Tou no Madoushi

Episode 136: Secret Transactions

Escaped from Nino's hand, the Lins left the secret passage before returning to the waterway and escaping from the dungeon.

"As long as we get here, we'll be fine. No matter how much Nino, it's not that easy to follow."

"Am I really glad? I left Mr. Widget behind."

"Oh, that's all I had misrills in my room. You'll be able to come home on your own. But... that guy named Nino, you were like a mad dog. Whoever he is, he's gonna bite."

"Yuven. Are you okay?

"Yeah, it's mostly settling down. Thanks."

Although she is still a little unwell, her face, which was blue-white, is largely regaining its blood color.

"What do we do now? You want to take the elevator home?

"What the hell is that... we can't use the elevator anymore. I'm going home with dimensional magic."

"Dimensional magic? Can you guys use dimensional magic?

"No, we hired people to get here. We hired people who could open dimensional doors on the 100th, 150th, and 200th floors, respectively. I'm going to ask the same person to come home."

"Right. You guys were wacky. All right, let's take you to that dimensional magic point."

"Thank you. It's just that Nino may know where we met with dimensional magic. He knew we'd come through dimensional magic because it was a mouthful."

"You mean if you go poorly to the rendezvous point, you might be hit by Nino's raid"


"So what do you say we lurk on the 150th floor?

"On the 150th floor?

"Yeah, it's probably the same thing Nino can't use the elevator. So it shouldn't be possible to cross 200 and 100 hierarchies. If you're lurking there, you'll be able to engage Nino in pursuit."

"I see. But there's a way to get to the 150th floor..."

"I'll send you with 'Dimensional Magic'"

"Mr. Forta?

"Yeah, it's a boat that's taken us this far. I'm gonna hang out with you till the end."

"Excuse me. From what to what. Um. Is that okay? Really." The Book of Rafiyui's Enchantment. "We got it."

"Oh, she owns the Volcano Spirit."

Forta opened the door to the 150th floor for Lynn and Yuven without asking for anything in return.

"Mr. Forta! This thank you came all the way to the 200th floor. I will be sure to give you a warm welcome. Would you like to give me some information I need to find you? Addresses, contacts."

"Unfortunately, it doesn't stay much in one place. I don't think it makes sense to give them an address or contact information."

"So what's the guild you belong to, etc?

"... right. Does it make sense to tell me if it's a guild?"

Forta interrupted the words a little before opening her mouth again.

"My guild…" The Anxiety Sellers (Marche Ansier) "


Lynn thought I heard wrong and thought I would ask again, but at that time she was wrapped in a swirl of light and sucked into a passage of different dimensions.

The two lurked in Slam Street on the 150th floor until the day of their promise to the vendor.

I was softening about when I would be caught, but no one suspected me of the two thanks to Nino's broken bollocks.

Lynn and Yuven often had an unfettered time.

While they were lurking, they discussed with the Volcano Spirit (Volke) the treatment of the Book of Magic of Rafiyui.

"The Book of Rafiyui's Enchantment" was to be shared between the two of us.

If one said he wanted to see it, he could see it at any time, but the holding was to be done by Lynn.

"Volcke is at your disposal, and the Book of Magic needs to take precedence over me."

Yuven has run by example, but he didn't even give Lynn away there.

If she says she can't make a misrill without the power of the Volcano Spirit (Volcke), Lynn responds that she can't make a misrill without a connection to Illywia.

She pulled back a little.

Even from Yuven, I thought I had to give Lynn some kind of reward for this, and I couldn't do it without being an accomplice to the illegal activity.

"Lynn. We'll always be friends, won't we? You can't betray me."

"Of course I am."

The two shall keep secret the existence of the "Spirit of the Volcano (Volke)" and the "Book of Rafiyui's Enchantment".

To collaborate to manufacture misrills and dedicate them to Ilywia.

Do not spare any cooperation with each other to manage the Volcano Spirit (Volke).

We vowed to do things like that and promised to build a system of cooperation in the future.

(According to "Rafiyui's Book of Magic," "Volcanic Spirit (Volke)" is required to summon "Black Dragon". I don't know if I'm going to summon you, but it can be difficult. Let's leave it with Yuven now)

"Yuven. If you have any trouble with the Volcano Spirit (Volquet), don't hesitate to talk to me."

(Yuven needs to take care of the Volcano Spirit.)

A week later, the vendor who brought them to this location opened the door of the dimension and brought them back to Alfrid.

Lynn and Yuven returned unconnected to Alfrid.

Back when Lynn and Yuven were on their way to Alfld, Alfld's deliberative chamber saw Held's efforts much-needed and amendments to the bill about to be passed.

The bill notified by the council was a lesson to be passed to the deliberative chambers of each city.

After this, it will be deliberated and the vote will eventually begin.

(CHUCKLES. It's still up)

Held, sitting in the hearing room of the deliberation chamber, abominably stares at the bills to be read out.

In that opposite seat, Luciola stood up, disguised and swamped into Parliament, watching how things were going.

"I'm coming. Flora."

"Yes, Dear Edianel"

Flora followed in a quiet manner.

I just had to do what she said already.

I was hoping you might help me, someone named Lynn stopped coming to the tea party.

There is no more time left.

So she has to decide too.

She headed towards the terminal.

Luciola narrows her eyes and looks at the giant tree.

(According to Forta, oddly enough, it's the day that Lynn returns. They're telling me not to get my hands on it, but, well, you can't help but die by mistake)

She was cut off by Lynn and still rubbed her painful arm.

Officials at the terminal snap their necks when they see a white one-piece girl walking.

(Why is a slave-class girl in a place like this?

It is forbidden for the slave class to use the elevator.

They were often transported in elevators for cargo.

He tried to get close to her trying to be careful.

"Hey. You."

The moment the attendant puts his hand on the girl's shoulder, the girl opens the box she had in her hand towards him and shows it.

A bursting sound and flash popped out of the box.

The attendant was engulfed in flames and extinguished charcoal, and then five bodies fell apart and blew away.

That wasn't all the damage.

Dozens of humans who were around also blew up, fragments and flames scattered all around them, destroying the surrounding facilities to vibrate the entire building.

The giant tree swayed from its roots and its vibrations passed to the upper layer of the tower.

Blood, flesh pieces, and smoke bursts splash all over one side at the terminal.

People in panic give a snort shout and run away.

The cries of children, the screams of women, even good old adults scream and moan.

At the heart of the explosion, the place where the girl who had the box was wrapped in black smoke and red flames and I still can't see what's going on.

Lynn and Yuven were about to take the elevator to reach the Alfld terminal.

The look has a sense of relief to return to the city where I am accustomed to live and no longer fear being caught by the association.

Vibrations occurred when the elevator arrived at the Alfld terminal.

"Ha ha."

"Hey, what?

Lynn and Yuven stick to the railing of the elevator.

The elevator fell out of control.


Lynn aggressively takes the wand from Yuven and puts' mass magic 'on the elevator.

"Hmm. Thank God."

Lynn and Yuven's elevators were safe and untimely at the terminal.

When the two of them descended into the terminal, it was wrapped in an annoying cry.

There's a blue flame hanging over there, and a few people are down.

The two breathed into the miserable sight.

Lynn finds it hard to breathe.

"Yuven. Cancer."

Lynn noticed the air was thin.

It already seemed like this neighborhood was full of carbon monoxide.

"What is this? Fire?"

"I don't know. But it looks like we'd better get out of here soon anyway."

There was a place where many people were falling.

I can tell it's the heart of the explosion.

"Someone. Somebody help me."

A man with a skewed face to fear comes to Lynn.

He is holding his arm down and holding his foot suspiciously.

Lynn calmed him down by supporting the man who was standing still.

"Are you all right?

"Are you wearing my arm? I lost my owner there earlier, and my arm fell on the floor."

The man said that despite holding his arm down.

Lynn thought she was panicking.

"It's okay. Your arms are properly attached. That falling arm will belong to someone else."

"Oh well. Is my arm tight?"

"What the hell are you saying? You're surrounded by smoke and flames."

"A girl in white opened the box she had. Then the light and sound were scattered on one side..."

"White clothes?

I saw Flora in Lynn's head.

Reminds me of her words.

—— Master Mage. What can I do if I have to break one of the two rules ——

(No way!)

Lynn rushed out toward the heart of the explosion.

"Hey Lynn!

I don't mind Yuven screaming. Running over.

There are numerous pieces of flesh scattered on burnt black floors.

A white skirt covered foot was found in it.

I can tell it's the girl's leg that the man said earlier.

(No, not Flora)

The girl's body was blown up and she no longer knew who it was, but still found her body to be too small for Flora.

Lynn was horrified to find out she wasn't Flora, but at the same time she feels uncomfortable.

(Did this kid make this noise? This kid's slave class, right? How the hell... And how...)

The damage around the girl's body was unusual.

The floor and walls of the building contain cracks, destroying all the supplies on one side of the perimeter.

And the vibration when I was in the elevator......

(It's not inflammatory. This is a blast)

A blue flame suddenly shapes the mark when Lynn is conceiving it.

The face of a man distorted by pain. It was like a Marche Ansier print.

The tattoo just floats for a moment and disappears quickly.

(Is that... my fault? No, but it does......)

Lynn looked around.

There's no one on the spot but Lynn except for the dust and smoke all over the place and groaning on the floor.

"Hey, is anyone there?

My voice echoes.

Lynn heard it and realized that the fire brigade had arrived.

"Everybody calm down. It's okay. Don't rush it."

"Wall us and you'll be safe."

"Is there an injured person? If you are there, please respond."

They were manipulating fairies to purify the indoor air, sprinkle water and try to prevent the damage from spreading.

"Wall paint" is used to protect itself.

"You. Are you okay? Can you stand?

One of the firefighters speaks to Lynn.

"Oh, yes."

"It's dangerous. Get the hell out of here."

One of the firefighters pulls the phosphorus crouching in the heart and makes it stand.

"Oh, excuse me"

"Come on, come on."

Lynn left the scene so that she could be driven away.

This bombing made the city of Alfrid noisy.

The details of the case will soon be boring to everyone.

That 'blasting magic' was used.

That the terminal of the giant tree was targeted and a large number of the demon conductors who were on the spot were killed and injured.

And most of all, the shocking thing that extended to the offense was that she was a slave-class girl who wasn't even old enough.

Next time, Episode 137: Dispatch of Falsaras

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