"You and Wu Zekai watched the entire operation of Fang Xin."

"I believe you also understand what this operation means to our hospital, so if you have any new ideas during the operation, you must tell me as soon as possible."

After the meeting, Professor Ding specifically left Fang Xin and Wu Zekai to give instructions.

This time, Professor Ding planned to perform the operation himself. Xiaoyu's case was the first case encountered by their city hospital since its establishment, and it was also the first case in the country.

Therefore, both in terms of medical value and social attention, this operation cannot tolerate any negligence, which is why Professor Ding planned to perform the operation himself.

"Professor Ding, don't worry!"

Looking at the two people in front of him, Professor Ding nodded with satisfaction and walked into the direction of the operating room. Now Professor Ding is very confident about them.

Inside the operating room.

Looking at Xiaoyu lying on the bed, Professor Ding showed a kind smile, took a look at the various physical parameters, and said to the anesthesiologist beside him:

"Start the operation!"

"Inject anesthetic!"

Under the effect of the anesthetic, Xiaoyu's consciousness began to blur, and then she fell asleep.


After seeing Xiaoyu lying unconscious on the operating table, Professor Ding took the scalpel from his assistant and cut an incision towards Xiaoyu's stomach.

During the previous discussion, they came up with a surgical plan, which was to remove the entire stomach including the cancerous lesions and the possible infiltration of the stomach wall. This was also the safest treatment method. The operation in front of them sounded very complicated, but it was actually very simple to operate. It only required the removal of the diseased part.

The reason why Professor Ding was so nervous before the operation was that partial removal of the stomach was generally used on overweight patients, which was not good for the eyes.

This was the first time for Xiaoyu, who was still growing up, to have the surgery.

After part of the stomach was removed, the patient's appetite was greatly reduced.

Professor Ding was also worried that after the surgery at such an age, Xiaoyu would suffer from malnutrition in the later years, which would lead to slow physical development or even cessation of development.

However, there is no better way except to remove the pathological part of the stomach.

As time passed, Xiaoyu's parents were waiting anxiously outside the operating room. Although they were a reconstituted family, they only had Xiaoyu as their child.

If something really happened to Xiaoyu, they didn't know what to do next.

"Fang Xin, don’t you think there’s something wrong with Professor Ding’s approach?"

"I also feel awkward, but I can't tell what's wrong. It's just a removal of a pathological part of the stomach. Professor Ding won't have any problem.

Fang Xin quickly replied. At this moment, he and Wu Zekai had the same feeling, but Fang Xin still had great faith in Professor Ding.


"Professor Ding, we seem to have to completely remove Xiaoyu's stomach. He has already shown signs of spreading."

Pointing to the black blood vessels in the remaining stomach, the assistant said seriously.

At first, they thought Xiaoyu's disease was still in the early stages and the spread of cancer would not be serious, but now it seems that the cancer has completely exceeded their expectations and has begun to spread.

Moreover, it has spread to the entire stomach. If the remaining stomach is not removed, the cancer cells will soon spread throughout the body.

"Impossible, cancer cells can't spread so fast!"

Looking at Xiaoyu's lungs, Professor Ding said in disbelief. He has been practicing medicine for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation. Moreover, in all the cases of cancer cells, there is absolutely no case that can spread so fast as today.

"What should we do, Professor Ding?"

At this moment, all the doctors present were lost in thought. Xiaoyu's current condition had completely exceeded their expectations.

"The surgery cannot be continued. Xiaoyu's stomach has been removed for most of the time. If the entire stomach is removed, her future growth and development will certainly be affected."

"The cancer cells have just spread. We have removed the serious parts. As long as we actively carry out chemotherapy, Xiaoyu will definitely recover."

"Suturing work!"

Listening to Professor Ding's analysis, all the doctors present nodded. Moreover, in the eyes of these people, Professor Ding is the best explanation of the word authority. Since Professor Ding said there is no problem, then there must be no problem.

"Fang Xin, is this really okay?"

Faced with Wu Zekai's question, Fang Xin fell into deep thought. Fang Xin felt that Professor Ding's approach was very inappropriate. Leaving the remaining diseased stomach in the body would pose a great risk. However, if all of it was removed, Fang Xin had no better way to deal with it.

"Listen to Professor Ding. You and I don't have a better solution, right?

Fang Xin looked at Wu Zekai and spread his hands. Sometimes, surgery is often the best solution, and it can't really cure the patient's problem.

"Let's go, tell the patient's family the good news. Are you still worried that something might go wrong when Professor Ding is suturing the wound?

Fang Xin teased.

The operation was already coming to an end, so there was no reason for Fang Xin and the others to continue watching. Any assistant could do the wound suturing independently, not to mention a big shot like Professor Ding.

"You two don't have to worry. Xiaoyu's operation was very successful."

"However, she still needs to undergo chemotherapy in the hospital for a few weeks, and then she can be discharged in good health.

Fang Xin said with a smile as she came to Xiaoyu's parents.

""Doctor Fang, Professor Ding hasn't come out yet, how do you know the operation is complete?"

Xiaoyu's father pointed to the operating room which was still lit, and looked at Fang Xin with a puzzled look.

Although he didn't come to the hospital often, he was very familiar with the basic procedures of the operation. Now Fang Xin's words were obviously illogical.

"Don't worry, although we didn't enter the operating room, we can see the real-time images in the operating room through the monitoring in the conference room. The wound is now being sutured."

"You two will be able to see Xiaoyu in a while."

Fang Xin said with a smile.

After learning that their daughter was safe, Xiaoyu's parents were about to thank Fang Xin when they saw a medical staff member rushing out of the operating room and shouting:

"If you are Xiaoyu’s family member, please sign the critical illness notice immediately, your child may die!"

""What! Say it again!"

Fang Xin rushed to the assistant, his eyes full of shock.

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