He pulled the woman up and made her sit on his bent legs, hugged her tightly, tightened his arms, and applied pressure on the upper inner part of the woman's abdomen with his left hand.

This was the correct way to rescue her, but since it was his first time, he was not very skilled, and several attempts did not work.

"Your movements are wrong. The position of the left hand should be a little higher.

Fang Xin couldn't see it any better. If she delayed any longer, the middle-aged woman would really die.

"Who is talking nonsense? Why are you pretending to know something when you don't?"

Liang Lili turned around to look for the person who was talking, but found that it was Fang Xin.

""Gu Tian, get up! You are too weak. Let me do it!"

Seeing this, Chu Tian hurriedly asked Gu Tian to get up and walked a few more times using the same movements.

Fang Xin was confused. It turned out that these three were half-baked. Now, not only did they not have a good effect, but the piece of Xueli Ci actually moved down a few points.

"Don't continue to make the wrong moves. If you continue like this, the patient will never be saved."

This is on a train, not in a hospital. There are complete medical facilities, and surgery can be performed at any time to remove the things in the trachea.

"I said, are you the doctor or are we the doctors? Don't delay us from rescuing the patient."

Liang Lili said sarcastically.

"Where is the nearest station? Call the next station for emergency stop and ask the hospital to wait at the station. Maybe this woman can still be saved.

Fang Xin said to the attendant.

"There are at least 30 minutes to the next stop."

The attendant's answer made Fang Xin's heart drop to the bottom.

In 30 minutes, this living person will definitely be suffocated to death.

Time waits for no one. In three minutes at most, this middle-aged woman will completely fall into a coma due to suffocation, and at most she will die completely. By then, even gods cannot save her.

"Get out of the way. If you save people like this, you'll kill them."

Seeing Chu Tian still desperately making irregular movements, Fang Xin was furious.

"What are you doing?"

Liang Lili stopped Fang Xin who was about to rescue him.

"What do you think I am doing? I am trying to save people.

Fang Xin was getting a little angry.

"You save people? Why do you do that? Didn't you see the doctor saving people?"

Liang Lili pointed at Chu Tian and said

"Saving people like this? The Heimlich maneuver is not used correctly. It's strange that you can save people like this.

Fang Xin suspected that Chu Tian and Gu Tian were taught by the same teacher. Even the subtle habits of the techniques are the same. As for whether Liang Lili was also taught by the same teacher, it is still unknown.

"Let me tell you, the three of us are graduate students from the First Medical College of Ludong, we are professionals."

Liang Lili retorted

"Get out of the way, human lives are at stake.

Fang Xin really didn't want to argue with her, the most urgent thing was to save people.

"Hey, you can't go over there, don't interfere with Chu Tian's rescue!"

Liang Lili blocked Fang Xin's way and prevented him from getting close.

"If he could cure it, he would have cured it by now. Now, not only is it not cured, the patient is about to suffocate to death. I think that after a few years of college, I can treat patients. Being a doctor is not that simple.

Fang Xin said angrily.

"Why are you yelling? How come Chu Feng can't cure it, but you can?"

Liang Lili had no way to refute it, so she could only say in a roundabout way.

"I'm a doctor."

Fang Xin said calmly.

The boy named Chu Tian put the middle-aged woman on the ground with an embarrassed look on his face and stood aside.

He volunteered too quickly just now, so that he failed to save people several times in a row, and he was in a dilemma.

Fortunately, someone took the blame at this time, and he could get away.

Fang Xin walked over, lowered his head to look at the middle-aged woman's condition, and sighed in his heart.

If he had performed the Heimlich maneuver himself at the beginning.

I'm afraid the middle-aged woman would have been rescued at this moment. Now it's too difficult to save her, and the difficulty is that there are no props

"Do you three have a puncture needle?

Fang Xin is preparing to perform a cricothyroidotomy.


Gu Tian and the other two looked at each other and said

"There are some in the car!"

The civil servant immediately pulled over a first aid kit.

There were basic medical equipment and supplies in the box.

But they had everything except puncture needles, scalpels and other tools.

What should we do if there is no puncture needle? If that doesn't work, we can only use some unconventional equipment.

"I think I have a puncture needle."

The girl with the cap and long hair suddenly said.

She remembered that she had a first aid kit in her backpack, and there was a puncture needle in the box.

"Hurry and get it!"

Fang Xin said anxiously.

Gu Tian hurriedly trotted over, took out her suitcase, and took out a small box from it.

Then she ran back like a fly and handed it to Fang Xin.

Fang Xin opened the box and found that there was indeed a puncture needle. She immediately used her hands to determine the place that needed puncture and disinfected it there.

With concentration, the Zhenlong Eyes and the Bu Tian Hand were fully activated.

The puncture needle in Fang Xin's hand pierced into the middle-aged woman's neck steadily and accurately.

Such an operation surprised the people around and even the flight attendants.

Liang Lili and Chu Tian looked disdainful.

On the contrary, Gu Tian looked surprised. She saw Fang Xin skillfully equip and adjust the cannula.

The whole process took only ten seconds, and the middle-aged woman's breathing resumed.

The action was so fast that everyone felt like they were dreaming.

Many people felt that it had just begun and it was over

"It's ok, she's fine for now, but she needs to be sent to the hospital for treatment at the next stop.

The middle-aged woman's complexion gradually improved, and the originally chaotic crowd calmed down.

"Humph, it's just luck."

Liang Lili still said disdainfully.

Fang Xin shook her head. This woman is really, is it difficult to admit that others are excellent?

Anyway, Fang Xin has no intersection with them, and doesn't want to have any intersection.

Although the middle-aged woman is out of danger, she still needs some care to prevent her from showing any abnormalities.

When the middle-aged woman is transferred to the hospital at the next stop, she can be considered completely safe.

"You are awesome!"

Fang Xin, who was sitting in the middle guarding the middle-aged woman, suddenly heard someone talking. She looked up and saw Gu Tian who had come to her side without her knowing.

""Okay, I have a question. Your Heimlich move is good in every way, but the position is wrong. Can you tell me why both of you are wrong?"

Fang Xin asked the girl.

"If I hadn't gone through this incident, I wouldn't have known that there was something wrong with what I was learning."

Gu Tian replied embarrassedly

"As for Chu Tian and Liang Lili, they are my college classmates. We are here to apply for professional doctor's license."

Oh my god, I met someone like me.

I said we had no intersection, but I didn't expect to be together again.

The train stopped at a station temporarily, and the medical staff carried a stretcher into the train and carried the middle-aged woman down.

The train continued to start slowly, and the next stop was the capital.

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