The three of them looked at the ticket and found Fang Xin's seat.

"This is it!"

One of the short-haired girls pointed to the seat number and said

"Gu Tian, your seat is over there. Chu Tian and I are on the opposite side.

The short-haired girl hurriedly pulled the suitcase onto the luggage rack and sat down opposite Fang Xin.

""Liang Lili, why are you in such a hurry to sit down? Come and help me, the box is so heavy, I can't put it up."

A girl with long hair and a baseball cap was standing next to Fang Xin, dragging a box and worrying about how to put the box on the shelf.

"Who asked you to bring so many things? Really, let Chu Tian help you later.

The short-haired girl sat down and had no intention of standing up to help.

"Give me the box!"

Fang Xin stood up and took the box.

"Thank you so much."

The long-haired girl hurriedly thanked him.

"It’s so heavy!

Fang Xin took out the box and found that the weight of the box was beyond his imagination.

"Sorry, there are only books inside."

The girl named Gu Tian was a little embarrassed.

"It's a bit dangerous to put it on the top if it's so heavy. I suggest you don't put it on the top, but put it under the seat."

Fang Xin weighed the pros and cons. If this box fell from the luggage rack and hit someone, it would be troublesome.

""Okay, I'll listen to you."

The girl scratched her head and agreed.

Fang Xin helped the girl put the box under the chair.

The girl nodded again to thank him, and then sat next to the short-haired girl named Liang Lili.

""Gu Tian, this seat belongs to Chu Tian. Your seat is opposite. Go sit over there."

Liang Lili pointed to Fang Xin's side.

Gu Tian probably thought it would be better for the two girls to sit together, but Liang Lili opened her mouth. She wanted to say something but didn't say it. She stood up again and sat next to Fang Xin.

""Chu Tian, come here, your seat is here."

Liang Lili called out.

The boy named Chu Tian poked his head out of the smoking room in the carriage, took a look, put out his cigarette butt, and came over to sit down.

Not long after, the train started slowly and continued to drive towards the imperial capital.

Fang Xin, who had closed his eyes to rest along the way, was disturbed many times, just because the girl named Liang Lili was too noisy.

"Chutian, do you want to eat? I brought a lot of delicious food."

""Chu Tian, I'll open you a bottle of your favorite juice."

It was almost endless.

On the contrary, the girl named Gu Tian who was sitting next to him was quietly holding a book and reading.

As for the boy named Chu Tian, he was chatting and joking with Liang Lili, while staring at Gu Tian from time to time.

These three people seemed to have a story, but it had nothing to do with him.

Fang Xin closed his eyes again, trying to find a way to shut off his hearing.

Unfortunately, he failed again, so he simply stopped closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Fang Xin was a little curious about what book Gu Tian was reading, so he turned his head and took a look.

He recognized the book, although it was somewhat impolite to look at a girl, but he knew what the book was just by looking at an illustration in the book.

It was a book about cardiopulmonary surgery that he had read through.

He didn't expect that the girl was also a doctor, or an intern.

"Are you a doctor?"

Fang Xin asked


The girl raised her head and glanced at Fang Xin.

The man in front of her had bright eyes and an indescribable look.

"Reading on the train is bad for your eyes. As a doctor, you don’t know that."

Fang Xin joked.

"Tsk, the old-fashioned way of chatting up."

Gu Tian didn't say anything, but Liang Lili spoke with disdain.

Fang Xin was a little embarrassed. She did chat up the girl, but she was not the one who made her quarrel.

"Lili, don't say that, I just said it casually."

Gu Tian felt that Liang Lili's words were a bit unpleasant, so she quickly interrupted and said

"This person first helped you pull the suitcase to get close to you, and now he is looking for an excuse to talk to you. He definitely has bad intentions."

Liang Lili looked Fang Xin up and down. Although she looked good, her clothes were too ordinary. They looked like street stall goods, costing more than ten or twenty yuan a set, and the key was that they were very old.

She had already labeled Fang Xin as a poor guy.

Liang Lili turned her head and looked at Chu Tian who was sitting next to her. The brand-name clothes he was wearing must have cost tens of thousands of yuan, and the watch on his hand was said to be worth hundreds of thousands.

In addition, Chu Tian's lips were red, his teeth were white, and his face was delicate. In Liang Lili's eyes, he was a rich and beautiful boy who could turn Fang Xin into scum in seconds.

People are really incomparable.

Fang Xin looked at Liang Lili's eyes and attitude, and felt disgusted for no reason. He had seen this look before. In Chen Tian's eyes, he was very handsome. Siwen's body.

When he thought he was being too talkative, what was he doing when he had nothing to do.

He closed his eyes again and ignored the things around him.

As for the noise in his ears, the capital was not far away anyway, and he could endure it for more than an hour at most, and they would be there.

After getting off the train, out of sight, out of mind, the matter would be over.

Fang Xin thought about it and let Liang Lili chatter endlessly, talking about Chu Tian, Gu Tian, and Fang Xin.

Fang Xin pretended not to hear.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the carriage, and the passengers were shouting for the police.

Fang Xin didn't want to meddle in other people's business. When riding on the train, he shouldn't participate in the excitement. It's not that he is not enthusiastic enough, but that he shouldn't bring obstacles and troubles to the train staff.

"Is there anyone here who is a doctor? Someone is suffocating and needs emergency treatment from a doctor!"

The staff said this several times in a row. Fang Xin opened her eyes and prepared to go over to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, someone was faster. Chu Tian and Liang Lili rushed over first, and Gu Tian also stood up and rushed to the place where the riot happened.

It seems that these three people are doctors.

Fang Xin also stood up and wanted to go over there.

Two of the three flight attendants were maintaining order at the scene, and the other was doing simple cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the fainted patient.

"We are doctors, make way, we are doctors."

Liang Lili took the lead and walked over.

When they heard that doctors were coming, the passengers around made way for the three people to pass.

Fang Xin followed behind the three people and walked over.

A middle-aged woman was lying on the floor of the train. At this moment, she was grabbing her neck and rolling her eyes.

Fang Xin's exquisite eyes could tell at a glance that this woman was greedy and ate a ball of food, which directly blocked her trachea.

He turned his head and saw a pack of snacks on the table next to him. One of the torn bags had the words"glutinous rice cake" written on it.

"Everyone, spread out a little."

Chu Tian shouted loudly.

"Everyone, spread out, spread out, let the air circulate."

The flight attendants also began to evacuate the crowd.

""Doctor, please."

The flight attendant said.

Seeing this, Gu Tian immediately prepared to use the Heimlich maneuver.

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