In the past, patients with such extensive burns would have been almost impossible to save, after all, the medical equipment and level at that time were not as good as they are now.

"Artificial skin is possible, but for such a large area, it would cost a lot of money. I am afraid……"

As he was talking, the assistant beside him lowered his head.

Artificial skin was only developed in recent years, so its price was originally very expensive. In addition, the patient now needs a large amount of artificial skin, not to mention the cost of the operation.

The cost of artificial skin alone is conservatively estimated to be over a million.

Moreover, even if artificial skin is implanted, the hospital and Fang Xin cannot guarantee that the patient will survive 100%.

Although artificial skin is the latest technology, after being implanted into the human body, the patient's body will also have a process of rejection, which is a very common manifestation in medicine.

The rejection process is also the most difficult process. The doctor has no way to control the whole process. He can only rely on the patient's luck. If the rejection is successful, the patient can survive. If the rejection fails, with the current medical level, there is no way to perform secondary treatment.

Especially for the patient in front of him, he is going to implant 90% new skin, which means that the rejection process he is going to undergo is quite difficult.

To put it bluntly, it is very likely that the money is spent, but the patient is not saved, and this amount of money is not a small amount for any family.

"Don't you have medical insurance? Didn't Uncle Zhang use medical insurance to reimburse last time?"

Fang Xin asked hurriedly. If this patient could use medical insurance, it would indeed save a lot of money.

""Doctor Fang, artificial skin is the latest material. You forgot that many of the latest medicines cannot be covered by insurance."

The assistant at the side hurriedly reminded him.

Artificial skin, as they are talking about now, is not yet covered by insurance, so all expenses must be borne by the patient himself.

For a moment, Fang Xin was also entangled.

If the patient's family members had to sell their belongings to pay the fee of more than one million yuan, Fang Xin would not only fail to save a patient, but also destroy a family.

Even if the patient is rescued, the subsequent recuperation costs are also a considerable expense, which will also make the family fall into an endless abyss.

Unless the patient's family chooses to give up treatment, no matter what the result is, the patient's family's future life will become miserable.


Fang Xin stopped talking after saying just two words.

Fang Xin understood that the hospital was a place to save lives and treat illnesses, not a place to spread love. The hospital could not show leniency to every poor patient's family.

"I will go and communicate with the patient's family."

After that, Fang Xin took off his surgical cap and walked out of the operating room.

"Doctor, how is my friend?"

"Doctor, please save my husband. He is a good man.……"

The moment Fang Xin came out, a group of takeaway boys and a woman in her thirties surrounded Fang Xin.

Just as Fang Xin was about to speak, he suddenly saw Wu Zekai talking to a man in his seventies not far away, and the old woman next to the man had already burst into tears.

For a moment, Fang Xin didn't know how to speak when looking at this scene.

He could guess that Wu Zekai must have encountered the same situation as himself, otherwise he would not be able to complete this operation in such a short period of time.

"Are you the patient's loved one?"

"Doctor, this is me!"

Looking at the honest woman in front of them, Fang Xin finally spoke:

"Your husband's condition is very bad now. He has extensive burns all over his body. If we want to save him, we have to do skin grafting!"

"Skin grafting! We will do skin grafting!"

Before Fang Xin finished speaking, the woman hurriedly agreed. At this moment, in her heart, nothing was more important than curing her husband.

"Wait till I finish."

"For skin grafting, we need to use artificial skin, and the cost of conservative treatment is 1.5 million!"

When he said this, the woman who had agreed to it looked dazed and sat upright on the ground. The workers beside him were also silent.

1.5 million is an astronomical figure for a family like theirs.

Seeing this, Fang Xin said nothing more, but just stood there quietly, waiting for the other party's response.

"Doctor, after spending 1.5 million, will my husband be cured?"

After a few minutes, the woman who was sitting on the ground stood up slowly, and then stared at Fang Xin with tears in her eyes.

"I can't guarantee this, and no one can guarantee it to you"

"After the skin graft, the body rejects the disease. No hospital in the world can intervene with its technology. It all depends on your husband's luck."

"Moreover, in addition to the surgery, plus some subsequent treatment costs, at least two million!"

While Fang Xin was speaking, the patient in Wu Zekai's operating room was slowly pushed out. After seeing Fang Xin's eyes, Wu Zekai shook his head.

Faced with the expensive medical expenses, the old couple chose to give up treatment.

At the same time, the woman in front of Fang Xin was once again entangled. She had no choice between the two million medical expenses and her husband's life.

On the one hand, there was her family's future life, and on the other hand, there was her beloved husband. She didn't want to give up either of them, but in the current situation, she had to choose one of the two.

"Doctor Fang, do you have any suggestions?

The woman looked at Fang Xin with holes in her eyes. This decision was too difficult for her.


"From a professional perspective, I suggest you give up. Your husband's rejection success rate is only 10% at most, and even if the rejection is successful, he will not be able to live a normal life."At this moment, Fang Xin also chose to give up.

It's not that he didn't want to treat the patient in front of him. If the other party's family was as prominent as Boss Han, Fang Xin would certainly not let the family give up.

But the woman in front of him, to put it bluntly, was from an ordinary family. Such a price would very likely ruin their family's future life.

""Doctor Fang, I listen to you!"

After getting the decision from the patient's family, Fang Xin walked into the operating room, and then the patient was slowly pushed out. Seeing the collapsed look on the patient's family's face, Fang Xin couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes anymore, and they quietly slid down his cheeks.

No doctor is willing to give up his patients, and Fang Xin is no exception.

"I'm sorry, I can't save you!"

Fang Xin bowed deeply to the patient and his family.

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