At this moment, listening to the patient's family members crying, the director was unusually calm.

"Do you feel pain here?"

"Ah! Right here, doctor, please be gentler!"

When the director pressed on the patient's appendix, the woman on the bed said with a painful expression on her face.

"That means appendicitis has recurred. In her case, surgery is needed to remove the appendix."

"Don't worry, this disease is also very common, there is no need to worry."

After coming to the conclusion, the director looked at the patient's family and said.

Appendicitis is a disease that you don't feel anything when it's not happening, but if it really hurts, it's simply unbearable for ordinary people.

This is why there is a saying that"appendicitis is not a disease, but the pain can be fatal."

Fortunately, this disease is relatively easy to treat. As long as the patient's appendix is removed, the disease will be cured. There will be no sequelae and it will not affect future life.

"Doctor, is there no drug treatment? Why do you just cut it off for no reason

?���After the organ was removed, the husband beside her asked with concern.

Obviously, he didn't know that removing the appendix would not have any impact on the human body, otherwise he would not have asked such a question.

"Dear family member, don’t worry!"

"Appendectomy is very common, and the appendix does not play a very important role in the human body. To put it bluntly, it is the same whether it exists or not."

"When you have an appendix, you can get appendicitis, which can cause your wife's condition."

"The surgery of appendectomy is very mature. After the operation, the patients not only recovered their health, but also had no problems in their lives."

"Don't worry."

Fang Xin said quickly.

After hearing Fang Xin's answer, the patient's family members calmed down a lot, but the next second when Fang Xin saw the director's eyes, he knew that he was still talking too much.

The nurse next to him also scolded Fang Xin and signaled him to shut up.

The director in front of him was famous for his bad temper. The nurse reminded him because Fang Xin was handsome. Who would have thought that Fang Xin couldn't help it.

He interrupted the director's words.

"Come over here and take a look. Is there anything else you want to add?"

Staring at Fang Xin, the director waved his hand.

He knew a little about Fang Xin in front of him. After all, Fang Xin had offended many doctors today, and many people had complained to him.

So now, the director also wanted to try this Fang Xin to see how capable he was.

After knowing that he had the opportunity to get close to the patient, Fang Xin no longer paid attention to the obstruction of the young nurse beside him and walked straight towards the patient.

He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Moreover, Fang Xin concluded that as long as his analysis was correct, even the director could not do anything to him.

"Does the pain go from here to here?"

Fang Xin's fingertips gently pressed the patient's abdomen. As Fang Xin's fingers moved down, the patient's expression became more painful. Then Fang Xin placed his hand on the patient's forehead and said slowly:

"The patient's abdominal pain is transferred and fixed to the right lower abdomen, and the original pain in the upper abdomen or around the umbilicus is relieved and disappears."

"The body temperature is only low fever, no chills."

After saying that, Fang Xin noticed again that the patient had red spots on his abdomen.

"Hyperesthesia of the right lower abdominal skin"

"These symptoms are perfectly consistent with acute appendicitis, so my initial conclusion is the same as yours, acute appendicitis."

Listening to Fang Xin's diagnosis, the director nodded.

It must be said that Fang Xin's analysis just now was very professional. It was precisely because of this that the director changed his serious expression just now and his eyes softened a lot.

As a director, he doesn't like arrogant interns, but if this intern has extraordinary strength, it will be different.

"Director, I suggest that the patient undergo blood test, urine test, ultrasound, laparoscopy and X-ray barium enema. After all, we have been clinically inferring"

"Only by combining scientific data can we draw conclusions and proceed to the next step of treatment."

At this moment, Fang Xin showed his professionalism, and his serious eyes did not relax at all.

"Patient's family, you have heard what the young doctor said. You should go and do these tests first, and come back to me after the test results come out."

"Your name is Fang Xin, right? From now on, you and I will follow up on this patient together."

The director pointed at Fang Xin and said

""Thank you, Director!"

Fang Xin said with joy. Not to mention how much better it would be to work under the Director than as a doctor before, just being able to contact patients and follow up on their conditions in the first place was enough to attract Fang Xin.

And all this was exactly what Fang Xin wanted. He came here not only to get a medical qualification certificate, but also to gain experience and pave the way for his future medical career.


Half an hour later,

"Tell the patient's family to sign the surgical agreement and prepare for the operation."

Looking at the test reports in his hand, the director frowned, then handed the test reports to Fang Xin and continued:

"Tell me, what did you find from these test reports?"

After flipping through the medical records and test reports one by one, Fang Xin's expression became more certain.

Sure enough, according to the data, the patient had acute appendicitis, which coincided with his previous reasoning.

"The patient's white blood cell count increases, even exceeding the extreme value, and a small amount of red and white blood cells may appear in the urine. This indicates that the patient's ureter or bladder is adhered."

"Ultrasound and laparoscopy also showed that the patient's appendix was severely inflamed, so it was confirmed to be appendicitis."

Listening to Fang Xin's analysis, the director recognized Fang Xin even more. He even felt that the complaints made by his colleagues before were all caused by his colleagues. This intern was obviously excellent.

"However, Director, please look at the results of this X-ray barium enema. It seems that in addition to the appendix……"

"I've checked it out. It's a normal pathological condition. You're a good candidate. When I perform the surgery, just watch from the side and learn from it."

"You must cherish this opportunity. You are the only intern who has this treatment in our hospital."

After that, the director interrupted Fang Xin and walked towards the operating room, motioning Fang Xin to follow him.

After looking at the report in his hand, Fang Xin chose to follow quickly, but he always felt that the content of this report was far less simple than appendicitis.

But Fang Xin did not hesitate. After all, even if there were any problems that were missed at this moment, they could be found during the operation.

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