"Mengmeng, why are you here?"

Fang Xin was shocked.

He never expected Han Mengmeng to suddenly appear in the police station at this moment.

And it seemed that she was chasing the fat policeman.

""Assault on police! Assault on police!" the fat policeman yelled.

"What's going on?"

The director was confused.

"Chief, this woman broke into the police station and attacked the police.

The fat policeman stood behind the chief and pointed at Han Mengmeng and said

"This must be a misunderstanding.

Fang Xin said quickly.

What was going on with Han Mengmeng? Fang Xin was a little confused, but she quickly spoke up to see if she could resolve the misunderstanding.

"What misunderstanding? I just want to arrest him."

Han Mengmeng pretended to rush forward again.

"Meng Meng! Stop messing around, this is a police station.

Fang Xin was so confused.

Sister, I know you are fierce, but you don’t have to be so fierce. You want to catch a policeman in the police station?

""Instructor Han, what's going on?"

The director suddenly asked, almost spraining Fang Xin's waist.

What Instructor Han? Is there any instructor here?

Following the director's gaze, the only person Fang Xin could find with the surname Han was Han Mengmeng.

Han Mengmeng was Instructor Han?

"I caught this guy stealing evidence."

Han Mengmeng said


Fang Xin didn't have time to digest what Instructor Han said, and was shocked by what Han Mengmeng said.

"What evidence was stolen?"

Fang Xin asked hurriedly.

"It's the watch you found in the car that was involved in the accident."

Han Mengmeng's words made Fang Xin feel the worst.

She was so careful, but the fat policeman still took advantage of her.

"Is there such a thing? Explain it to me!"

The chief was so angry that he immediately stared at the fat policeman and yelled

""Chief! Don't listen to her slander. I was just about to go home after work when this woman rushed into the police station and attacked me! I didn't even know what was going on."

The fat policeman argued.

""Do you know who she is?" the chief asked the fat policeman.

The fat policeman shook his head.

Fang Xin was also very interested in this question.

Han Mengmeng had too many identities, which made him a little dizzy.

"She is the security consultant of many departments in Shanghai, and the chief instructor of the city's armed police detachment! Do you think she would arrest you for no reason?"

The fat policeman was stunned by the director's words.

Fang Xin also felt a little unbelievable. He looked up and down at Han Mengmeng.

He could not see the temperament of an"instructor" from her.

"Chief, I didn't! She is the one who slandered me. I didn't steal any evidence at all."

The fat policeman is not afraid of boiling water.

"Do you think I have no evidence? I'm telling you, I've been watching you for a day."

Han Mengmeng said with a sneer

""Instructor Han, what's going on?"

The director was also a little confused. What on earth did this fat guy do to be targeted by Han Mengmeng?

"Let's talk about the evidence first. Let's go to the Criminal Investigation Department to take a look at the evidence."

Han Mengmeng said


The chief said sternly to the panicked fat policeman.

The Criminal Investigation Department was very close.

After entering the office, Han Mengmeng went directly to the seats of the two criminal policemen. I don't know how she operated it, but she opened the cabinet and took out a watch.

"The evidence is clearly here, how could I have stolen it?"

The fat policeman immediately shouted when he saw this.

"Instructor Han?"

The director was a little confused.

"Take a closer look."

Han Mengmeng handed the watch to the director.

"There is no problem with this."

The director looked around and was a little puzzled.

"Xiao Chenchen, take a look at what's wrong."

Han Mengmeng did not answer the director, but turned to look at Xiao Chen who had been silent.

Fang Xin was even more confused. Could it be that the two knew each other?

Later, he thought about the relationship between Han Qianxing and Old Chen.

It didn't seem strange that Han Mengmeng knew Old Chen's guard.

""Yes, Captain!"

Xiao Chen's answer made Fang Xin stunned.

Xiao Chen took the watch from the director and looked at it.

"Report to the captain, the watch that Doctor Fang found in the car is the real evidence, and this one is a high-end imitation!"

Xiao Chen said as if reporting back to work.

"How did you figure that out?

Fang Xin couldn't help but ask

"Doctor Fang, the color of the light reflected by the watch mirror under the dim light in the room is different from that of the watch mirror now. The original evidence was replaced with this one."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

This made Fang Xin speechless.

Who would notice this detail?

"You are talking nonsense, this is the original evidence."

The fat policeman still did not give up.

"There are surveillance cameras in the office, let's check it out."

The director had no way to confirm this for the time being.

But he believed that Han Mengmeng was definitely not talking nonsense.

When talking about surveillance, the fat policeman obviously relaxed.

This scene was captured by Fang Xin.

It seems that there must be something wrong with the surveillance.

Sure enough, the director made a phone call, and the person on duty in the monitoring room informed him that all the surveillance cameras in the entire criminal investigation department had malfunctioned and had not been repaired.

Hearing this news, the fat policeman's expression became more relaxed.

That means, there is no evidence, and he refuses to admit it.

"Do you think I can't find evidence because the surveillance is broken?"

Han Mengmeng took out her phone and played a video.

The video was the whole process of the fat policeman entering the Criminal Investigation Department, opening the cabinet, and changing the watch.

The fat policeman's face can be seen very clearly in the picture.

"Do you have anything else to explain?"

Han Mengmeng said

"How could you have taken that photo?" the fat policeman asked in disbelief.

"I am an expert in security issues. I knew the moment the surveillance was destroyed and activated the police station's backup surveillance. Also, I have the authority to do so."

Han Mengmeng blocked the fat policeman's rebuttal.

"Tell me, why did you switch the evidence? Who ordered you to do that?"

The chief looked at the fat policeman.


"What do you mean by"I"? Tell me!"

The fat policeman hesitated and directly angered the chief.

"No one instructed me to do this. I was just greedy for money. This watch is quite valuable. I just wanted to switch it and sell it."

The fat policeman made up a reason.

"���Tang! You stole the evidence and sold it. You are dereliction of duty!"

The director was furious.

"Take it out and sell it? How could it be such a coincidence? How did you know in advance that the evidence Dr. Fang found in the car was this watch?"

Han Mengmeng asked several questions in succession


The fat policeman couldn't answer.

If he hadn't prepared in advance, how could he have been so well prepared?

"Tell me what's going on!"

The chief felt that he had lost face in the past few days.

After the fat policeman hesitated, he didn't say a word no matter how the chief asked. He remained silent.

The scene was a little awkward.

"You don't want to tell me, right? Let me tell you."

Han Mengmeng had no intention of letting him go.

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