"Doctor Fang?"

Professor Ding came over and took Fang Xin's hand and said:

"I have heard about your deeds! Are you really determined to help me with this operation?

Fang Xin nodded and said:

"The surgical case of the mirror man is worth studying, not to mention the descendants of heroes, so we should not treat them lightly.

Can you tell me your thoughts first? This way I can be mentally prepared and not panic at the last minute.

Professor Ding nodded and said,"I plan to use a bionic structure."

"However, she is so young, and when her body grows, the bionic structure will grow with her body and it will easily compress other organs."

"I have considered this, but this is the only solution at the moment, so for the patient's safety, I suggest that they have a regular physical examination every year, and if they find that other organs are compressed, they should immediately undergo surgery."

Fang Xin said nothing, but sighed slightly.

If this is done, the little girl will always have a scar on her chest from the thoracotomy, and she will never be able to do any strenuous exercise in her life.

Professor Ding saw that Fang Xin was silent, and then he said:

"By the way, this operation will be connected to cardiopulmonary surgery experts from major hospitals across the country so that reminders can be given at any time during the operation."

"There is no time to lose. The surgery can be arranged this afternoon. You should be mentally prepared.

Fang Xin nodded after hearing what Professor Ding said.

After lunch, he took a short break. At 2:30 pm, Fang Xin and Professor Ding were already standing in front of the operating table. What made Fang Xin curious was that besides several nurses, the old man who stood with Professor Ding in the morning was also beside them.

But he didn't think much about it, and his eyes also looked at the little girl lying on the bed. At the age of 12, she was relying on the extracorporeal circulation device to survive.

"Eyes open!"

"The patient's heart was born with a malformation and heart failure. On the surface, he was undoubtedly a mirror image person. The success rate of a heart transplant was only 2%."

The success rate is too low...

Fang Xin noticed that his heartbeat was a little faster.

"Check the condition of the instruments and prepare for surgery! How is the matching heart?"

Professor Ding said

"The equipment is normal, the heart donor is in surgery, and will be delivered in ten minutes."

"Okay, give me knife number 10."

Professor Ding picked up the scalpel, and the operation officially began!

Fang Xin looked at Professor Ding's skillful manipulation of the scalpel and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Professor Ding's operation was precise and skillful, and he was worthy of being a master of cardiopulmonary surgery.

"Clear the fluid!"

After hearing Professor Ding's words, Fang Xin immediately began to clear the blood in the chest cavity to prevent it from obscuring his vision.

"The matching heart has been delivered!"

Before he finished speaking, Professor Ding also removed the diseased heart.

"Prepare to install the bionic structure!"

At the same time, cardiopulmonary doctors across the country are observing this operation

"Using bionic structure is indeed the only way!"

"Professor Ding is indeed an industry leader!"

"However, if it is just to fill the structure like this, I can do it too."

The doctors all said in their hearts, but no one dared to say it in the video.

Professor Ding picked up the milky white bionic bone and was about to insert it into the chest cavity.

At this moment, Fang Xin's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of the child playing with toys in the morning, and quickly looked at the heart he brought.

An almost weird idea suddenly emerged in Fang Xin's mind.

"Yes! Why didn’t I think of it earlier!"

"Wait a minute! Professor Ding, don't install the bionic structure yet! I suddenly have an idea!"

Fang Xin interrupted Professor Ding's operation.

Professor Ding frowned slightly and said:"Hurry up and tell me, the heart can't be delayed!"

Fang Xin nodded and said:

"The direction of the mirror image person's heart is reversed. When transplanting, the biggest difficulty is that it does not match the chest structure and the direction of the arteries and veins does not match.

But if we change our thinking and rotate the heart 90 degrees, will it be okay?"

Professor Ding was stunned when he heard this.

He looked at the position of the heart in the little girl's chest, then looked at the matching heart, and suddenly hesitated.

At this time, the synchronized video also exploded.

"This idea is too fantastic! The change in the direction of the heart may have an impact on the future, not to mention whether the transplant will be successful!"

"Who is this assistant? Why does he say something so illogical?"

"Isn't this a delay? What is Professor Ding hesitating about?

Fang Xin and Professor Ding were unaware of the debate in the video conference, but they were both silent.

"Your idea... is not impossible... but it is almost a gamble!"

Professor Ding frowned and said:

"If successful, she will most likely be like other people of her age and will not have any future problems. But if she fails, this heart will be wasted, and she won't be able to wait for the next one to arrive!"

Fang Xin said without hesitation:

"However, the safety of the bionic structure will cause such a little girl, who should be in her most lively stage

, to have to watch others play in the future! Professor Ding, at present, there are no obvious consequences for the implementation of my idea. The only thing to worry about is the hidden danger.

But without considering the hidden danger, one is that she can grow up lively, happy and healthy, and the other is that she can only watch her peers play. Which of the two is easier to accept?"

Professor Ding hesitated again and again, and finally looked at the old man beside him and said in a deep voice:

"Old Chen, you make the decision!"

Fang Xin was shocked to see that the old man was wearing a mask, but his eyes were flashing with strange light.

The video conference was in an uproar again.

"Old Chen? Could he be General Chen Shuanghuai?"

"Fortunately, I didn't go. I had to have the surgery right under General Chen's nose! What a huge psychological pressure that must have been!"

"Don't hesitate any longer, install the bionic structure!"

At this time, General Chen held the armrest of the operating table tightly, frowned, looked at Professor Ding and said:

"What is the success rate?"

Professor Ding said in a deep voice:

"Normal transplantation has a success rate of less than 2%, while the addition of a bionic structure has a success rate of 100%, and the chance of sequelae is also 100%.

Fang Xin's plan has a success rate of 50%, and the chance of sequelae is also 50%. After all, no one has ever tried this, and it is unclear what sequelae will appear.

But one thing is certain: if the sequelae are ignored, even I would agree to do the surgery according to his plan!"

"What? Professor Ding is getting old and confused?"

"How is this possible? It seems that Professor Ding's reputation is undeserved!"

"But this is not an idea"

"Forget it, what kind of thinking is this? This is a dead end!"

In the ward, General Chen Shuanghuai hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice:

"Old Ding, follow your own judgment! I won't blame you no matter what!"

Professor Ding looked at Chen Shuanghuai, pondered for a moment, and put the bionic structure aside.

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