In the office, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai stood in front of Professor Ding like eggplants hit by frost.

Professor Ding sighed, knowing that they were upset.

But as a doctor, they will have to face many similar things in the future. Not all patients in this world can be cured.

"Cheer up, you two did a great job today."

"Professor Ding, please stop comforting us. The patient was not saved. This is our dereliction of duty as doctors.

Wu Zekai said with his head down. In Wu Zekai's eyes, what happened today was a shame for his entire medical career.

"Bullshit! As doctors, we not only save lives but also their families."

"If you don't tell the patient's family the real situation today, and the family spends everything to treat the patient, have you ever thought about how they will live in the future?"

"You may seem to have given up on one person today, but you saved their family. You two can sue me, which one is more important."

Listening to Professor Ding's words, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai both fell into deep thought. They certainly knew what Professor Ding meant, but they still couldn't accept it at the moment.

"Professor Ding, I just feel bad. Why don't good people get good rewards?

Fang Xin raised his head and said with tears in his eyes.

He was taught since he was a child that good people must get good rewards, but what he has seen in his twenty years of life is not like this at all. In real life, those who are either rich or noble are all cruel and ruthless.

Most of those good and kind people live ordinary lives. Fang Xin doesn't understand where this good reward is and why he has never seen it.

"Xiao Fang, many things cannot be generalized. You will understand when you reach my age."

"You two still have a long way to go, and you will encounter many more problems like this. I hope you know that all diseases in this world can be cured eventually, but poverty is the only disease that we doctors are powerless to treat."

"Adjust your mindset, there are still many patients who need you two."

Fang Xin also agreed with Professor Ding's words. As doctors, they can give a reasonable treatment plan for all diseases.

Even the dreaded cancer can be treated with drugs and chemotherapy, but as doctors, they really don't have any way to treat this disease.

It is precisely because of poverty that many patients eventually missed the best treatment time and paid with their precious lives.


After half an hour of calming down, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai returned to their respective offices and continued to diagnose the patients who came.

"System, is there any way to allow all those who have money to see a doctor to prevent what happened just now from happening again?" In his spare time, Fang Xin asked the system in his body.

After all, in Fang Xin's eyes, the system is beyond all existence in this world. If the system can't solve it, Fang Xin will no longer bother about it.

"Impossible, at least not within a few hundred years."

"Humans are a species that have an absolute bad nature from the moment they are born. This is something that is deeply rooted in our bones and genes."

"The situation you just described requires everyone in the world to be highly aware. You are uncomfortable without rest now, but when you become uncomfortable without work, and everyone thinks about giving, then it will be done."

"Tell me, when will such a society come true?"

After hearing what the system said, Fang Xin shook his head helplessly. He believed that the society the system talked about would definitely come true, but he also understood that it was absolutely impossible to achieve it in a short time.


"Next one!"

Sitting on the chair, Fang Xin stretched his muscles and said to the patients queuing outside the door.

"Doctor, please help me see what's wrong with this child. There are so many red spots on his body."

After rolling up the sleeves of the child's arms, dense red spots appeared in front of Fang Xin. These red spots were randomly distributed and there was no clue, but they were all under the skin.

After gently pressing and finding that the child did not resist, Fang Xin continued to ask:

"How long has this been happening?"

"Just a few days ago, I suddenly discovered it after giving my child a bath. At first we thought it was a skin disease, so we applied some medicine to him, but it didn't work at all."

"This thing doesn't hurt or itch, so the child has been normal all along, and we discovered it relatively late."

The parent next to him was holding the child, his eyes full of confusion.

Looking at the young parents in front of him, Fang Xin shook his head and then said:

"You, children are different from us adults. They have poor immunity. They can't eat fast food or takeout. Don't cook on weekdays."

"No, neither of us can cook, we usually just order takeout."

As they talked, the couple on the side lowered their heads.

Since they got married, except for eating at her parents' house, they ordered takeout the rest of the time and never cooked for a while, so naturally the children also ate takeout.

In their opinion, takeout is not only delicious, but also very convenient to clean up, without having to buy vegetables or wash dishes.

Nowadays, many people can't cook, and they rely on takeout for three meals a day, which makes many young people's health worse than before.

This is also a major problem facing today's society.

"You should learn how to cook in the future, otherwise there will be problems between your children and you sooner or later."

"Your children are sick because of eating these junk foods."

"It's purpura, not a serious illness. Just go out and apply for hospitalization. You can be discharged in a week. But if you still eat takeout, we will meet again."

After issuing the discharge form, Fang Xin said.

Fang Xin didn't understand why people are increasingly not taking care of their bodies, not paying attention to their eating habits, and randomly ruining themselves.

"Doctor Fang, please look at me."

"Diabetes, brother, you are only 18 years old, younger than me!"

Looking at the next patient who came for treatment, Fang Xin was not calm at all.


At the same time, at the registration desk, a beautifully dressed woman stood in front of the consultation window, and next to her stood a thin girl. The little girl lowered her head from beginning to end, standing there blankly, without saying a word.

""Look at you, you are in so much trouble. Why did you get sick for no reason? I will teach you a lesson when I get home!"

The beautiful woman said impatiently, glancing at the girl next to her.

At this moment, the little girl's whole body began to tremble.

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