"Don't worry, Brother Fang, Zhou Xiong will definitely not get away this time."

Han Mengmeng said on the phone.

At this time, the police have already set out to arrest Zhou Xiong, and I believe there will be results soon.

The tired Fang Xin was not sleepy at all at this moment, and he was waiting for the news from the police station.

It was not until three o'clock in the morning that Han Mengmeng called.

Zhou Xiong was arrested.

Fang Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It was almost noon the next day when he woke up from the hospital bed.

I don't know who covered him with a blanket, and the door of the ward was also locked intimately.

It seems that it should be done by the little nurse who came to tidy up the ward early in the morning. After all, I am accepted by everyone in this hospital.

I got up, washed briefly in the bathroom, and walked around the hospital. Many doctors, nurses and patients passing by would take the initiative to greet him.

Medical skills vary, and human feelings vary. As long as you work hard, you will be rewarded in the end.

After learning about the situation of reporter Yu Da, the dump truck driver and the girl, Fang Xin was relieved that their conditions did not deteriorate.

There was nothing to do in the hospital for the time being, so he was going to go to the police station to find out the situation.

At this time, Professor Ding called.

Fang Xin answered the phone, and Professor Ding told him about his employment. Although all the employment procedures were completed, Fang Xin did not have a professional doctor's qualification certificate.

So even after he performed so many incredible operations, strictly speaking, he was still practicing medicine illegally.

Professor Ding's call was to urge him to apply for a professional doctor's qualification certificate.

Fang Xin originally planned to apply for it after completing the whole body bone reduction surgery for reporter Yu Da.

However, due to the review requirements of the health center here, this matter must be completed as soon as possible.

There are experts in the hospital who can do the whole body bone reduction surgery for reporter Yu Da, and they can also complete it excellently.

Fang Xin can temporarily not do it. As for the other two injured, the most difficult surgery has been completed by Fang Xin, who is responsible for careful care and recovery.

Fang Xin replied to Professor Ding that he would stay at home for two days and then go to apply for the certificate.

To apply for the certificate, you need to go to the imperial capital, complete the training at the imperial capital hospital, and get the certificate before you can be issued a professional doctor's qualification certificate.

This trip will take some time.

Fang Xin went to the intensive care unit to check on the three patients. Reporter Yu had regained consciousness, but was unable to move. Fang

Xin repeatedly assured her that the hospital would be able to cure her, and only then did Reporter Yu feel relieved. At the same time, she also recounted the details of the car accident after she met Zhou Xiong at the fire scene.

Fang Xin recorded Reporter Yu's voice and sent it to Han Mengmeng, asking her to hand it over to the police station.

Reporter Yu talked a lot and consumed a lot of energy, so he soon closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Fang Xin left the hospital, returned home, and had a good rest for a day.

The next morning, Fang Xin had just gotten up and was packing her things when Han Mengmeng walked in with a tired face.

""Have you found any results from the investigation?"

Fang Xin asked. It seemed that this girl had been really worried about this case these days.

"Brother Fang, you don't know, this Zhou guy is really not a good person, if I were not an ordinary citizen now, I would have to give him a shuttle of peanuts to eat."

Han Mengmeng was not in a good mood at first, but when Zhou Xiong was mentioned, she jumped up immediately.

In addition to the watch found at the scene of the fire, Han Mengmeng checked all the surveillance cameras nearby that day, and still found traces of Zhou Xiong's appearance.

As for the car accident of reporter Yu Da and the killer's finishing blow, although the killer has not admitted it yet, the fat policeman has confessed that there is indeed a connection between the killer and Zhou Xiong.

Zhou Xiong could not explain the substitution anyway.

The girl who jumped off the building was originally a hostage arranged by Zhou Xiong to force the fat policeman and his wife to compromise. Unfortunately, the people he arranged were so mean that they couldn't help but insult the girl. The girl with a dead heart couldn't bear the humiliation, and ran to the roof of the building when the people guarding her were not paying attention, wanting to commit suicide.

The group of people were soon caught by the police, and according to their confessions, Zhou Xiong was the instigator behind the scenes.

And the dump truck driver who was about to wake up, he ran He will have to stay in jail. He was instructed to cause a car accident and kill people, resulting in two deaths and one serious injury.

Even if he is lying in the hospital now, he will be sent to jail sooner or later.

With the in-depth investigation, it was found that Zhou Xiong used the channels and convenience of Modou Pharmaceutical to privately import and sell banned drugs, and the root cause of the fire was also found out.

It was because he was fired and was afraid that his deeds would be exposed, so he deliberately set fire to destroy the evidence.

At this point, the whole incident was sorted out.

Zhou Xiong's lightest punishment is that he will never get out of jail in this life. He even ate peanuts directly.

And his son Zhou Hao was also found to have bullied men and women, intentionally injured people, and took drugs and other illegal acts. He was also detained and jail time was inevitable.

After hearing this, not to mention Han Mengmeng wanted to feed Zhou Xiong peanuts, Fang Xin wanted to use a scalpel to peel him open to see if this person has a black heart.

This matter has come to an end, and the next step is to wait for the final result.

"Mengmeng, I'm going to the capital for a while.

Fang Xin said to Han Mengmeng

"Huh? Brother Fang, why are you suddenly going to the capital?"

Han Mengmeng was a little surprised.

"I need to get a professional doctor's license, otherwise I won't be able to practice medicine and it will cause a lot of trouble.

Fang Xin's answer was more or less helpless.

"No way, you have such high medical skills, why do you need that certificate? I'll just introduce you to the military hospital, it's not so complicated, as long as you have the ability."

Han Mengmeng guided him step by step.

The military hospital is indeed an option, but it has a certain degree of pertinence.

As a doctor, healing the world is the original intention.

"It's better to have a certificate than no certificate."

Although Fang Xin looked down on the certificate, it would be more convenient if he had one.

It's better to get it done as soon as possible.

The matter here has come to an end for the time being. All that needs to be dealt with has been dealt with. The next step is to go to the imperial capital with peace of mind.

Fang Xin said hello to everyone he knew, took Professor Ding's letter of introduction and a backpack, and took the train to the imperial capital alone.

The moment the train left the magic city, the high-rise buildings gradually moved away outside the window.

A feeling of relief rose in Fang Xin's heart.

It was like saying goodbye to some past, saying goodbye to the past.

The train was on the way and stopped halfway to wait for people. It was originally found that there was no one sitting opposite, but at this time, a man and two women got on.

The man looked gentle and knowledgeable.

The two girls were also young, beautiful and in their prime.

The place where Fang Xin was sitting was originally a double seat, and the seat near the inside was empty.

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