"Prepare for transplantation!"

Professor Ding took a deep breath, gently picked up the heart, and slowly put it into the chest cavity.

"Help me hook the artery and start suturing.

Fang Xin immediately picked up the tweezers and lifted the heart artery.

It was just that at this time, I don’t know whether it was because of nervousness or some other reason, Professor Ding’s hands were shaking constantly, and sweat kept oozing out of his forehead. He wiped the sweat two or three times after sewing a few stitches.

Fang Xin knew that this was too much psychological pressure!

It was not only the pressure on Chen Shuanghuai, but also the pressure on a life!

If there was a slight mistake in the suturing, it could have a great impact.

What’s more, the heart was twisted 90 degrees now.

Fang Xin gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

"Professor Ding, let me do it!"

Professor Ding glanced at him, shook his head and said:

"The operation is difficult. If it fails, your life will be overshadowed! You have a bright future, and we cannot let you take such a risk!"

But Fang Xin said in a deep voice:

"Professor Ding, now is not the time to consider risks. In your current state, it is easy to make mistakes. Let me do it!"

Professor Ding saw that he was so persistent, sighed and said,"Be sure to be careful!"

Fang Xin nodded.

He took the suture needle and thread, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

"Open your wisdom eyes, open your hands to mend the sky, and open your concentration!"

At this moment, Fang Xin's eyes became clear, and he was about to start with the suture needle in his hand.

At this moment, the simulation in front of him suddenly changed.

"Excessive twisting of the heart can easily lead to compression of the aorta, resulting in coronary heart disease and other conditions.

Fang Xin frowned and performed a simulated operation with the effect of concentration.

Professor Ding saw that he took the suture needle but did not move, but waved his hands and made some inexplicable movements, and immediately said:"Is there any problem?"

Fang Xin said in a deep voice:

"I know the hidden danger of twisting the heart angle! Professor Ding, let someone cut off 10 centimeters of aorta from the donor now!

I am confident that this operation will be successful!"

Professor Ding was stunned for a moment, then he understood what he meant and said excitedly:

"I understand! Good! Very good! Doctor Gu, please notify the nearby surgery department and cut off 10 centimeters of the aorta.

Old Chen! Our granddaughter can be saved! She can be saved!"

Chen Shuanghuai looked at the determined eyes of Fang Xin and Professor Ding, and his heart trembled suddenly, and he almost couldn't help crying.

He had been waiting for this sentence for a long time!

After a while, the aorta was taken out, and Fang Xin picked up the aorta and began to sew it.

At this time, the video conference started to discuss again.

"Changed the operator? Why? Who is this person? How dare he take on this operation?"

"What is there to save? Why don't I understand?"

"What is he going to do?"

"Oh! I see! So clever! Who is this person?"

"What do you unserstand?"

"If I am not mistaken, the biggest hidden danger of twisting the heart is that the aorta may be compressed due to the large twist angle, resulting in insufficient heart pressure and sequelae such as coronary heart disease.

He took the aorta to make a bridge, assuming a heart bypass in advance, so that the originally opposite blood vessels can be smoothly connected, while taking into account the connection of the aorta, pulmonary artery and other major blood vessels without compression.

This idea is simply genius!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the video conference was silent.

After an unknown amount of time, someone suddenly asked:

"Who is this person?"

"Professor Ding said his name seemed to be Fang Xin."

"Fang Xin... this name sounds familiar……"

"Is this the young doctor who saved the little girl that has been mentioned in the news recently?"

""Shh, stop talking, he's suturing!"

Everyone watched carefully and saw Fang Xin placing the aorta around the heart, forming a triple high bridge.

His suturing speed was amazing, the needle and thread were interlaced left and right, and the suture needle as thin as a cow's hair perfectly sewed every contact point under his operation. What surprised everyone even more was that he didn't care about the effusion that overflowed from time to time. When suturing, he could also accurately sew in some covered places.

"Is this... is this really something a young doctor can do?"

Even Professor Ding was dumbfounded.

Just now when Fang Xin was helping by helping to remove the effusion from time to time, he could tell that Fang Xin definitely had a lot of experience in heart surgery.

And Fang Xin's operation at this time was a little unbelievable to him.

Even he himself couldn't do this easy stitching skill.

How old is he?

From this point of view, his future is really limitless!

"Suture completed……"

Fang Xin let out a long sigh and said in a deep voice,"Prepare to cut off the extracorporeal circulation and restore arterial blood flow."

Everyone's heart was in their throats at this moment.

The most critical step has come. If the heart rate and blood pressure can be stabilized to normal after the arterial blood flow is restored, then this operation will be unprecedented and will fill the gap in the successful cases of mirror human heart transplantation!

""Ready, 3, 2, 1!"

As soon as the words fell, the nurse beside him restored the blood supply.

Then the heart rate monitor beeped continuously.

Everyone's face changed immediately.

Chen Shuanghuai squatted down with a painful look.

The nurses beside him were also a little anxious.

"The patient's heart rate has stopped and his blood pressure is too low!"

"The heart has been blocked for too long and cannot beat normally!"

"Do you want a cardiac stimulant?"

Hearing the nurses' discussion, Fang Xin said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry! This is normal."

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and held the heart.

"What is he going to do?"

"This is not���want……"

"Manually press to speed up the heartbeat and restore blood supply?"

As Fang Xin's hand pressed gently, the heart rate meter beat.

At this moment, Fang Xin, who was holding the heart, felt that his heart had a slight beat.

He gently loosened his hand and stared at the heart rate meter.


"Jump! Jump!"

"The heartbeat is gradually getting stronger! 45, 50, 55, 58, the heart rate is back to normal!"

"The blood pressure is too low and a blood transfusion is needed!

Fang Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice:

"Prepare blood transfusion, inject 0.03 mg of cardiotonic into the heart, prepare to close the sternum, and remove the sternal wax layer."

Chen Shuanghuai looked at the heart rate monitor excitedly, tears in his eyes, and said to Professor Ding:

"How is it? What's the situation now? How is Xiao Meng?"

Professor Ding saw the old friend's eyes full of tears and said excitedly:

"It's okay, Xiao Meng is fine now! After the sternum is fixed, Xiao Meng will be able to run and jump like other children in 3 months at most!"

Chen Shuanghuai burst into tears when he heard this, and looked at Fang Xin and said:

"Doctor Fang! On behalf of Xiao Meng's father, I want to thank you for your kindness to our family!"

Fang Xin didn't stop, frowning and said:

"General Chen, please go out and calm down first!"

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