Tou no Madoushi

Episode 137: Dispatch of Falsaras

The bombing made Alfrid noisy.

People make all sorts of rumors about this sudden incident.

Who's the killer, what's the purpose?

Everyone feared that the seeds of disaster would fall on them.

I wanted to know how I could be spared the sacrifice of the bombing and I was full of it.

Meanwhile, the Association of Magic Instructors received a statement from the bomber.

The statement contained the following request:

to stop immediately all wars being waged by the Tower and the Three Powers;

Otherwise attacks on giant trees and associations can continue forever.

The statement was read out in the Council on the 500 hierarchy.

The council regarded this bombing as treason to the tower.

A 500 hierarchical demon mentor is dispatched to Alfrid.

People packed early in the morning in front of giant trees in Alfrid.

Trying to get a glimpse of the magician's face coming from the 500 tiers.

The faces of the gathered people showed half the expectations and anxieties.

Eventually a councillor in a white robe emerges from the door of a giant tree, Farsalas.

People whispered at each other on purpose.

Falsaras stands in front of the inhabitants with a flashing face.

(Chip. I was once told that I could even reach 'Sky Residents'. I didn't expect this to hit such a dicky case. You council jizzies. Pushing every mess)

Falsaras speaks to the people.

"I am Falsaras, a magician belonging to the 500 hierarchy. Sent by the council to solve the bombing. Not only is this incident cruel, but it is also an act of treason to the center of the tower and to the identity system that supports the demon-led civilization. You can never miss it. I'll solve this case in the name of the councilman and let him capture the killer. Alfredo will restore that peace of mind in his place."

The audience gets a slightly relieved look.

That if a 500 hierarchical demon conductor could move to a solution, he'd figure it out.

Falsaras, who finished his speech, quickly headed to the scene of the incident with "Flying Magic".

There are still bomb scars on the scene of the incident.

Falsaras glanced at the magnitude of the damage.

Standing on the spot for a while, the police captain's stuff picks me up.

"I've been waiting for you. My name is Damien and I'm with the Alfrid Branch of the Magic Instructors Association."


Falsaras said as he walked, not giving Damian a glimpse.

"Ha. It was a slave-class girl who extended to the crime. The bomb used was made of Mithril"

"You think it's made of Mithril? Mithrill bombs are forbidden to be transported. Why do slaves live in Alfredo?"

"Smuggling, I think."

Falsaras makes a difficult face.

(There's no way I can make a misrill bomb for a college magician. You mean at least 200 floors, 300 hierarchical higher-level magicians pulling threads in the back)

Falsaras lifts his eyebrows.

It was something he could not understand, such as being a high-ranking magician and plotting treason against the tower.

"What's the identity of the girl who blew herself up?

"I don't know. Nothing from the remains indicates her identity... The wizard who owns the slaves has no missing slaves, but so far no one has said anything."

"You don't have a clue to identify the mastermind?"

Falsaras stopped for a moment and thought, then gave the instructions.

"Reinforce censorship at each tier of elevators and airports. There is a total ban on the transport of Mithrills beyond the hierarchy. Control it without distinction between civilians, nobles or merchants. Open every load and seize all Mithrills."

"In that case, the inhabitants will be disgusted."

"Not if you're saying that. Do you understand? This could be a rebellion. Try to get the slaves up together. No matter how magical the city is, it's not for free. This is not the case if you are concerned about the disgust of residents. Use any hand to catch the root of the guy pulling the thread in the back."

"It is true that elevators and airports can be managed by censorship. But no matter how many elevators are blocked if they're moved in 'Dimensional Magic'"

"I have an idea about 'dimensional magic' measures, which call for bird humans (harpies) from the 200th floor. Collect leftovers from all over the city."

"Ha. By the way, which way are you headed now?

"College. There's someone I need to see."

The college hallway squeaks.

When I saw who Lynn was bothering, there was a falsaras in white robes.

Everyone paved the way when they saw his white robe, hurrying to bow.

Falsaras talks with a tough face when he sees the person he's looking for.

"Princess Ilywia"

"Oh, isn't that Mr. Falsaras"

Illyweer turns a friendly grin.

Falsaras was familiar with Illywia because of his senior nobility from Wingard.

(Totally. What the hell are you thinking in this emergency)

"Why are you still in college? You say you're a 100 tier magician."

"It's to take Dr. Largya's class. He also reached the 700 hierarchy of high-ranking magicians. Even if it's a hundred hierarchical magicians, there's no end to learning."

"You must be a 'former' high-ranking magician, right? There's no such thing as a weirdo right now. I'm just a teacher. Well, that's fine. And more than that, I'd like to ask you why you're not leaving Alfredo when the bombing happened."

Falsaras told me to ask questions.

"You can play, but I want you to understand your position a little bit"

Illyweer looked troubled when Falsaras said so.

Falsaras sighs.

"You're better off in Wingard, but this is a tower. Even if you are royal, you will follow my instructions, 500 hierarchical magicians."

"Yes, of course. To Wingard, I'm not willing to go against the tower."

"Thank you to the High Commander."

Illyweer showed his gratitude for obedience to Pharsalas.

I mean, I knelt on one hand against Falsaras.

Falsaras puts his hand around Illyweer's head and accepts her obedience.

"A hundred hierarchical magicians, it's Illyweer. You should not be here. I forbid you to enter Alfldohe until I give you permission. Return to the 100 tiers."

"Yes. As you say."

Lynn was stunned to see the sight from afar.

(Is the power of councillors this much? If you become a magical mentor of 500 hierarchies... even royalty... can make you kneel even if you are Master Ilywia...)

Lynn thought that far and was attacked by a creeping feeling behind her neck.

And I felt like I could see why everyone was going for the top floor of the tower.

"I can't believe 500 hierarchical demon mentors are coming down to Alfrid. This time, the council seems to be serious."

Diene said.

He was gathered with Theo and Alma in the Academy's desk to talk about this incident. (Dieneh was now getting mixed up in a group of Lins without worrying about Lados' quadruple eyes)

"Is that so unusual?

Theo asked.

"Yeah, the record shows that a 500 tier demon mentor came to Alfrid when the city was turned into a sea of fire by a civilian insurgency. He said he was on the verge of collapsing, rebuilding the Magic Instructors Association and putting out the flames."

"You're saying the council considered this bombing a treason? Isn't that a little too much?

Theo looked surprised and said.

"Anyway, the horrible thing about this case is that it doesn't prevent attacks from the enemy"

Diene said.

"The blasting magic involves me too, so I usually have to release it with caution. The more powerful it is, the better. Not to mention shooting all over a city with dense buildings is suicidal. But this time, I let the slaves blow themselves up. I don't know how the hell I did it, but not just magic, but slavery is essential to life here in Alfld. There are many slaves living in every corner of the building and space. Which means it's not weird when or where you get caught in an explosion."

"What's the function of alerting you to the danger of the ring?

"The ring glows and informs us when there is a clear hostility towards the owner or when the Warcraft is nearby. In this case, however, an indiscriminate bombing targeting an unspecified number. Just because someone with a Mithril magic prop approached me, I wouldn't judge the ring dangerous."

"I see. So we're all so freaked out."

Theo said with a slightly frightened face.

Since the bombing, people in the city have been walking outside with unusually vigilant surroundings.

He seemed to turn back the road or report it just because he saw a slave with some belongings.

"What about Lynn?

Alma said as she looked around Kyolokiolo.

Lynn always acted with Diene and Theo these days, so it was strange not to be here.

He said, "I need to talk to Farsalas."

"Heh? You know that guy from the council?

"I don't know."

Theo just shrugged his shoulders.

"Mr. Falsaras!

Lynn spoke to Falsaras, who was meeting with Damien in the hallway of the college.

"Hmm? You sure... of someone I know in Atrea"

"I'm Lynn. I'm a hundred tiers of maze. Thank you for your help. Um, can I help you with the investigation, too?

"You're a student. Keep her company."

"Wait. Lord Falsaras."

Stop Falsaras as Damian turns his back on Lynn and tries to walk away.

"Maybe he knows some clue.


"He was a disciple of Ewing. He helped me solve Yune's treason."

"What? Yuin's?

Falsaras stares at Lynn as a giraffe.

"Fair enough. Follow me."

Falsaras and Damien took Lynn to the modem and asked what was going on.

"So you saw that Marche Ansier tattoo at the crime scene?


"Is that Marche Ansier a guild? You're not registered with the association?

"Sounds like an unofficial guild."

Damien said as he looked at the paperwork at hand.

"Chip. A dark guild. Fair enough. Anyway, that would mean it's a 200 hierarchy based guild. I'll hang on to a 200 tier association."

That's what Falsaras said.

"Um, one more thing. I'm talking about a girl named Flora..."

"Flora? Who's that? It's"

"This is the girl serving at Lord Edianel's."

"That Mr. Baa"?

Falsaras looked a little nasty.

He wasn't comfortable with her coming out with old things forever.

"So, what the hell does that Flora girl have to do with this case?

"That's... I can't say it well..."

Damien looked difficult.

"You can't do an investigation into the possessions of a great nobleman on such vague grounds."

"Fair enough. Lynn. Anyway, you care about that Flora guy. Then I'll leave the matter to you. Damien, give him Lynn's support. I'm going to 200 levels now."

Falsaras told me to pay half the trouble.

The next day, as Farsalas said, censorship intensified without notice.

As well as freight elevators, temporary censorships were set up in elevators for human use to ensure that any luggage could not be transported without being censored.

Everything that is carried will be opened once and will be checked by the attendant.

As a result, transportation work lagged behind and people and goods were stuck.

People were dissatisfied, but they had to stop if they said they were going to take action against the bombing, and they couldn't speak out of displeasure, let alone defy it.

If he defied badly, he could have been suspected, punished by the authorities, and threatened to be arrested if he did badly.

People's dissatisfaction dulled and swirled.

The city somehow drops a dark shadow and becomes a giddy atmosphere.

What surprised the crowd even more was that a frightening number of bird humans (harpies) appeared above Alfrid.

The hordes of birds and humans in the sky made the people of the city anxious.

Next time, Episode 138: Alfld to be Sealed

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