Everything was going well just now, why did they suddenly ask for a critical illness notice? This was not reasonable. Could it be that Professor Fang and so many medical staff could not even complete the ordinary suturing work? Fang Xin did not believe it. There must be a new situation at the moment, but Fang Xin did not understand why Xiaoyu's condition could be so bad in such a short time.

"Doctor, what do you mean? Didn't Dr. Fang just say that my daughter's surgery was successful? How come she is in critical condition now?"

"Yes, doctor, you made a mistake."

After running to the assistant's side, the couple asked anxiously.

For a moment, they didn't know who to believe. The doctor in the same hospital gave them two completely different results. What should they do?

"It was like this. The operation was successful and we had already started suturing. But who knew that during the suturing, Professor Ding suddenly discovered that your daughter was not in the early stage of gastric cancer, but in the late stage."

"���Because the child's stomach is still developing, it gave us the illusion that it was early-stage gastric cancer. Professor Ding is now trying his best to save him."

"But the hope is not great, so you need to sign the agreement immediately."

Listening to the assistant's words, Xiaoyu's parents squatted on the ground. In these few minutes, their mood was like a roller coaster.

They saw hope in the previous second, but the next second gave them a heavy blow.

"Advanced gastric cancer?"

"It's impossible. We have all seen her films. It was clearly in the early stage, how come it suddenly became late stage?"

At the same time, Fang Xin said to herself, if one person's misdiagnosis is accidental, then what if all medical staff made a wrong diagnosis?

"Doctor, you must save my child!"

After signing his name on the agreement, Xiaoyu's father could no longer bear the burden and sat down on the corridor.

Cancer is an incurable disease, especially for patients with advanced cancer. So far, there has been no successful case. They understand that this critical illness notice also sentenced Xiaoyu to a few days. At this moment in the operating room, Professor Ding is making a final effort. Due to his wrong diagnosis, Xiaoyu received the wrong treatment. Now the cancer cells are not only not suppressed, but have spread exponentially.

"Professor Ding?"

Seeing that things were developing in an uncontrollable direction, the assistants beside them didn't know what to do. At the moment, this situation was completely a medical accident. If the operation was not handled properly, everyone present would be at risk of losing their jobs.

"Sew up the wound, now we are powerless"

"As for the family, I will go and talk to them in person."

Take off the surgical cap, Professor Ding looked at Xiaoyu lying on the operating table helplessly. Perhaps if he observed more carefully, he could find out that Xiaoyu was in the late stage of cancer.

Then Xiaoyu could go home and let her parents accompany her throughout her last moments.

But now, because of her own mistakes, Xiaoyu's cancer cells have spread more rapidly, shortening her life by nearly half.

Ten minutes later, Professor Ding dragged his tired body and slowly walked out of the operating room. Because Xiaoyu's anesthesia time had not yet passed, she could not leave the operating room for the time being. After seeing Professor Ding come out, everyone, including Xiaoyu's parents, gathered around. They were eager to know Xiaoyu's current situation.

"I'm sorry to both of you, and even more sorry to Xiaoyu"

"I mistakenly thought Xiaoyu was in the early stages of gastric cancer, so I rushed into surgery. But when the surgery was almost over, I discovered that she was in the advanced stages."

"Due to a wrong diagnosis, the surgery stimulated the spread of cancer cells, and now Xiaoyu's time is running out."

"I am willing to bear all the consequences."

After that, Professor Ding bowed to Xiaoyu's parents, lowered his head and was reluctant to get up.

Seeing Xiaoyu's parents crying, Fang Xin was shocked. If it was about the misdiagnosis, he was also one of the participants.

In other words, he was also inseparable from the current situation.

"What’s the point of you bearing the consequences? Can it make Xiaoyu recover?"

"What kind of doctor are you? Give my daughter back her life!"

After learning that their daughter didn't have much time left, Xiaoyu's parents vented all their grievances and anger on Professor Ding. For a while, Professor Ding was beaten and retreated.

"Please calm down, we don't want this to happen!"

After seeing the two of them fighting, Fang Xin quickly stood in front of Professor Ding.

"Calm down! If your daughter was killed by a quack doctor, would you be able to stay calm?"

"Who do you call a quack?"

"Fang Xin, Wu Zekai, you two go away and let them fight. It's my fault that I killed this child."

As he spoke, Professor Ding's eyes gradually became moist.

At this moment, he couldn't forgive himself, let alone hope that Xiaoyu's parents could forgive him. If he could be more careful, nothing would happen now.

Looking at Xiaoyu's desperate parents and Professor Ding who was blaming himself, Fang Xin suddenly thought of the first aid kit he had obtained not long ago.

According to the description of the first aid kit, he could use it to save Xiaoyu's life.

Although the first aid kit is very precious, it is totally worth it to save Xiaoyu's life.

"If you two trust me, you can let me try. I promise I can save your daughter."

Thinking of this, Fang Xin hurriedly said to Xiaoyu's parents.

However, Fang Xin still overestimated himself. Their hospital had just misdiagnosed the child, which meant that a teenager didn't have much time left.���He proposed surgery again, isn't that just like Wang Po's self-promotion?

Who would believe him?

"Get out of here! You guys have done such a bad job on my child. How can I trust you?"

"I tell you, if Xiaoyu makes any mistakes, I will make sure you guys are responsible for it!"

Xiaoyu's father said angrily.

""Fang Xin, this matter has nothing to do with you from beginning to end, don't do anything reckless!"

Professor Ding scolded. With his many years of medical experience, how could he not know that there is no cure after cancer spreads.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Fang Xin didn't care too much and ran straight into the operating room. Before everyone could react, he directly closed the door of the operating room.

"What are you doing!"

"Fang Xin!"

For a moment, everyone was panicked.

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