"Brother Fang and I caught the killer, and I knew that once the news got out, the mastermind behind it would definitely take action."

"I was watching the police station for any anomalies, and you know what, I actually found something. Let's see what it is."

Han Mengmeng picked up her phone and played a video.

In the video, a cleaner was cleaning a cell, and then accidentally stuffed a small note into a cell, and then pretended to clean and left.

"Who is this cleaner?"

Han Mengmeng pointed at the cleaner in the video and asked.

The fat policeman still didn't speak.

"You won't tell me, right? This person is so familiar with you and sleeps in the same bed with you every day. You can't even not recognize your own wife, right?"

Han Mengmeng said.

The chief then remembered that the fat policeman's wife did work in the police station, but she was responsible for cleaning and miscellaneous work.

"The killer who was arrested is in that cell. What did your wife write on the note she passed in? Who asked her to do this? Do you think it's okay for you not to explain it?"

Han Mengmeng said with her arms folded.

The fat policeman still didn't speak.

"You should tell the truth. Since you have been caught, it is not difficult to find out who you have met in the past two days and the owner of the watch. You can think about the consequences. The chief persuaded the fat policeman, hoping that he would confess.

The fat policeman still did not speak and planned to remain silent.

"Leave him to me. I promise to make her talk within two hours."

Han Mengmeng clenched her fists with both hands, and her joints cracked.

Fang Xin couldn't bear to look at it.

This girl has a tendency to violence. They have to be careful when living under the same roof in the near future.

Han Mengmeng, who originally looked like a harmless and soft girl, was so dazzling with her series of actions today.

Not only was she careful and smart, but she was also strong and domineering.

He really looked at her with new eyes.

Even if Fang Xin was tall and strong, he would probably be killed by the cute little sister.

""Instructor Han, please wait a moment."

The chief made a phone call and summoned the police to conduct a surprise interrogation overnight.

He also issued a summons to the fat policeman's wife. If she didn't cooperate, she would be arrested directly.

After hearing the chief's arrangement, the fat policeman finally couldn't hold it anymore and sat down on the ground.

"Think about what you are going to say later. Your attitude will determine how long you will stay in there.

The chief looked at the fat policeman with hatred.

"This is really a disgrace to the police station. I'm sorry to have embarrassed you three."

After the fat policeman was taken away, the chief said somewhat embarrassedly

""It's enough to solve the case as soon as possible and bring the mastermind to justice."

Han Mengmeng waved her hand and said.

The police quickly found the real watch, but because it was late, some investigations and evidence collection could not be carried out and could only be started after dawn.

The three left the police station.

"Xiao Chenchen, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Han Mengmeng said jokingly in the night breeze

"Captain, long time no see."

Xiao Chen still answered simply and clearly.

"I didn't expect you two knew each other."

Fang Xin interrupted.

"The veteran is leading the rookie. This is the rookie I have led before."

Han Mengmeng said proudly

"Is he also a special forces soldier?"

Fang Xin asked

"Yes, I didn't expect that he would be transferred to Grandpa Chen's guard company after serving for two years."

"Xiao Chen's last name is also Chen, so is he related to Old Chen?"

This is what Fang Xin is more curious about.

"There is indeed some relationship between them, they are descendants of the same clan."

Han Mengmeng explained the identities of Xiao Chen and Old Chen.

Fang Xin was a little emotional, there is a big tree here, it is really nice to enjoy the shade

"Brother Fang, what are you sighing about? Do you think little Chen Chen relies on Grandpa Chen? Then you underestimate him, he has really made military achievements on his own."

Looking at Fang Xin's look of sudden enlightenment, Han Mengmeng felt it necessary to explain.

Fang Xin looked at Han Mengmeng, thought about her experience, and felt that she had misunderstood some things.

The living example in front of her is that Han Mengmeng's relationship with the military can easily make Han Mengmeng walk steadily on the military and political path.

But she chose the most dangerous special forces soldier and almost died abroad. Coupled with this dazzling identity, it is really hard to find any fault with her.

"Didn't you retire? Why are you a security consultant and instructor?"

Fang Xin asked

"Just to make a living."

Han Mengmeng said lightly


It seems that this cute girl still has a story, but she doesn't want to tell it.

The three of them found a place to eat.

While they were eating, the TV hanging on the wall of the restaurant was broadcasting a news report.

The content of the news report was that a young woman was standing on a tall building, ready to jump off the building.

"Why is this girl so depressed?"

Han Mengmeng said while eating.

"Maybe it's because of love, I hope she can be persuaded to come down.

Fang Xin prayed in his heart

"Wait, this girl looks familiar."

Han Mengmeng suddenly put down her bowl and chopsticks, thought for a moment, took out her phone and started looking through it.

""Oh no!"

Han Mengmeng suddenly stood up and rushed out.

Fang Xin was caught off guard and was hit by the plate that Han Mengmeng knocked over.

"What happened?"

Fang Xin picked up the paper and wiped the soup off her body.

"The captain must have recognized the girl's identity, so he left in a hurry."

Xiao Chen said

"Let's go, we'll go too."

The soup and oil stains on the body can only be washed after changing.

After paying, Han Mengmeng drove away.

Fang Xin searched the location of the incident on his mobile phone, and the two drove there.

The news was broadcast live.

Fang Xin was watching in the car.

Just as the negotiation expert tried to get closer to persuade the girl to buy time for the rescuers below.

The girl jumped from the roof with a desperate look.

The mat that had just been laid halfway did not completely relieve the force of the girl's fall.

She fell and was motionless on the spot.

Medical staff rushed up and carried out simple treatment, and soon the girl was lifted onto a stretcher and sent to the ambulance.

Fang Xin felt a little uncomfortable. He couldn't imagine what kind of experience would make the girl do such an extreme thing.

I hope she can be rescued.

Fang Xin's phone rang. It was Han Mengmeng calling.

"Brother Fang, do you know who that girl is?"

Han Mengmeng's voice was a little awkward.


Fang Xin had no impression of the girl.

"That girl is the daughter of that fat policeman."

Han Mengmeng's words surprised Fang Xin.

How come the fat policeman was arrested and his daughter got into trouble?

Is this a coincidence?

Fang Xin recalled some details before the girl jumped off the building, and suddenly remembered that the girl was a little messy at the time, and there was a scar on her cheek.

"She must have been subjected to violence before."

Fang Xin said firmly.

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