"Children nowadays are so young and don't take care of themselves. They have diabetes at such a young age."

Looking at the young man in his early twenties lying on the hospital bed, Pang Jin shook his head helplessly. Since people's quality of life has improved, more and more people have come to the hospital for treatment.

Not only that, many diseases that were originally only induced in middle-aged and elderly people have frequently appeared in young people. Whenever he sees these people, Professor Pang can't help but sigh.

"Professor Pang, the book says that the average age of diabetes is over 45, but he is only 23, why did he get diabetes?

Liang Lili asked in confusion. College students like Liang Lili only know the basics of textbooks and have no practical experience.

Otherwise, she would not have asked such a low-level question.

"Which university are you from?"

Professor Pang turned around, his eyes full of disappointment.

"Professor Pang, I am from the top……"

"I don't care where you come from, please remember that textbooks are just the basics, but your university actually recommended you to come to the Imperial Capital Hospital, which really disappoints me."

Liang Lili thought that she had raised a very good question, but who would have thought that Professor Pang would not give her any face in front of so many people.

For a moment, Liang Lili's face turned red, and she was about to refute again, but was pulled back by Chu Tian on the side. Chu Tian understood Liang Lili's character.

In college, Liang Lili had Chu Tian's support, and even the graduate student tutor had to be courteous to them, but where was this? The Imperial Capital Hospital, how could they have the right to lose their temper.

If Liang Lili was allowed to make trouble and angered Professor Pang Jin, it would be enough for the two of them to drink a pot of water. After all, Chu Tian's family had explained before coming that there were many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Imperial Capital Hospital and they should not act recklessly.

"Since a classmate has asked, as your team leader I have to answer it, but this question is too simple, is there anyone willing to answer it for me?"

Pang Jin turned around and looked at the students behind him and said.

These people are all from top medical universities and recommended by famous hospitals, but their professional quality is getting worse year by year.

This is also the reason why Professor Pang Jin is still on the front line despite her old age. She is really worried about handing over patients to these"doctors" who are only at the theoretical level.

No way, no one can answer such a simple question?

Even if I don't have a system, I know why? Sure enough, practice is the only criterion for testing the truth!

Fang Xin thought in his heart

"Professor Pang, generally young patients with diabetes have irregular diets, but there are other factors."

After saying that, Fang Xin walked towards the patient on the bed, and after a brief observation, he continued

"The patient has severe hair loss and dull eyes, which indicates that the patient often stayed up late before, resulting in a loss of energy and severe kidney deficiency."

"In addition, she did not drink water for many years and replaced it with beverages, which eventually induced diabetes."

Listening to Fang Xin's description and analysis, Professor Pang nodded with satisfaction. Fang Xin's analysis just now can be said to be quite professional. Not only that, the clinical observation is also very detailed.

Students like Fang Xin are what Pang Jin needs. After all, doctors are very different from other professions. They are racing against time and playing games with the god of death. They cannot tolerate any carelessness or sloppiness.

"Mr. Fang, how do you know that the patient drinks beverages all year round? You didn't ask him, and there is no mention in the patient's medical record, right?"

Beside Fang Xin, a boy in a white coat, wearing a black glasses frame and with a round figure pointed at the patient's medical record and asked. It is indeed as the boy said, the patient's medical record did not describe these, but as a doctor, isn't it necessary to rely on existing things for analysis?

Can we expect every patient to explain his or her problem clearly? If that is the case, what do we doctors need to do?

Originally, Fang Xin thought that he became powerful because of the system, but now Fang Xin understands that even the self without the system at the beginning.

In terms of theoretical practice, it is enough to crush these top students from famous colleges. After all, many years of work experience cannot be compared with a few years of study.

"Even if it is not written, look at his teeth, they are not as healthy as normal people.……"

"Well, no need to explain, there is nothing wrong with what Fang Xin said, I hope you can all learn from him, after all, everyone here will be a doctor in the future!"

Professor Pang Jin said unhappily, she had long guessed that the professional strength of this class of students was not strong, but she didn't expect it to be so bad, at present, only Fang Xin was acceptable.

"Fang Xin, could he be the young"miracle doctor" that was previously reported on TV?"

"Let me take a look, it seems to be that!"

"Tsk! What's there to show off? As if no one can see it."


All of the students were immediately targeting Fang Xin. After all, before coming to the Imperial Capital Hospital, they were all highly respected in school, and some were even excellent students.

People who were used to being praised by others for years could never accept that someone was better than them, and many times better.

"Enough! You...you……"

Perhaps he heard everyone's suspicion, Pang Jin shouted angrily, but who would have thought that the next second Pang Jin's eyes went black and he fell to the ground.


"Professor? Please don't scare us!"

""Doctor! Doctor, come quickly!"

All the trainees were in a frenzy. They were originally doctors, but now they did not show any professionalism. Everyone stayed where they were.

No one checked on Pang Jin who was lying on the ground."

If you are a doctor, you are lucky to be able to cure a patient in your previous life."

Fang Xin angrily scolded in his heart.

""Be quiet!"

Chu Tian shouted at the crowd. Fang Xin gave him an affirmative look and said nothing more before quickly walking to Professor Pang Jin's side.

The patient was in a coma, his limbs were weak, and Professor Pang was old. Could it be?

Cerebral thrombosis!

For a moment, Fang Xin came to such a conclusion based on Professor Pang's clinical manifestations. If that was the case, surgery must be performed immediately, otherwise Professor Pang's life would be in danger at any time.

"What's wrong with you! You're yelling in the hospital. What did your school teach you?"

"Professor Pang?"

I saw a doctor named Wang, who was about 1.8 meters tall, walking over quickly. After seeing Professor Pang fainted on the ground, he hurried over to check on him. The surroundings were extremely quiet.

""Does Professor Pang have a history of cerebral thrombosis?"

Fang Xin asked anxiously.

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