf drifts unanswered and listens to people's rumors.

Silf goes around the venue irregularly but not universally.

But eventually it was supposed to come this way.

Lynn had to be ready.

If we do find out, we won't be able to come here again.

But if they banish the tower, they won't even be able to see Theo or Yuven.

(I just have to do it!

"Hi. Lynn. I'm Alam. Nice to meet you."

As for Illyweer's surroundings, the new-faced Alam speaks to Lynn casually.

He seemed to have nothing in particular to think of Lynn.

"Duh, thanks."

"Lynn. Although Aram is a junior nobleman, he is a family member of the military from generation to generation in Wingard. Sometimes I'll work with you in the future. Be good friends."

Aisha said.

"I've heard the martial arts in" Cane Drop. "You know, the way you fought mercenaries against the senior nobility of Spyrna."

For one thing, Aram shook the subject so that he could stand Lynn.

"Yeah, yeah. Well."

"You do something bold. I want to know exactly how you came up with that."

"Yes, no. I just borrowed the wisdom of my friends."

"Be humble again."

"Yes, no, I don't think so."

Lynn didn't mind.

Silf was still showing signs that he was going to come here.

The demon devoured his nails while riding Lynn's shoulder.

It was a signal at last.

To stamp Silf so that no one will notice, we must manage to divert everyone's attention.

Yuven looks surprised.

"Hey Lynn. Mr. Alam is talking to me because of you. You don't have to answer properly."

"Uh. Mr. Alam joined Magrilheim, didn't he?"

"Yeah. ~ Recognized for his accomplishments in class"

"Heh. Right."

"Lynn like that used to be in there, right?

"No, I was fired right away. Wow. The Alam."

"That's right. Alam is amazing."

Aisha inherits and continues the conversation.

The conversation began about Aram's background.

"Sounds like you're all thrilled"

Illyweer came over here after greeting me.

"Dear Mr. Illyweer,"

At the same time, silf drifts.

Illyweer turns a graceful, loving smile towards Lynn as usual.

Lynn was heartbroken.

Her smile was irreplaceable enough to make her think that she could do anything for it.

But it still has to be done.

Otherwise we lose everything.

Silf drifts beside Lynn.

It was my chance to press the mark.

(What do we do? We need to deflect everyone's attention from the silf somehow)

That's when Rayne popped out of Lynn's chest, and Callagher popped out of Illyweer's presence.

The two celebrate reunion as usual and rub their noses together.

Everyone's gaze in the seat concentrates on the two Pell Rats.

Lynn stamped a mark on the silf in that gap.

Although Silf reacted slightly, he didn't realize that Lynn had pushed him, only to shake his neck.

"These two were captured while Master Illywia and Lynn were exploring the Forest of Warcraft together."

Aram heard Illyweer, then turned to Lynn.

Lynn hid her seal sassy in her pocket.

Running his eyes at Silf, but there was no particular anomaly.

(Sacrificial magic not activated...... Failed?

Nonetheless, Lynn fulfilled her assignment from Yuin.

"Yeah, it is. Thank you for your help then, Master Illyweer. You were very kind to me when I was a junior high..."

After finishing his assignment, Lynn suddenly starts to rap out of that sense of liberation.

On his return, Lynn promised to train with Alam next time in his mansion with a firm face.

It is as if together they are between those responsible for the future of Wingard.

Lynn then asked all around him about the human complexion, but as no one seemed to be aware of Lynn's crimes.

Lynn relieves her chest.

But in fact, there was only one person on the far roll who had been watching this one.

It was Duke.

(Are you out of your mind? It's like Lynn pushed something on Silf right now......)

Next time, Episode 128: Exchange Conditions

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