Tou no Madoushi

Episode 128 Exchange Conditions

"Stupid. Why isn't it activated?"

Yuyne was walking around the room frustrated and coming.

Lynn sits flattered in the corner of the room.

"You must have stamped the silf,"

"Yeah, definitely."

Lynn answered looking like a hundred million bucks.

"Then why isn't sacrificial magic activated?"

"I don't know. That's not true."

"Doesn't even activate summoning magic mean... the mark itself isn't working? That this is the power of the royal spirits?

"Please let me go faster than that. I've already fulfilled my request."

"Wait. Not yet."


"The Black Dragon has not yet been summoned. You can't let him go until then."

"... Master, you don't have that, do you? Promises are promises because of how much you failed. I've made a request, so please keep your master's promise."

The promise they had made beforehand meant that Yuyne would free Lynn from slavery and cooperate in the tower attack once she had stamped Silf.

"I see. Promises must be kept. But I'm not saying that I don't have to succeed to free myself."

(Grunts. This guy. Did you rot so far?)

"Are you still going to make me do something?

"Next, use more powerful magic. It turns out you can't just press the mark. Magic formations to amplify the power of magic are also kept in the modem in advance. Have the mark stamped on it"

"Oh, wait a minute."

"I'll wait nearby, too. When you're ready, crush the demon and let it go. Make that a magic trigger signal..."

"Wait a minute, please. Then there will be evidence that I did it. I'm not kidding. I can't go out with you anymore."

"Hey, where are you going"

"This is the only relationship I have with my master anymore. Thanks for your help. Goodbye."

"Don't be ridiculous. Do you think I'll let you go in such a halfway state? Now, let's get to the bottom of this. You're gonna get caught, too."

"But then the master will be caught, too. Can you do it for the master? How dare you turn me in to the authorities?"

"You don't seem to know where you stand yet. You are my slave..."

"So what about this? I accept orders from my master. And with that foot out of this room, I run into the Magic Instructors Association. So I confess to washing away about my previous master's evil deeds. It's not like this. It's going to take both of us."


Yuin flickered visibly.

"Don't you think it's a good idea to liquidate everything here and now to make things easiest? Master frees me from slavery. I will take my master's sins to the graveyard. So there was nothing. Congratulations."

"Are you gonna threaten me?"

"No. If you just can't keep your word, I'm just saying that you have an idea here too"

"Do you understand? It's up to me if you can stay in this tower..."

"It's up to me if my master's plan is to be exposed."


Strangely enough, Lynn had an advantage over Yuin now, after the attempted offense as an accomplice.

His plan for the crime and all the necessary equipment are also in Lynn's hands.

I was in a position to ruin Yuin if I talked to the authorities.

"You know what you're talking about? If I get caught, you're a conspirator, and you're gonna get caught, too, right?

"Still, you can do it now with an attempt. I checked it out. If you maliciously harm the spirits of others, even if you attempt to do so, you will be sentenced to imprisonment."


"It's still within the bounds of starting over for me, but isn't it deadly for my master? Enough. You're an adult, but you don't want to spend your time naughty in a dark prison, do you? Let's pull back around here."

Lynn said in such a fascinating manner.

The position had now been completely reversed.

"Huh. Right."

I sighed as Yuin gave up.

"I get it. My loss. No, I got it. You've grown up, too. I seem to have underestimated you. [M] So you're no longer a child to be used in silence."

"Ha... hi"

Lynn was listening spookily to Yuin's attitude.

It's a serious attitude on his part to follow like this.

I tightened my mind so I wouldn't be alarmed if I was up to something.

Suddenly for mouth sealing, they can attack.

Lynn grabbed the wand and set herself up so that she could handle whatever happened.

"So what about this? One adult and one adult from here. Let's discuss this on an equal footing."

"... what do you mean?

"Exchange terms."

"Exchange terms?

"Yes. Free you from slavery"

Yuin quickly admitted the letter when he took out the pieces of paper, and flew them to Lynn's side to give them to him.

The letter handed down states that Lynn will be freed from slavery.

"On top of that, now I want you to hit the request in exchange for another condition"

"Master... I'm not going to take any more requests from my master..."

"Don't you want to know about your parents?

Lynn was upset by this question.

"What, what, what are you talking about? I can't believe my parents now..."

Lynn desperately tried to disguise herself as calm, enlightened by the upset.

But Yuin knew that Lynn's mood was in his hands.

"If you want to hear my wish, I can tell you about your parents."

"How do you know about my parents? How dare you trick me into doing what I want again? I'm not gonna get in that hand."

"I can't tell you how I know about your parents. It's a trade secret. It's just not a lie to know. It's true."

"Liar. Even if you knew..., you'd be dead or something anyway, right?

"You can't answer that. If you answer that, it's the same as leaking some of the information that is valuable trading material."

Lynn tried to restrain her knee with her hands from about to tremble.

"Sorry about that. I said something that shocked me."

"I'm... I'm not shocked..."

"Right. That's good. It helps that you're a calm person who doesn't get eclampsia. I just don't have much time, either. If you don't become an atheist, you have to look for other atheists. Do you want me to give you an answer? Whether or not you take my request"

"No... even if they say so suddenly. Give me some time to think..."

"An hour."

Yuin said as he dropped his eyes on the tattoo clock.

"We'll meet here again in an hour. And ask for answers. If you refuse my request, if you don't come here,

relationship until then. Then we'll take each other's secrets to the graveyard. "

Yuyne stood up when she said that much.

"Then I'll be excused for this. I'm sorry to let you take so long. [M] Think slowly."

Yuyne has always treated Lynn in an obnoxious manner. Lynn warped her face.

Yuyne leaves.

Lynn thought about it. Do I want to see my parents? Are they alive in the first place?

Does Yuin really know about his parents? If so, why do you know?

But the more I think about it, the less I know about Lynn.

Just an hour later, Yuin returns.

Lynn was compelled to answer.

"Lynn. Hey Lynn."

Held speaks up.


"Lynn. Hey, Lynn, if you do"

"What? What is it?

Lynn responds hastily to Held's call.

"Are you all right?

"What? It's okay."

"Right. He seemed to be thinking something."

"It's okay. I'm fine. Let's go."

Lynn was just about to say hello with Herd, but it felt like she was in no way concerned.

Held also noticed how Lynn was doing like that.

(You're a human face that seems to find out something backwards)

Held sighed.

(You're caught up in some pretty nasty things when this looks like it. What's the matter?)

Herd conceived.

(You can't have this guy disappear yet. I don't have a choice. I'll help you.)

Held finished the day's work and started writing letters when he got back to his room.

Remain anonymous and send a letter to Ilywia.

On that day, Illyweer, who was alone in his room after his errand, spoke to Karat.

"Karat, tell me. What did you talk to Rayne about at the party? Let me hear Lynn's story, as usual."

Illyweer listens to Karat.

"Hmm. I see. Even Lynn, you can't overlook this."

Illyweer will try to retrieve the anonymous letter he just read again.

She started writing to her desk after thinking carefully as she looked at it.

It's next month.

Tea Party in Illyweer.

Lynn, as usual, was invited to her surrounding seat, after which she took a few seats off.

I saw the silf up close earlier, but the mark I should have pressed before had already disappeared.

Perhaps the power of Silf has been overthrown.

Lynn saw the occasion, walked out of the party and rushed into the holding room.

Fortunately, there was no one in the modem.

Lynn takes out the paint and prepares to paint the magic formation.

(Are you sure?

Lynn asked herself.

If we do this any more, we will definitely not just be sorry.

Is it worth so much in return?

But if I could find out about my parents, I might be able to fill in some missing part of myself.

I felt that way.

Lynn gets ready and starts drawing magic formations.

"What are you doing there"

Cold voices echoed in the pantry.

Cold sweat conveys the forehead.

There was Duke when Lynn turned around.

"Ah, Mr. Duke..."

"That's paint to paint a magic formation. Amplify the power of magic. What the hell kind of magic do you use in a place like this to draw stuff like that?

Duke pointed his wand at Lynn.

"No, that. This..."

Duke unleashed magic before Lynn finished talking about it all.

Lynn is blown away and slammed against the wall.

Distant consciousness.

Duke begins to explore his nostalgia, after restraining Lynn.

Trying to find evidence of an unprovoked plot.

"What a fuss. Duke? What are you doing"

Held's voice echoed.

Lynn heard Herd and Duke arguing in fading consciousness.

Lynn woke up on a soft bed.

"This place..."

"Are you all right?

There was Illyweer when Lynn turned to her voice.

He seemed to sit back on the bed and lean against me.

"Mr. Ilyweer... I..."

"Held told me. I hear you've been assaulted by Duke."

Lynn explored the nostalgia.

The mark I had earlier was gone there.

Lynn sighs like she thought.

"Mr. Illyweer. Mr. Duke is not bad. I'm the bad one."


"Excuse me. You've done a lot of things for me. This is how you get your favor back with vengeance."

"You're a bad boy."

Illyweer tries to put her hand on Lynn's cheek.

I even felt that that loving attitude seemed to forgive me for everything.

Lynn is about to be relieved, but she doesn't want to be sweet here, so she runs out of her hands.


When Lynn calls, Rain, who was playing with Karat in the corner of the room, enters Lynn's chest.

"I don't think I should come here anymore."

"No... That's not..."

"I only have one favor to ask. Yuven, can only she call you to this place as always"


"Okay, I'll go now"

I forgot something.

When Lynn tries to get out of the Mansion lobby to the front door, a seal is thrown from upstairs.

Duke stood as Lynn looked in the direction of the seal's flying.

"Mr. Duke..."

"Satisfied. You can keep me off Master Illyweer's side."


"I got my hands on the princess's favorite. I can't be here anymore. You will be ordered to leave immediately."

Duke leaked a dry, self-derisive laugh.

"You already figured it out. You're not the man to come here."


"What were you trying to do? I'm not going to ask you deeply. To be honest, you're not the only one who does this. I can't believe I'm asking what's going on with each and every one of you. So let's not even ask about you. [M] Don't even report the seal to the authorities. Instead!"

Duke pointed his stabbing gaze at Lynn.

"It's about never coming here again. It won't be much for you to come here. [M] For each other."

"Sounds like it. When Mr. Duke first told me that, I should have immediately noticed."

Lynn said honestly.

"Sorry for the inconvenience"

As he lowered his head and tried to exit, the doors of the mansion roughly opened and several humans in black robes entered.

One man moves forward making cutlets and shoe noises.

"Excuse me. I'm with the Magic Instructors Association Police Department. Is there a Lynn from the College Magic Instructor?

Lynn looks back at Duke as a ghost.

Duke also looked like he was taken aback.

Look at that and realize he didn't report it.

"You're Lynn."

The man saw and noticed the reaction between the two.

"The Magic Master Yuin was arrested for treason against the tower. I will ask you, my disciple, to come forward as an important reference person."

Next time, "exile"

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