After a long time


A sudden brake sound was heard, and a black McLaren, stirring up a cloud of dust, stopped in front of the hospital entrance.

""Fang Xin, I'm going to vomit during the operation, you are responsible!"

After getting off the car, Wu Zekai staggered behind Fang Xin.

The previous drive almost cost Wu Zekai his life. Fang Xin's car kept weaving in and out of traffic, and Wu Zekai felt like he was going to crash into it several times.

""It's really troublesome for a grown man to ride in a sissy car!"

Fang Xin rolled his eyes at Wu Zekai behind him and walked quickly into the hospital.

For some reason, as soon as they stepped into the hospital, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai became rivals imperceptibly. It was hard to tell that they had just had dinner together last night.

At this moment, the hospital lobby was full of deliverymen in light yellow clothes.

Who ordered so many takeouts and disturbed the delivery nest? Fang Xin sighed as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Although deliverymen can be seen everywhere nowadays, it was the first time that Fang Xin had seen so many deliverymen in his life.

""Xiao Zhang, what's going on?"

Fang Xin asked curiously, pointing at the group of people in front of him.

He didn't know why so many delivery guys came to the hospital when he was only away for a day. Could it be that after the major operation, the dean ordered takeout for all the medical staff?

"Doctor Fang, Doctor Wu, you are finally here."

"Not long ago, a fire broke out in a residential area. Two delivery guys were delivering food there. After seeing the fire, they hurriedly called for help and then rushed into the fire to save people."

"When they were rescuing the last old man, the beam collapsed and hit the two of them. When the rescuers got them out, they were already unconscious and had extensive burns on their bodies."

""Where's that old man?"

Fang Xin asked hurriedly. He wanted to know how many people needed surgery as soon as possible.

"The moment the roof beam collapsed, he was pushed out by two delivery boys. He only suffered minor skin injuries. There were only two injured people in the whole fire."

"The patient has been pushed into the operating room. Doctor Fang, Doctor Wu, you two will each take charge of one case."

"The dean said, save the people at all costs!"

Listening to the nurse's description, Fang Xin was extremely shocked. The takeaway boy who rushed into the sea of fire to save people has now become the object of rescue.

Such a selfless feat, even without the dean's order, Fang Xin will do everything possible to save them.

""There is no time to lose, act now!"

After that, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai put on sterile clothes and went to the operating room.

This time they had a heavy burden on their shoulders. They were not only saving a life, but also saving the enthusiastic citizens who were doing good deeds. In today's society, everyone is indifferent to everything that does not concern them. There are not many people like the takeaway boy. What reason do Fang Xin and others have not to do their best to treat the patient?

"Doctor Fang!"

""I will introduce the patient's current condition."

After entering the operating room, Fang Xin once again took the position of chief surgeon. At this moment, he needed to know the patient's condition clearly in the shortest possible time.

"The patient suffered burns over a large area of his body, reaching 90%. He inhaled a large amount of smoke into his lungs, which led to hypoxia and coma, and his tailbone was broken."

Listening to the assistant's description and looking at the delivery boy who was burned to a state of no human form, Fang Xin couldn't help but shed tears.

If they hadn't chosen to rescue people in the first place, perhaps they would still be running around on the streets, but there would be more fire casualties.

In the end, they used their small personal sacrifices to exchange for the safety of most people. This is the true righteousness of the people.

""Give the injured a ventilator and adjust the oxygen saturation to the highest level!"

Fang Xin hurriedly ordered.

The injured person's lungs inhaled a lot of smoke. If they were not given oxygen, they would most likely die of brain death due to lack of oxygen. Even if they were rescued, they would only be a vegetable.

Fang Xin would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Push the sterile chamber over here."

Looking at the patient with extensive burns in front of him, Fang Xin spoke again.

Just as the assistant said, 90% of the patient's skin was burned. Without the protection of skin, the patient is likely to be infected by bacteria, so they must perform this operation in a sterile chamber.

Soon, the patient on the operating table was placed in a large transparent square box. Looking at the patient in front of him, Fang Xin fell into deep thought. For ordinary burn patients, surgery is often performed by cutting off the intact skin from other parts of the body and then patching it on the burned area.

But now, the patient's burns have reached an astonishing 90%. To put it bluntly, except for the top of his head, there is no place on his body that is good.

Although they can also peel off the scalp and then transplant it to other places, the skin on the patient's head is not enough to support the whole body.

It is for this reason that the operation has come to a standstill.

"Advanced coccyx restoration surgery!"

Fang Xin couldn't think of a suitable solution for a while, so he chose the less difficult coccyx restoration surgery.

Generally speaking, surgery is not required for a broken coccyx. As long as the body is properly conditioned and does not sit for a long time, the coccyx can heal automatically.

However, in the healing process, there is a high possibility of healing deformity. What Fang Xin is doing now is to avoid the deformity of coccyx healing.

Wearing sterile gloves, Fang Xin's fingers gently pinched the patient's coccyx, and then little by little���Move it slowly and eventually move the coccyx to the correct position

""Doctor Fang, what should we do with the skin grafting operation!" the assistant at the side asked anxiously. Indeed, the biggest difficulty of this operation was not the coccyx or the thick smoke in the lungs, but that Fang Xin had not been able to think of a solution for the skin grafting operation for a long time.

The moment he touched the patient's coccyx just now, Fang Xin felt the fragility of the patient's original skin. With just a little force, the patient's skin would fall off and stick together.

Not only that, now lying in the sterile cabin, the skin on the patient's back has already fallen off. If it were not in the sterile cabin, the patient at this moment might have been infected by germs.

After all, human skin is a natural barrier that plays a role in protecting the human body.

"In his case, there is no other solution except to use artificial skin!"

Fang Xin said.

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