After changing into surgical gowns, Fang Xin looked around the operating room and chose a position with a good view that would not interfere with the normal operation.

This time when he entered the operating room, Fang Xin was neither the chief surgeon nor the assistant. He was just an intern who came to observe.

"Prepare to anesthetize the patient!"


As the director gave the order, the anesthetic was slowly pushed into the patient's body.

Appendectomy surgery is different from other surgeries. The patient must be anesthetized, and it must be general anesthesia. This is also to prevent the patient from moving around due to pain, thus interfering with the normal operation.

"The anesthesia is pushed in, and the operation can be performed!"

As the patient's eyelids slowly closed, the director skillfully picked up the scalpel beside him and accurately cut an incision in the patient's body.

The whole action was smooth and there was no problem at all.

Looking at the director's actions, Fang Xin was full of admiration in his heart. If it weren't for the existence of such a heaven-defying system, he might never reach the director's level in his life. For doctors who perform surgery all year round, every cut and every suture is related to the life and safety of the patient, and there is no room for negligence or carelessness.

"Always pay attention to the patient's blood pressure, pulse and other physical parameters, and report any abnormalities immediately"

""Intern, come here. This is the inflamed appendix of the patient. It is different from the appendix of a normal person. Watch my movements carefully."

After giving Fang Xin a look, the director lowered his head and continued his operation.

After getting permission, Fang Xin hurried over.

Although Fang Xin had a very wide field of vision from where he was standing just now, he still couldn't observe the patient's internal condition. However, in order not to hinder the operation, Fang Xin couldn't go there rashly.

Now that the director gave Fang Xin this opportunity, how could he not seize it?

Moreover, close observation would allow Fang Xin to see the patient's condition more clearly, thereby verifying his previous guess.

"It is indeed appendicitis, but why does the patient's abdomen look like it is festering?"

Fang Xin was lost in thought for a moment, and during this time, the director also removed the patient's appendix.

"Give me the hemostatic forceps."

With the removal of the appendix, the operation was about to come to an end.

Seeing Fang Xin staring at the patient's body, the director thought that he was impressed by his superb medical skills, and then said:

"Young people should not aim too high. My technique cannot be learned in a day or two. Go back and digest today's operation carefully. Write me a review tomorrow so that I can see what you have learned."

At this moment, Fang Xin had no intention to pay attention to the director's words. Although Fang Xin had not performed many operations, every operation was a race with death, and every operation was bigger than this one.

He watched a small appendectomy operation and asked him to write a review?

However, Fang Xin did not agree to the director's request, not because he felt that the director was showing off to him, but because Fang Xin saw a clue.

That is, the operation was not completed yet!

In other words, only half of the operation was completed. If the other half was not completed and the wound was sutured directly, the patient's life would be in danger in a few days.

"Director, you can see that the patient's abdomen has obvious suppuration. I think that in addition to appendicitis, the patient also has an abdominal abscess. We should immediately drain the abscess."

"Lest the patient's condition continue to deteriorate, you also know that this abdominal abscess, if not treated, will also cause death!"

Pointing to the suppurated part of the patient's abdomen, Fang Xin said urgently.

He didn't know why the director didn't notice it, but if it was sutured now, it would inevitably leave an irreversible consequence in the future.

Now, while the effect of the anesthetic has not worn off, everything is still in time.

"Humph! Give you some sunshine and you will be brilliant!"

"Don't you know that appendicitis can also cause suppuration in the patient's abdomen? Now we have removed the patient's appendix. As long as the patient is properly nursed back to health after the operation, the abscess will disappear."

The director said unhappily. At this moment, Fang Xin was questioning his professional ability. He has been practicing medicine for so many years and has performed so many operations.

How could he not see this little problem?

"Director, please listen to me. I know what you are saying."

"But this is an abdominal abscess, you must drain it immediately, if you don't want to I can do it for you."

After saying that, Fang Xin was about to take the drainage tube beside him and start the drainage.

At this moment, in Fang Xin's eyes, time is life, and he didn't have much time to explain anything to the director.


"Who the hell are you to question my diagnosis?"

"You two, get him out of the operating room and don't let him interfere with the normal operation."

The next moment, two male assistants drove Fang Xin out of the operating room. If Fang Xin hadn't been worried that his resistance would affect the patient, he would have broken free from these people and drained the patient.

Fang Xin knew that his judgment would not be wrong, and the system would not be wrong either!


Fang Xin was furious and scolded harshly after being kicked out of the operating room.

The family members who were anxiously waiting in the operating room thought the operation was over after seeing the medical staff coming out, but who would have thought that Fang Xin would start cursing as soon as he left the room.

For a moment, they hurried forward to ask:

"Medical skills, what did you mean by quack doctor just now?"

"Could it be that my wife's surgery……"

Looking at the anxious family members of the patient, Fang Xin also realized his own loss of composure. After calming down, he slowly said:

"Sorry everyone, I just lost control"

"However, based on my experience, your wife's illness is not a simple appendicitis."

"In addition to appendicitis, she also suffered from abdominal abscess, but the surgeon only removed her appendix and did not drain the abscess."

"This completely left a huge hidden danger for the future. They didn't believe my inference and kicked me out."

After saying this, Fang Xin's face was full of disappointment.

He had experienced such a thing once.

I still remember the little girl at that time. It was also because of the arrogance of the attending doctor that she misdiagnosed her. If it weren't for his own will, the little girl might have died.

But now is different from before. He has been kicked out of the operating room and there is no way to stop the mistake of that shitty director.

He can only pray that the people inside will find out about this situation.

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