"I saw it too. There's something fishy going on with the fat policeman!"

Han Mengmeng expressed her own judgment.

"Mengmeng, go to the police station and tell the fat policeman this news and see if he can reveal anything.

Fang Xin said to Han Mengmeng

"OK, Brother Fang."

Han Mengmeng hung up the phone and turned to the police station.

Fang Xin was about to turn to the police station like Xiao Chen when the phone rang.

"Doctor Fang, there is an urgent patient who needs surgery. I hope you can be the surgeon.

The call came from the assistant who had assisted Fang Xin in surgery many times.

"What patient?"

Fang Xin asked

"It was a patient who just jumped from the building."

The assistant said

"I know, I'll be there right away."

The patient must be the daughter of the fat policeman who just jumped off the building.

He told Xiao Chen to change direction again and drive towards the hospital.

The ambulance and Fang Xin arrived at the hospital almost at the same time.

As soon as he got off the car, he saw the girl pushed down from the flatbed.

Fang Xin hurried over

"how's it going?"

"Doctor Fang, the heart is almost gone."

""Hurry up and send her to the operating room!"

Fang Xin ordered.

The nurse, under the instruction of the assistant doctor, quickly pushed the girl into the operating room.

Fang Xin also hurried to change her clothes.

After changing her clothes, Fang Xin sent a text message to Han Mengmeng.

Telling her that she was going to rescue the fat policeman's daughter next.

Entering the operating room, all the basic work had been prepared.

""How is the injured person doing now?"

Fang Xin asked anxiously.

Even if this girl was related to this incident, Fang Xin would do her best to save her.

"Doctor Fang, I have something to tell you in advance.

A female nurse said

"What's wrong?"

Fang Xin asked hurriedly.

"This girl must have been violently sexually assaulted not long ago, and her body is covered with scars."

The nurse said.

Damn it, Fang Xin was immediately furious.

The person behind this is really lawless.

"Keep a record and give it to the police.

Fang Xin told the nurse


The nurse knew that time was running out and didn't say much.

"How is the patient doing now?"

"He is only breathing once. It is very dangerous. His vital signs are almost gone."

The assistant replied.

"Hemostatic forceps, suture needles, ready, the patient's organs are severely damaged, continuous blood transfusion."Fang

Xin opened the Focused Zhenlong Eyes and the Heaven-Repairing Hands and cut open the girl's abdomen.

Although it looked fine on the outside, because she fell from a high altitude and landed on an incompletely laid mat, although the girl's surface was not injured, in fact, the five internal organs in her body were almost completely shattered by the recoil.

"Is this possible?"

The assistant said, looking at your opened abdomen and shattered internal organs.

""Clean up the blood clots."

Fang Xin had no time to explain, he could only issue instructions one by one.

The most difficult thing at the moment was to sew up the broken internal organs. Only by sew up all the broken internal organs could the girl have a chance of survival.

Fang Xin used his Sky-Repairing Hand to the fullest, and the sew-up speed was extremely fast.

He knew that he was racing against time with the god of death.

"How much bleeding?"

As the spleen was sutured, Fang Xin took a deep breath and asked

"Doctor Fang, the amount of blood loss just now is 379"

"Okay, don't stop the blood transfusion."

Fang Xin continued to sew.

Time passed by.

Fang Xin continued to sew at high speed like a robot.

The girl's broken wounds were slowly sutured.

The assistant couldn't imagine how long Fang Xin could withstand such high-intensity suturing.

Fang Xin didn't know how long he could hold on.

He didn't know how much time had passed. He only saw the internal organs being sutured one after another.

"The patient's blood pressure began to slowly rise, and his vital signs gradually recovered."

The assistant's surprised voice sounded in the operating room.

Fang Xin stopped her hand and tried hard not to tremble.

Then she continued to sew.

Three hours passed.

Finally, the last wound was closed, and Fang Xin cut the thread.

"Clean up and send to the intensive care unit!"

Exhausted, Fang Xin sat directly on the ground.

No one disturbed him, although it was normal for doctors to perform surgery for several hours or even more than ten hours, and there were often doctors who were exhausted after performing surgery.

But in the past three hours, Fang Xin's hands had hardly stopped. Such a speed and intensity of suturing was not something that ordinary people could bear.

Fang Xin sat on the ground, and no one disturbed him, because everyone knew that what he needed at this moment was to sit down or lie down to rest.

The pair of hands that were unusually stable during the operation were also trembling at this moment, which was the sequelae of the high-intensity use of the Bu Tian Hand.

The severe pain in his eyes also made him close his eyes, and tears could not help but flow out.

It was not difficult for him to change the operation, but the work was too detailed.

There were not many people who could complete all the suturing work in such a short time.

After lying down for more than ten minutes, the caring nurse held his head up and put a pillow under it.

When the soreness in his eyes eased a little, Fang Xin came out of the operating room, took out his mobile phone and called Han Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, what's going on? Did the fat policeman tell the truth?

Fang Xinqiang said with energy.

"Brother Fang, the fat policeman has been crying but he just doesn't say anything."

Han Mengmeng's words were somewhat helpless.

"Tell him a piece of news. His daughter was violently sexually assaulted before she jumped off the building. This may be the main reason why she chose to jump off the building."

Fang Xin almost gritted his teeth when he said this.

Han Mengmeng on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and then said,"I know."

Fang Xin hung up the phone and called Xiao Chen, asking him to transfer two more people to protect the girl.

After explaining, he found an empty ward, threw himself on the bed, and fell asleep immediately. After an unknown amount of time, he was awakened by the continuous ringing of his cell phone.

It was Han Mengmeng calling.

Rubbing his blurry eyes, Fang Xin checked the time.

More than two hours had passed.

"Mengmeng, how is it, is there any result?

Fang Xin asked directly about the situation

"Yes, the fat policeman's daughter collapsed when she heard her daughter was insulted, and confessed everything."

Han Mengmeng's voice was not as cute and lively as a loli, and her voice was extremely gloomy at this moment.

"Is it Zhou Xiong?"

Fang Xin asked

"Yes, Zhou Xiong arrested the fat policeman's daughter and threatened him to destroy or replace the evidence in the police station."

"The fat policeman had to agree because he was worried about his daughter's safety, so he asked his wife, who was a cleaner, to pass the small note Zhou Xiong gave him to the killer."

"Then he received a watch from Zhou Xiong, asking him to find the evidence and either destroy it or replace it."

"However, the fat policeman didn't know about the fire."

Fortunately, the murder, illegal detention and sexual assault were enough for Zhou to get in.

But the fire couldn't just be let go.

We had to find out what happened.

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